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Everything posted by XD_ERROR_XD

  1. http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?3262-Do-people-still-play-this-mod-Are-there-servers-online not sure if the servers are back online though...
  2. 3 websites featuring RenX on the same time, and one of them is gamespy! that's what i call publicity
  3. Guys, really, you don't need to complain about the AI so much.I know the team would love to have an advanced AI, but they would have to hire people for that, and that, as you know, doesn't come free. I'll try to post a quote if I find it. Because I know they said the same elsewhere.
  4. HAH, i just love your attitude haven't played the game yet, but i will today. see ya!
  5. someone should make this a sticky for a few days. ^.^
  6. yeah really, the forums lagged terribly yesterday. i only managed to get in the main page, then it stalled forever...
  7. ah, i should remember that one. thank you
  8. that wouldn't change anything really. the total files size wil stay the same and it ocsts more effort to make something like that...
  9. y no sax roll... :'( P.S. we already got 1/3 of the max people on this forum
  10. This day will be a small step for the Totem Arts team, but a great leap for the RenX fanbase.RAWW POWER OF RENEGADE X - WE COMMING FOR U - BE FEARFUL GDI STRONG, NOD WE WAR YOU!!!
  11. damnit, just when you gave me hope, it was obliterated by an alligator eating a letter.
  12. accesibility is no problem, as it only takes 5-10 minutes to register. besides, this game already is more accesible then most games. it's online downloadable, it's smaller then most modern games, it's free, and has multiple mirrors. but hey, that is an opinion off course. and a few facts.
  13. quick suggestion: maybe let people require to register to the forums if they want to download renX black dawn? we already got 30 more people registed in the last few days... it could make the forums nice and active
  14. i expected a video, but hey, nobody's perfect ^^ try counting how many questions cirex asked and then count what was the total amount of questions asked...
  15. http://www.joystiq.com/2012/01/27/candc-renegade-remake-renegade-x-black-dawn-deploys-tomorrow/ this should work.
  16. i will get an account after i get my new laptop.
  17. Command and Conquer: Havoc's daydream.
  18. i thought fobby said that there already would be harvesters in the MP release, though i am not sure about the recon bike. and maybe the rockets on the humvee can be an sort of attachment?
  19. OMG you kept the spade on the MLRS!!! i never noticed!!! 9:27 here ^^
  20. lol, we already recorded our voices, but i can't really track his progress... i know he is nearly ready but i don't know is he really was working on it these days... we were making 2 unedited samples and 2 edited ones, we also will send the link of the original (sound)track. but yes, we're still interested.
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