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Everything posted by LaserOfFury

  1. I look into a lot of things. Windows is great As for malware, I don't run into that stuff myself. Others in the house have had issues with adware and crap but I have this cute linux system on my network that stops all of that stuff, so now I'm worry free. And oh, My servers run a linux-type system. I don't know what all this "baseless" crap is about. It seems you are missing a lot of information for these posts, for example; "everyone else completely ignoring Linux"..... Linux is a huge customizable system and myself, I really like it. Some amazing things are done using Linux systems and they are not ignored by industry whatsoever. I made this ownCloud server that would only work with SMB if it was using a linux system (smbclient), so I set one up using Xubuntu for the hell of it. I can admit though, I can be often too lazy when working with linux systems such as Ubuntu. For me though, Windows all the way for many server/client configurations. Especially clients. As for the baseless stuff goes though, I speak from experience.
  2. 1) Your tech sucks. 2) Most firewalls you install only block ports. Adding more doesn't do anything. Also having all those crappy malware scanners would have eaten tons of resources. 3) If a virus is good, most malware scanners (mainly those consumer ones) won't see the malware or be able to do anything before the malware executes. 4) RAM-cleaners. That just sounds like pure adware. Also most funny cleaners (Registry Cleaner PRO, Windows PC Cleanup Tuneup 2014 Pro, etc...)usually are adware. 5) If you are getting so much crap. Something is wrong with your browsing habits. now for that second part.. 6) Spoiled brats eh. I have issues sometimes playing something because the gaming industry is ran mostly by money hungry publishers now. So much problems these days. 7) Windows is great. I love it (Running 8.1) 8) I'm glad the schools teach windows. Need more of it. 9) Not all school programming is windows exclusive. For example, C++ and Java are not Windows exclusive. My servers and clients run Windows environments harmoniously together, It is great! Love playing with it and learning it.
  3. That was with open beta 2
  4. I just had this happen going to whiteout I hope I'm just that unlucky!!
  5. It's been a while since we had our server full. ..As much as i could monitor it (no other admins and mods atm), Nothing bad was happening, the issue that really seemed to repeat was the player loss from crashing after a match, that really took numbers down, sometimes almost half. Me and a friend usually go on and hope people join but we will wait for the patch to get back to that. I hope people come back, I just got a new server :3
  6. How do you set the minelimit? I can't look in the configs until later to find where it is..
  7. lvlint67, this seems really nice, I would also be interested
  8. I'll get right on that. thanks
  9. Hey everyone! We are a new Canada based community / clan and welcome anyone to join us for some fun games and eventually clan wars. If your looking for a clan, we are here for you. We currently seek anyone who enjoys having fun with a good personality. If you enjoy playing fun team battles together, come check us out or ask us any questions on our Forums, Teamspeak, IRC @ dynamic-gamers.com (We are on TS, IRC from ~4-11PM EST) We also have a server "[CA]Dynamic-Gamers.com 40 Player AOW!" IP:
  10. We are currently looking for members to get our clan going at Dynamic Gamers. You can come say hi on our forums, join us on teamspeak, and / or IRC (we are usually on around 4-9PM EST) @ dynamic-gamers.com If you want, come join us for some games!
  11. Nice update, Great bot!! good work!! Really organized now, love it!
  12. Yes there is a lot of crashing, takes many tried to open and being showing game log in IRC. currently crashes trying any command. As for sorting, I would like to see myself colors for GAME: PLAYER: ADMIN: ect... Keep up the good work I very much appreciate this!
  13. Thanks Kil. This tool can very much Be Useful. Cant wait to see it expand. This also sparks ideas for IRC Bots...
  14. Server ping is displayed using the console command "stat net" Also the server seems to be very efficient in terms of connection usage but myself I have yet to have much of an issue of lag as far as I currently have seen. Me and others are testing out the connection stats at various player counts (up to 48 yesterday) and everything seemed pretty good at the times we checked.
  15. Since this is about server logs.. everyone might know this already but the server's log feed spams "Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager" when you pass through the Hand of Nod's windows (shattering them or already shattered) and especially standing in the window. This doesn't create any problems performance wise I'm just pointing out that it happens and spams the server log.
  16. I'm happy to see this being worked on I thank you and others looking into developing IRC Bots for RenX! As for the game itself, Amazing! Great Work!
  17. Yes, This seems to be happening most of the time (it may be map dependent, I will try to look for that) I think I have already included a pastebin of the log in another post but here is the ending of the last crash I had.. It shows "Rendering thread exception: Fatal error!" http://pastebin.com/3EhiSq5p
  18. Here. This looks the same but... http://pastebin.com/a6ezGpQv
  19. The game sounds like it will run much better then something like BF4... As far as I know its pretty optimized. UE3 (Unreal Engine 3) should be able to handle 64 players just fine. As HaTe said, many people are looking at Ren-X. We hope they all join us on release Also -- This is no longer a Mod, This is a full standalone game, separate from UT3. I hope to see you ingame!!
  20. I may have to go that route but my connection here is pretty strong, it should be able to handle running 1 server with regulation my upload, if there were to be an issue, I can go to the next package and It would work good. the most I would have to do is to from hosting a 48 player to a 32 player server. EDIT: I will be going to a package that doubles my upload speed. I will be alright, expecting to host at least a 48 player server.
  21. Any particular reason why? Well I have a dynamic IP but for my domain I'm using a Dyn Standard DNS so everything works out for that excluding a direct IP connection without looking up my IP at the time. Business Internet here is horrible pricing for the bandwidth... *EDIT: I am finding some info that points to the Lease on Rogers Dynamic IP's to be vary long and rarely change... so If that's the case:
  22. http://dynamic-gamers.com Servers: dynamic-gamers.com
  23. Heart is out to the Developers of Renegade-X and Westwood Studios <3 I will forever miss Westwood!!
  24. This is amazing guys, great work! I cannot wait to see the boom of players Feb 26th! years ago I used to think that my favorite game would never be remade or continued, but here it is! Again, Thanks a ton!
  25. Hahaha... You're a funny guy!!! But to point out your answer. http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=71066&p=112565&hilit=console#p112565
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