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About indios85

  • Birthday 12/05/1985

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  1. *deleted post* he just went on "but the vehicles....". guess what: we know! And multiple dev awnsers about it are in this thread. If you have nothing additional and constructive to say then dont post, else your just wasting our time. We are not here to repeast ourselfs over and over and so far this thread was constructive and worthy of our time. I prefer it to stay like that. Yes this forum is moderated and I have a limit of tolerance. Sincerly rypel
  2. thanks dev team for all the hard work, it is indeed nice update, game stop crashing which is huge improvement over the last beta, however there are still 2 major issues (at least in my case) that i would like to bring to light, 1 been the vehicle explosion freeze (on all maps but game breaking on walls) and 2 the overall vehicle imput delay which makes very hard to drive anything otter than a mammoth tank.
  3. bigger size fonts are needed for low resolution settings, i play on the lowest resolution to get good fps but cant read any text on the screen as it displays all blurry.
  4. no, your not the only one, but the wole PTs desing is bad imo, alpha PTs where way better, dont know why the dev change it.
  5. yea but not apc though
  6. sorry my english sucks, i will put it this way, i am fine with the tank reversing feature been cheked by default, what i would like is that apc and bugys had the same driving controls as tanks wile this tank reversing feature is cheked.
  7. i had problems driving back nod apc as it seem it has diferent controls that most tanks, would be nice that all the vehicles have same controls to avoid confusion.
  8. so far i have only nitice it wile playing with the nod artillery, the thing is that sometimes the shot animation (barrel recoil) hapens but there is no bullet/projectile been shot, it hapens a lot but more when you keep presed the mouse button. also a couple of suggestions about the arty that right now is no match for an mrls at long range, for example make the reticle less sight blocking as it is kind of dificult sometimes to aim with so many lines in it blocking the sape of the target, anotter thing is the darkness of maps like field wich i know it is part of the game`s atmosphere but it is causing a negative inpact on gameplay, i mean you can hardly track your enemy movement on the field and it is even more hard to lay shots on them thing that doesnt bother me so much wile been GDI since with mrls you dont relly need to see your target because of the look on ability.
  9. same, vehicle explosions and then feeze for several seconds
  10. jelly Marathon
  11. i like that idea ... maybe an explosion in the sky
  12. it has a lot of bugs, inbalance, missed things and not properly implemented stuf even though it is still so fucking awsome lol, great job you have done with this totem arts ppl, looking foward to the evolution of this beta state in to a more complete, balanced and stable build.
  13. i like that idea ... maybe an explosion in the sky i second that.
  14. Jump when falling. shit i am dumb ass lol, thanks.
  15. what would look more ridiculous than a laser bean that repair all? i mean came on.. also this. the way it works now takes away the feeling this gentleman describes, and for what? for aesthetic matters? it doesnt worth it imo.
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