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Posts posted by Demigan

  1. QUOTE (TiberFCSL @ Nov 23 2009, 05:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I didn't know that facts. Interesting.

    BTW I understand this mod it's still a "baby", and the team has to do lots of things before even thinking about making new game modes. But I think it's still good to make suggestions for the future of the mod, it's helpful. For what I see, the mod is doing pretty well!!! Thanks for your answer and keep up the good work!!!

    PS: Because I'd like to contribute to the mod I was thinking about learning something, maybe some programming, if I have time to do it... so what can you recommend to get started? Of course by learning programming doesn't mean that I'm already in the team, but it can be useful for a good amount of things, maybe for making another mod, I don't know...[/b]

    There are several tutorials on the site, I think in 'game design'. You could check them out. And there have been several people WITH experience that applied, so chances are microscopic of anyone without experience to get into the mod.

    As for you idea, I think there is a thread similiar already going. A way to reward people without going against free will would be having an additional moneycache for the team. This cache get's money from the refinery, the harvester, and a portion of them money players get from damage and destruction will go to it (but no money is substracted from the amount they would normally get).
    The commander can use this money for various things: buy tanks for the team to organise a rush, or to award people. These awards should be small, if you tell someone he has to go to the left side of the map to attack or scout out, then he might get 20 credits or so. More difficult orders could get you up to 100 credits, with a limit of like 400 within several minutes to prevent someone getting all the money quickly.

    This way, people are free to chose, they can follow the orders of the commander and earn a little money, or they can do what they want without penalty, although ofcourse a commander will quickly start to ignore giving you orders if you never listen to them, and you will be quickly known as a terrible teamplayer.

    yours sincerely,
  2. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Nov 23 2009, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    what like UT2004's invasion but no bots ... would be cool ... but i didnt like that mod my self got well frustrated lol ... had half a mouse left at the end lmao things spawning right next to you and killing you and then you gotta wait for next round :( can take loads of time to finish the game and every 1 who is waiting will just leave :( [/b]

    Instead of having the people who died wait untill the game is done, a much better idea is to give them control of a bot (or just become another mutant in the proposed gamemode). That way people don't have to wait all the time and leave.
  3. It's a beta

    with bugs

    with unbalances

    and 40% of the game is finished

    I haven't played a lot because I am lazy and the previous two releases I spend more time trying to figure out how to start the game then I actually played, so atm I'm just biding my time untill the patches progress. Once most bugs are out, and more of the game is finished. I expect the servers will flood.

    Yours sincerely,


  4. QUOTE (JeepRubi @ Nov 19 2009, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Since guests can now see the forum, I'd just thought I'd let all of you guests know that if you register, you'll be able to read the live wip, community news, game design, and off-topic sections, in addition to being able to post.[/b]

    Very glad to hear this. I told a friend about renegade-x a few days ago, and he wanted to check it out. But I always find that being forced to sign up is a great obstacle, I naturally distrust anything on the internet asking for any information about me, especially if I didn't ask to sign up in the first place. This will set the border a little lower and more people will get into contact with renegade-x.
  5. QUOTE (zunnie @ Nov 16 2009, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Noob players lock their vehicle always, but the leet players only lock when it gets stolen by a teammate.[/b]

    you could just lock the DRIVER seat of the vehicle, which means that anyone entering would end up in the passenger/gunner seat. Making preparing for rushes quicker and allowing you to shoot from the vehicle thus protecting it from both destruction and stealing. Or, should a passenger/gunner seat be non existant (stealth tank), then they are set in the drivers seat without the option to drive, and they get kicked out the moment the owner tries to enter the vehicle.

    As for people locking their vehicles in the base and doing nothing with them. There are lots of servers in normal renegade that gave you a message of who locked it. If like 3 people note this and use some command, !unlock Demigan, then the vehicle will be unlocked. Along with a rule that this command can't be used within the first so many minutes (3 minutes?) the owner isn't in the vehicle, then it would give you time.
    Time to get out and repair without 3 people shouting that it should be unlocked and making off with it, should you stay longer repairing or doing something else, like saving a tank for later in the game, then people can eventually unlock it and use it for the team.

