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About Lexxx

  • Birthday 06/06/1986

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Lexxx's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  • Week One Done Rare
  • One Month Later Rare
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  1. Good work
  2. Wow what a good game. If a go in the Tank the old feeling from the Game come back. I play many years Renegade and i must say WOW, better than the orginal. But now i have one question. When the Multiplayer will be relase? Becase the Multiplayer was the best part from the Game Renegade whit the most fun. The Multipayer action can you play over days,weeks, moth years and it will be alway make fun. I hope we must not wait so long time.
  3. Now it work. i must waiting over 30min than he install networkframe. Than he Restart my Windows and than he install the game.
  4. I download the Game. Now i will install the Game. I click on the icon and give him Admin status for install but nothing happens. No Window come and show me install status. If i open my Taskmanger i see the Program in prozess. CPU 0-2 % and RAM 128K I have Win 7. What can i do? Must i install a onther PRogramm first? I´m from German my english is not the best
  5. to many downloads are offline and the downloads were are online unter 50kb can you Re up?
  6. Sry but i can not find the download link. Can some one help me?
  7. Are you serch for Clan Memeber or Beta Tester?
  8. I play the orginal version from renegade over many years and i love the game. Now i see you remake from Renegade and i so happy about this. I have test this 30min and was the same feeling as before. I'm looking forward to when more players are online. So Big respect to the game. I have 2 questions: 1. Were i can change my nick name in game? 2. Were i can change the keys for the game play. I did´t found that
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