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Posts posted by Sebqt

  1. I agree entirely with GatsuFox.

    I now use Eng above Normal Inf for even normal shooting, as the pistol at least I know if I shoot X it will actually go to X. There is no fun in the spread when there are so many variables already. The game would be a thousand times more fun and I'd be inclined to play a lot more if I was rewarded for being able to keep my aim on the crazy moving targets. I don't even try to shoot people from 'afar' (funny how I used to rate 'far' as further than I did now, but anything other than just-outside-melee is too far) with the normal inf weapon it's really pointless.

    Remove recoil and spread for 1 week as a trial and ask for feedback. If people aren't happier then I'll bite my fingers off.

  2. I will make the suggestion that we go back to the oldschool Renegade match-end whereby the whole screen is taken up by the match details. I find the overlay so hard to see with the match in the background. Give people are proper chance to see who had an awesome KD, who had the most points etc etc the match is over we don't need to pan to a random. Also we should totally have a vote for random in the End Match window. 1) Random 2) Mesa 3..6) Walls

  3. right now looking at the server page there is one server with 20 people in it, and several hundred empty ones. Now unless I'm missing something glaringly obvious (there is another server list somewhere?) why would I want to sit in an empty server waiting for someone to show up?

    What if I told you every server starts that way

  4. The most fun I've had in Renegade-X was last night on field 1 v 2 and winning. I think I'd like 4 x 4 matches.

    I agree that 20 v 20 is just a clusterfuck usually, even the most skilled players get thwarted by volumne of bads/bad timing. Although of course rushes do happen, and coordination does happen to.

  5. Attached. Extract to UDKGame\CookedPC and start your server with


    Works 80% of the time. Not sure why sometimes you dont get out behind the camera..and sometimes you get out 100 feet in the air (but don't die...). Open to ideas. I'll run this on the St0rm servers this weekend if you want to try it out :)http://www.st0rm.net/

    class ExitBehindMutator extends Mutator;
    function bool CanLeaveVehicle(Vehicle V, Pawn P)
    local rotator CameraRotation;
    local vector CameraPosition, ExitLocation;
    if (V != None && P != None && PlayerController(V.Controller) != None)
    	ExitLocation = v.ExitOffset;
    	ExitLocation.x -= (p.GetCollisionRadius() + v.GetCollisionRadius());
    	PlayerController(V.Controller).GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraPosition, CameraRotation);
    	CameraRotation.Pitch = 0;
    	CameraRotation.Roll = 0;
    	V.ExitPositions.Insert(0, 1);
    	ExitLocation = ExitLocation >> (CameraRotation - V.Rotation);
    	V.ExitPositions[0] = ExitLocation;	
    return super.CanLeaveVehicle(V, P);

    Great work

  6. I believe it currently exits you at whatever point your turret is facing when you press the action ("E") command. So you could just quickly turn in that direction before exiting for a rush.

    Now that I like even more

  7. Hey Volcom, could you tell us a bit about the intention/background of the server/community for those of us that don't know? Do you plan on modding the servers you host? Or maybe a mix of vanilla/modded to provide something for everyone?

    I like that you mention putting up EU servers as that's something I could get behind and if I were to apply would probably lean toward. I notice you have various clan forum's does this mean there will be no RenCorner competitive team? Or is H2O (as an example) a part of RenCorner?

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