    Yours sincerely,
  6. The only problem I ever saw was the hillcamping, the map is completely balanced otherwise.

    GDI can shoot the obi without the obi shooting back with medium tanks, if you go from the hill, you need to pass the horizontal piece towards the more vertical piece to be able to shoot the obi, it's not range that is lacking at all, but the med turret which can't aim very low.

    The sides of the map are long, a med can't shoot from one side to the other. Oh boy! you only need to drive for 1,5 seconds forwards to be able to shoot the other side. So no problem there. Especially if you come with 'but nod has arty's which will tear up any vehicle because of that 1,5 second extra time to shoot'. Well, true that, but do to the sloping ground at the ends of the sides, snipers are very hard to hit as you can't shoot the ground they are standing on so well, which means that any sniper poses a terrible threat to arty's. Alone you won't be able to beat them, but if you are alone, what the hell are you doing unprotected on the sides?

    MRLS rush, gunner rush? I've only seen gunner rushes on hourglass to kill the TURRETS! MRLS rush I've seen rarely. But simply med rushes, even mammoth rushes, work like a charm. Or the oldie mcgoldy: APC rush, you can rush with just one and reach the obi, with 3, you have about 40% chance of destroying a structure. Which is very, very high if you think about how many rushes you normally need to actually destroy anything. People are always looking at that sure-fire rush which will guarantee a building destroyed, there are none. You just have to keep track of your enemy, move a team where they aren't, and hope like hell that there isn't someone to repair nearby when you start blasting away.

    Yours sincerely,


  7. QUOTE (PermaGrin @ Nov 15 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    or keep it like Ren with loss of credits[/b]

    That about sums it up I guess. I never saw anyone use suicide as a tactic for returning to base because of the credit loss. If you really are stuck, the best thing to do is either rejoin or have a mod kill you/respawn you as the character you were.
  8. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Nov 14 2009, 03:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    People don't like hillcampers is because they don't know how to camp.[/b]

    I know how to refhop, I know how to hillcamp, I know how to wallhug, but I have never refhopped with the intention to nuke it, I have never hillcamped and I have never wallhugged. Still, i'm usually within the 10 best players of that game, even within the 5 best of that game. even though I don't approve of things like hillcamp and wallhugging as they are more gameplay mistakes then part of the game, I can still get a rush done, kill that last tank or infantry, blow up buildings and get my ass kicked every now and then. That makes the game fun for me, to refrain from abusing faults within the game and beat someone else or get beaten on honest, relatively fair terms.

    As for Rikudoom's words:
    I have actually never been beaten by a lone gunner with ANY vehicle I had, counting buggy's among them, and when I first started playing renegade, which was when I couldn't even hit someone with a volt rifle if he was standing still. With an arty, I can get away, repair or kill any lone gunner before he destroys my arty.

    True, but what if the obi can shoot at even the tiniest piece showing above the hilltop? Then it would at least get loads harder to do it with MRLS if you aren't hiding behind that stone. It would even things out: Nod can't just hillcamp all game long, GDI can't do the reverse, GDI still has a disadvantage on hourglass which is good as GDI has the advantage in most maps, and GDI will have to use a lot more brains to win, which is double good as Nod now has to do that just as much as GDI. So the biggest problem: people doing nothing but hillcamping all game will be remedied, and hourglass will get a whole lot more dynamic then 'who has the hill'.

    I completely agree with Der Papst, if you don't want to think, there's millions of 'shoot, shoot, shoot some more and then keep shooting' games around.

