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About -DmG-Mahi-Mahi*

  • Birthday 09/16/1992

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-DmG-Mahi-Mahi*'s Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. You are in Longwood FL! I am too! Small world
  2. Nice update guys! Can't wait.
  3. I like what you guys did to the front page. . I hope this means you are close to release!
  4. Visceroids Were there visceroids in vanilla Renegade? No.
  5. Good job guys . I'm going to download it right now!
  6. Renegade-x has a teamspeak but it isn't public anymore (I think). I used to bug fobby all the time and remind him how warm it was in Florida . I like the idea of an irc. It makes sense.
  7. Will we still get a release date when you are almost done?
  8. You should be glad . @epic Sam Bass created the story for cnc4 i believe.
  9. Can you guys please use the WIP section more often? I always feel like that is what made this mod special way back in 2008. I loved seeing updates and critiquing/praising your designs. Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... Is it done yet
  10. -DmG-Mahi-Mahi*


    <3 you guys. The skin is very nice.
  11. Sounds good. I'm looking forward to the release.
  12. Summer is coming to an end. Is it safe to say we will have this before winter?
  13. -DmG-Mahi-Mahi*


    I didn't recieve one but it doesn't really matter. Will you guys reskin this forum? I loved your last skin and a dark theme would be appropriate for this b/c of Black Dawn.
  14. -DmG-Mahi-Mahi*


    I had to reregister to the forums b/c my old password and username would not work . Is there any way I can get it back? I was cubera. Can't wait to see what you do with the skin .
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