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Everything posted by -Xv-

  1. This exists in ren as a server side mod
  2. These little additions would introduce rather new concepts to the game, and significantly alter game-play. Mmore damage but less round / clip? who wouldn't choose that? Basic soldiers gaining indirect fire and building damage capabilities along with being able to counter inf easily? no ty. It's a nice idea and all, if you can find someone to add this in as a mutator, sure thing, but it should not be included with Ren-X itself. On a side note: the pistol is actually a very good weapon. Used in tunnels it is more effective then the Nod Rifle having twice the damage / shot. Flamethrower/Grenadiers should also be using the pistol on enemy soldiers then use the main weapon on buildings. It takes 4(!) headshots to kill a basic soldier, 5 for your cheap classes, 6 for medium classes and 7 for heavy classes.. not bad for a gun with infinite ammo, and a rather good fire rate, and decent range too might I add. I say, learn to aim with it. I've beaten 2-3 soldiers in a row with an engineer because of this countless times. The pistol does the same damage as the laser rifle, flechette and even the volt rifle / shot ;-) (10). Only difference is the rate of fire. I'm also pretty sure the pistol and the volt rifle has about the same range.
  3. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 4 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AC Actually, it takes around 30 seconds for heavy hitting vehicles to kill a full structure on their own, if there are no repairs. The best at this is the Mammoth Tank with just under 30 seconds (28 iirc, the arty takes around 34-36 seconds). So if you hit a building for a false alarm, then start hitting a building on the opposite side of the base, its possible to kill it or be very close to destroying it before they get the 2nd EVA warning. There is a heavy debate going on, on the Renegade forums about exactly this, as there is a hud that has this feature, but most of the Renegade community is against it and consider it a cheat (not released for the public). There are quite a few nice suggestions, that would make an acceptable compromise for both sides. One, that I particularly liked, is having 2 types of HUDs, offensive and defensive, and it would take a few seconds to switch between the 2. The defensive would not have radar, but would show the Building Health + mine counter + some other info, while the offensive HUD would just have what Ren originally had. Or maybe code it (if possible) so only techs/engineers can see the building health and mine counter, or be able to use the defensive HUD. All in all you can have a little trial and error fun with this.
  4. Very nice guys. At first glance at the last pic there on field, I almost thought it is Ren with some new fancy hud. You guys successfully recreated Ren(on the looks), but with all the extras that the UT engine gives. If you guys successfully recreate the game-play, this will probably be one of the most played mods for any game. Look at Ren, its still being played after almost 7 years (Ren gonna be 7 years old in 24 days ;P). If you accomplish even half of that (and I'm sure you will), you already know all this hard work was worth it . Keep up the great work.
  5. You could try sticking em in their mouth or up their nose and try saying that again but, of course, rep guns hurting enemies would be really dumb
  6. QUOTE (BLuel4bel @ Jan 23 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ditto.
  7. I was just talking with someone about how tactics from Ren, will work in UT3. A particular one caught my attention.. wall hopping? Ie.: you needed 2 players to wall hop the GDI ref wall on Field, to get an eng/tech in for instance. Or once the AGT was down on hourglass, you could get an SBH in at the corner, etc. Are you going to scale the walls for this, and (although I never tried it, haven't played much UT3) does wall hopping even work in UT3? Also, the double jump feature of UT3.. Can you disable that? I don't think it would fit into the Ren world. Or the double jump allows wall hopping? (or since you can jump sideways from walls) Then that would kill the whole purpose of needing teamwork to pull off advanced tactics. Just speculations .
  8. , i'll be there if i can
  9. QUOTE (GummiBear @ Jun 23 2008, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> O don't get too nit picky. I didn't mean that the background is the one moving.. that's just the way the game makes it be. If you don't have free aim on, you don't have a still background with a moving target, like it actually is (as the surfaces don't actually move) but that's just not what you see with the way the game is made. ( I can't really explain, my English isn't that good >_<) And don't tell me you move your whole head completely every time you move your hands in a direction.
  10. Actually what he is talking about is just the camera binding to the turret on vehicles... but its essentially the same thing on foot. I believe it is just better to aim at something while having a still background, instead of the view AND the target moving/shaking all over. Besides, it is more realistic, you don't shake your head all over the place just because you are moving/aiming in a different direction
  11. wow... Been playing this game for so long and I have NOT heard of the alt fire of Ftanks Thank you
  12. QUOTE (NEFirestorm @ Jun 15 2008, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually there are a LOT more people who use free aim, and are better at it then stone kirby, and its not just for sniping. It is also extremely useful for MG type weapons (chaingun, LCG, patch/mobius, etc..), shotguns rave/PIC, pretty much every weapon in AOW games. Once you master free-aim, there is no comparison to game play without it, and you wonder, how on earth did you play without it before. Anyways, if it is possible, and not too much of a hassle to code it, could you guys make an appearance of it?
  13. The way I see it, and I think most good renegade players would agree with me here, Free aim is very useful and I'm disappointed no other games use it. But its your decision. And I thought I just need a valid copy of UT3.. and this will be standalone sort of like C&C Reborn or APB. But I guess its all the same. Anyways, thanks for the reply and Very nice work so far.
  14. Been playing renegade for years, Just recently found out about Ren X, and I must say I'm really excited, as Ren is still very unique and didn't get the attention it deserves. More games should be like it. Few questions; I see you are implementing 3rd person view, will you be making the infamous "Free-Aim" available? Are you implementing the crates? If yes will it be the same old "crap" box as came with ren, or the newer crates that many servers are using now? There are also a lot of new features implemented by server side mods on Renegade nowadays such as veterancy levels, Vehicle shells which can be restored, Ammopacks/backpacks that players drop when they are killed etc... Are you guys considering of implementing any of it? Thanks in advance and REALLY looking forward to this standalone game
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