    Yours sincerely,
  9. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Nov 13 2009, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    On hourglass Nod has the advantage when it comes to camping. Why? because AGT could NEVER hit you on top of the friggin hill making it easier to just stand op there firing at ref or pp all day long. And even though the AGT can fire at multiple targets the ob makes this up in sheer firepower. basically you get killed just as fast by ob as by the AGT whith the only difference that the ob kills you in 2 shots where the AGT constantly fires at you.[/b]

    This could be remedied in renegade-x. Just as in normal renegade, I expect that the barrel will be sticking out well in the AGT range. Why not have the AGT shoot that? It's a target after all. It probably wouldn't kill any vehicles, but it would force any hillcamper to repair constantly after several moments whoring on the hill. That would put Nod on a more balanced footing with GDI, as GDI gets shot by obi if they stand on top of the hill, but harder.
    And both teams will have the same stone that provides cover from the base defence to fire from, making it more balanced, but still in favour of Nod.

    Yours sincerely,
  10. Reading a bit about the game. i think they made only one real mistake so far: You cannot make buildings, except some defencive structures.

    While making a new gameplay by creating a vastly superior MCV, the abscense of buildings is too great I think.

    The MCV can build while on the move, then deploy to drop the units. But what about building factories to have additional build capacity? The more then iconic but almost legendary tiberium refinery's? How will you earn money if those aren't available? If it's oil derricks and tiberium spikes I think the game will go stale quite easily: destroy the spikes of your enemy and the game is as good as won. And how will GDI combat tiberium if the refinery's aren't there? What happened to that big bad MARV, a refinery in it's own right, is it just so much armoured scrap metal in the new gameplay?

    There won't be any use to having infiltration, what is there to infiltrate? The game dumbs down to scouts, flankers or damage dealers and tankers. Even in TW infiltration was always a danger, shadow teams, snipers that paint targets for juggernaughts, rapid drops of engineers with VTOL's at the back of a base, wormholing your way in or teleporting. Having lots of forces was a bonus, an intact base a priority. Having several buildings destroyed could cripple you.

    Having one thing to rely on, your MCV, and almost nothing else, is going to make a whole new concept for the game, but I think you lose too much without buildings you can place yourself.

  11. QUOTE (DaemonicKnight @ Nov 11 2009, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Well I think AGT needs a bit more firepower. Reason? 1 APC can get to the AGT with nearly 1/4 of its hp left and OBE can fire 2 shots and the APC is dead without it even getting near the obe. Fair? Don't think so..[/b]

    On most maps the OB can be reached before he fires a second time, so then you get an APC with 1/2 of his health intact at the base defence. Fair? yeah, because if you are that little bit slower then you have no APC at all.

    On top of that, GDI is the team with all the firepower. One med can stop a single APC rushing if the base defences are still up. Not to mention the mammoth tank which is pratically only good AS a base defence.

    Yours sincerely,
  12. This could actually improve the C&C game. All those programmers will know this is their last program they make there (it said they would be fired AFTER it was finished). So if they can set a high standard and show off what they can do, they have a larger chance of actually getting a job elsewhere.

    Yours sincerely,


  13. QUOTE (MecanicalMan @ Nov 10 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    The turrets of Nod were always a bit useless, too little attacks and too easily evaded. On top of that, Nod has that MASSIVE airstrip which can be shot safely in almost every map without the base defences shooting you (hourglass and field are exceptions)

    The base defences are quite balanced in my opinion. The AGT spots SBH without fail making it harder to use them for infiltration. While GDI CAN infiltrate stealthily through hopping from cover to cover, which is a great risk but so much more fun to accomplish. The AGT is a lot weaker vs vehicles as a result, along with the fact that a fullscale rush will divide the damage over several vehicles instead of concentrated on one.

    As for razor, I would like you to explain to me what is so fun about standing on hill all game long holding the trigger with that rare chance to actually destroy something? I can't see it myself, please enlighten me to all that fun. No sarcasm intended.

    Yours sincerely,
  14. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Nov 8 2009, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Now imagine doing the same without the guys shooting at the building.[/b]

    Then there wouldn't be any opposition as I place my c4 on the MCT and blow it to hell?
    Or I wouldn't be killing repaircrews, but organising a full scale rush which is now possible because our limit isn't lowered by some vehicles standing on hill all game long. There have been lots and lots of games where just 3 rushes got the first building destroyed, the rest following later.

