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Everything posted by DaMeZ

  1. Mad way to play renegade x on the go VID_20221116_152621_494.mp4
  2. Hi bought the AOKZOE A1 still waiting in delivery. Was wondering will I be able to play renegade x on it without keyboard and mouse? The specs are
  3. Cant wait guys wont be able to sleep )) thanks heaps for the great work guys...
  4. This will be awsome i just bought UT3 only for this mod im a big renegade fan i also got my two friends to get it to i hope i can be there been waiting for ages to play. got my mates babys 1st bday at 12pm how long will you guys be playing for?
  5. hii all sorry if im doin this worng but didnt know where to start. 1st renegade x is the best mod i have ever seen ive been a big fan of renegade and still am i play on da orignal just 2 weeks ago i found this mod you guys r legends for this i went out and bought unreal 3 but im a bit dissapointed because no1 is ever playing this mod im still waiting for players
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