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About maty

  • Birthday 02/29/1988

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    Cambridge, UK

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  1. Hey man! Welcome to the forums.
  2. Here, here. This guy contributed so much to the world . Rest in peace Steve-o!
  3. Joystiq is huge, nice work!
  4. Quit comparing weapon limits to CoD... games go back decades with weapon limits, very successful games too (Counter Strike being a great example, only the single most-played multiplayer PC game of all time). Anyway its besides the point - you still get to use all the weapons, you just can't carry them all simultaneously. It forces you to think a little more, involves you a bit more and has a whole load of additional effects for the player (more reward for killing opponents [a new option of weapon switch]), gives the designers more freedom and quite frankly this whole topic is ludicrous. See my post above about this being unfinished, unfinalised, free and no skin off your back.
  5. That's two more than none! And you can trade them out - its not like there are only two weapons in the whole game. You might also actually find it improves gameplay not having everything at your disposal. You know, having to use that brain! Wait until we finish, announce the final feature list - then decide if you like it. We welcome ideas but just getting angry over a feature-list we've not confirmed, for an unreleased game, thats free, that you don't have to play, is a little bit over the top.
  6. I am in the games industry. I'm stuck in the middle of crunch time as an environment artist on an MMO... Just sayin' . And if you think making a "CoD clone" (which RenX is about as far detached from that mold as you can get) improves your prospects? Far from it, take that from experience. Weapon carry limit is not a game breaker and doesn't make it like "every other FPS". Wait to play the finished product before getting so defensive, the game will be fully enjoyable, weapon carry limit or not. Besides... Tanks? Ion Cannons? Stealth? Lasers? Rockets?... Whats not to love?!
  7. Clever trick used in games for a while now .
  8. Any 3D artists - RenX artists included, need to look at this . nDo plugin allows proper creation and painting of normal maps within Photoshop - and its free! http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/ndo/ndo.html
  9. Hows you're scripting anyway? How much programming do you know? UnrealScript is designed to have the same power as C++, but in a Java-like programming environment. So if you can't do programming, I'd start at Java, read up on C++. If you don't know what while loops, do statements, classes, variables, floating points are, then I'd start somewhere basic!
  10. He's asking us to put all in-game text strings into a single set of files, rather than in all the various files. so that they can be translated with ease. For example, the list of radio commands are called in one script file, the names of the buildings in another. He's asking us if we can centralize all in-game text -so the names of buildings and radio commands are in one file (as an example). The more this is done, the easier it is to translate. Where I work, we have tools that allow the translation to do their job without entering the script files - we dont have this luxury with UnrealScript. -- In reference to the question: We're currently re-programming the entire game from scratch so the script structure may be very different to what it is in the 0.5 builds. Our scripters have their hands full at the moment. but I'll put in a word and see what can be done .
  11. Just a clarification: "indie" doesn't mean "free". 'Indie' is a term for independent, which means the development team is free from the ties of a publishing company. Just because a company is independent, doesn't mean they can't and wont charge for it. Such examples are Jagex (the UKs most successful UK developer), Blitz Games and Valve to extent. Renegade-X will be free nonetheless. You will simply need a broadband internet connection to download the game and a PC capable of running it.
  12. Best thing to do - if you have Vista or Win 7, click the clock in the bottom right, click "Change Date and Time Settings..." Click Additional Clocks tab Add in a new clock set to EST. EST is -5 hours, 19:00 BST (British Summer Time, current UK + W. Europe time) = 14:00 EST ----- The miscalculations is because the northern hemisphere is all in Daylight Savings Time. If you're in the northern hemisphere, take your timezone off GMT/UTC, then ADD an hour. So, 18:00 GMT - 5 = 13:00, but its DST, so add an hour, 14:00. -----
  13. maty


    All parents are protective, and there's a line which is too much and too little. I'm a strong believer in parents being able to make the choices best for their children and their right to choice. But for them to make the right choice, it has to be clear to parents what games contain, which is where the PEGI system in Europe excels at. I also think adults can make their own choices for their own entertainment consumption. Australia's policy of anything that would be adult-rated in the UK or US you cannot even sell there. That's pretty draconian. Off-Topic now?
  14. maty


    QUOTE (Demigan @ Jun 16 2010, 03:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is not what I meant. What I mean is that every parent has genuine concerns. Concerns they feel are genuine concerns. Whats difficult with the research is that people my age (~22) have been playing games seince we were tiny, me, I was 6. Thing is, this was back on the Megadrive, SNES and alike. Games then, for all intents and purposes were not graphic nor violent. Violent games didnt come in until I was mid-teens. Its games that have been released in the last 10 years that have been violent. So, I raise you this point, if graphic, realistic and violent games have not been out long enough for a child gamer to now be an adult to have played only those games, how can we gauge any effect? ------ Its all achedemic, of course. In my opinion, provided developers can develop what they want and parents are free to choose what they think best for the kids - there is nothing wrong with that equation. Parents should be educated into what games contain and then they should make the choices based on that. Just about any developer and parent will agree thats fair. All these arguments are irrelevant.
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