    Yours sincerely,
  15. QUOTE (IronWarrior @ Nov 8 2009, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Me too.

    People need to stop crying about it and just become better players, learn to deal with tactics and how to counter them.[/b]

    What's so tactical about standing on a hill all game long and shooting a few buildings with a tiny tiny hope to destroy one? All it does is make the game boring. There HAVE to be a few people repairing all game long if nod gets the hill. And the problem is, there are too few options of getting the hill back short of a full scale rush at the arty's. Which will probably fail as they would be able to concentrate their firepower much better then teh rushing team can.

    I especially hate it when I manage to infiltrate a building, kill the repair crew and then have some lame ass camper claim he's oh so good cos he destroyed a building and has so many points to prove he's good. What's he done? He shot a MASSIVE, unmoving target all game, shot anything comming up hill which barely takes any skill and repaired if he gets a little damaged.

    I would prefer it if the hill became THE tactical advantage for rushes, not for mindless acts that can last whole games.

    Yours sincerely,
  16. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Nov 7 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    Great post.


    hehe, burned Trash.

    But I have my doubts on the truth of this article. If this were true, then all the news would be all over it. What's more, is that they are too mild about it all, they don't really seem to condemn it. Then they come up with that third key, at least to my limited knowledge of CPU's it's not explained what this key does, and they seem more worried about that third key they know nothing about then the key they already claim to know is used by the NSA to check up on anyone on the world with windows above windows 95.

    Besides, what would windows need a key for to enter anyones computer? They have within the warranty of nearly every product they sell (and update) that their product will send information about the useage of the program to microsoft for their marketing. What is that extra key for then?

    I highly doubt that this is true at all, find me another artikle or similiar where they are talking about this. A deliberate worldwide loophole in every windows computer would cause a bit more stir if you ask me.

    Edit: Out of curiosity, I just checked the 'site', which is just 2 lines with 'Yes, this is the website of Cryptonym Corporation (of the "NSA Key" fame).
    I hope to, sometime in the near future, put a brief explanation the whole story online, so stay tuned...'
    Which is rather strange for a big discovery of someone who graduated and deals with advanced computertechniques to make such a dumb site.

    Edit 2: The site you are referring too has a lot of strange topics, such as an erotic section. I highly doubt that a site like that offers real information, it's more likely to try and keep viewers with sensational and less sensational things, such as:
    Abductees / Contactees
    Abducted by ay-lee-ens.
    Area 51 / Groom Lake / Roswell
    Made famous by the movie Independence Day, Area 51 is real, but what goes on there is a secret.
    Crop Circles and Cattle Mutilations
    Cattle Mutilation Phenomena refers to thousands of cases in North America where cattle have been found mutilated under abnormal circumstances. The cows are found dead, exsanguinated (all their blood has been removed), and have had certain organs surgically removed from their bodies.
    Cydonia and Moon Mountains
    Dreams / Auras / Astral Projection
    Flying Saucers from Andromeda
    Free Energy
    Fringe Science
    Government UFO Coverups
    Gravity / Anti-gravity
    Life Extension
    MJ-12 - The Alien-Government Conspiracy
    Men In Black
    and not to forget:
    A Guide for Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation by NIJ
    Consistent collection of quality evidence in bombing cases will result in more successful investigations and prosecutions of bombing cases. While this Guide can be useful to agencies in developing their own procedures, the procedures included here may not be deemed applicable in every circumstance or jurisdiction, nor are they intended to be all-inclusive.
    A Look Ahead: Tomorrow's FBI
    The law enforcement community of tomorrow will serve a society far different than that of today. Indeed, the differences may be so dramatic that law enforcement organizations which are not prepared for the future may be unable to respond to those communities they are sworn to serve.
    A Reply to: How to Beat Spec Ops, SWAT and SOG by Anonymous
    A reply to the article, "How to beat Spec Ops, SWAT, SOG"
    A Report to the American People on the Work of the FBI by FBI
    Some terrorism now comes from abroad. Some terrorism is home-grown. But whatever its origin, terrorism is deadly and the FBI has no higher priority than to combat terrorism; to prevent it where possible; and where prevention fails, to apprehend the terrorists and to do everything within the law to work for conviction and the most severe sentences. Our goal is to prevent, detect and deter.

