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About TankClash

  • Birthday 02/25/1985

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  1. New version with some changes, fixes https://ren-x.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8775&key=0f7931371e276f4b3ce9dcf3e4051b43 Check first post for changes and screenshots
  2. Howdy, been a little bit... anywhoo, here's an updated version with some minor fixes.. Kilauea.7z Though I did just notice 1 thing I need to fix, Will remove that later
  3. New updated version moved some of the lava volumes causing damage to large vehicles when near them (hopefully) if not let me know where they're at via screenshots added and moved random stuff, re did terrain textures a bit.
  4. Another version removed stretched rocks added more infantry paths adjusted the size of the track decals move around a few things
  5. Here's the new update, let me know what you think.
  6. TankClash


  7. Will be adding some extra paths to Nod and GDI Tiberium fields as they felt a little too protected
  8. Updated, new computer, it's been awhile... There's some changes, but not many(in this version which is meant to test some random stuff I changed) this is not the finished product and am open to constructive criticism. PSA: Following screenshots ARE NOT the current version but the next one + whatever changes added added an new extra area to the GDI tiberium field approach useful for flanking Moved the Guard tower closer to GDI TIB field for defense sorry for ugly unlit screenshots but light builds take 3.5 hours
  9. Hey man, I know that you don't even know me or anything, I know life can take over at times, I...we appreciate the time you took in this project, I wish you the best. We appreciate the effort and time you put into this for everybody, you have no idea how many people appreciate you. Just don't forget Renegade wish you the best.
  10. Correct me if I am wrong but this is a feature that can be enabled on a server, so your problem isn't with the feature itself, but rather the server you play on, honestly IMO disabling kick vote on a server with active players that moderate should be a thing, but obviously that is something left up to the server that has has that feature enabled...
  11. More playtesting can yield a flying version of the map will be completely revamped as long as there is enough interest I have been working on a finalized version that doesn't look so crummy, feed back is required
  12. I'm uploading the latest version will some improvements Fixed floating trees and bushes, adjusted culling, rock textures, slightly improved AI pathing (I can't seem to do anything about AI Nod buggies, they refuse to leave base. unless I did something wrong ) Added the mini map, some cover was moved around
  13. Here's the latest version. I was able to add the minimap provided by Madkill40 - thanks & to Luhrian for showing me how to. Once some playtesting and feedback happens I can make any changes needed and will also include the minimap Also found a few floating tree's should take care of them in the next update Removed shadows from power plant fans causing them to cast strange shadows outside of the building
  14. Updated Luhrian showed how to add the map so that'll be on for the next version
  15. I've added some fog volumes near the outer edges of the ocean it helps a bit. Added some cover for Nod, I did leave 'some areas' that can be hit from afar all be it a bit harder than before now as that seems to be a norm with most maps it's kind of unavoidable but should be pretty easy to counter. also fixed some of the stones and shores of the lava river. I'll have an update available once the light build is completed.
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