    I mean, come on! If this is serious, then I'm a lunatic that has to be locked up for clear thinking!

    Yours sincerely,
  17. QUOTE (NoxBlade @ Nov 3 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I think people seem to forget the mrl/artillery are not suppose to be balanced point to point.

    GDI vehicles are well balanced when you consider firepower/health/cost,
    Nod lacks the balance for benefits, stealth or cheap for weaker units aka light tank[/b]

    The artillery is way better vs tanks and infantry then the MRLS, but I always thought the MRLS could damage buildings harder. The only reason why the arty was better at harming buildings was the fact that you could do loads of damage vs the repair crew by shooting near the MCT. Another reason why the arty is better then most other nod vehicles is it's blast radius, you can hit the tank repaircrew with it by shooting at the rear of a vehicle, should both vehicles be repaired fast enough, the arty will eventually win.

    Every vehicle has it's advantages and disadvantages this way. Nod can get cheaper firepower, but do to the availability of money that is only a minor advantage, Nod's real advantage is the fact that GDI can easily rely on tanks, but Nod has lots of cheap anti-vehicle units available (if only those SBH's realised that at some point). Simply a group of 4 SBH banded together and a happy trigger finger can clear a field of GDI, count on it.

    In terms of 'vehicle vs vehicle', 'vehicle vs infantry' etc, yes, GDI will probably win on almost all fronts. But if you have teamwork on both teams, then there is no telling how any map will end.

    Yours sincerely,
  18. What Mightybob is referring to is stress. Stress used to be a good thing, it came up when you were in danger. All your senses would go into high boot, eyesight, smell, thinking processes would skyrocket. Stress was the driving reaction that kept you alive through a 10 mile run with a dangerous animal behind you while you had a broken leg, even today stress is something that serves a function in hostages and other situations where people will be virtual gods in quick thinking and control of their body.

    However, with people stressing almost continously nowadays, your body gets exhausted (with at the end of it a burn out) and lose all the virtues of stress, but still try to maintain it.

    As for Mindstorm: your eyes DO have a refreshrate. That rate is set with the speed at which your eyes can send signals to your brain. A nerve has to restore itself after each energyburts that goes through, now this restoration happens very quickly, but not so fast that you can't speak of a framerate your eyes will see. The nerves don't send signals simultaneously, so your ACTUAL picture you continously see is fractured, and with the signals of previous sendings the whole picture is build up in your brains. Even to the extend of your blind spot: If there is greenery around your blind spot and a large red and while board in the blind spot, your brains will fill in the blindspot with blurred greenery.

  19. For the last time: higher then 60 will have no noticable effect.

    The only effect it will have is on your subconscious, which is far more powerfull then your conscious mind. It COULD see higher then those 60 frames, up to the point of seeing them independently from eachother. I think that raising it to 90 or even 125 would give some of the real game addicted players some advantage. But higher wouldn't even be seen by your subconscious, so after that, no go.

  20. QUOTE (Gandjak @ Oct 27 2009, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    don't forget you have the rocket officer at 225 for the harvesters, or NOD chemsprayer at 150 (my best choice at the beginnining).
    And at the beginning, basic troopers are enough to destroy the enemy harvester, if everybody knows what he has to do.[/b]

    I'm always defending my own harvester, and as you said, basic infantry are more then good enough to blow the harvester if everyone knows what to do. Which is why you need some extra firepower to keep them away from that juicy moneytruck.
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