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Everything posted by limewire3

  1. This map looks fantastic! Can't wait to see more!
  2. That poor man
  3. Would be neat to see Metro and Glacier
  4. TheGroundsKeeper has really said it with no extra fat. Keep it close to the original, as close as possible. Im sick of reading about these things, as if its game breaking. The only game breaking issue is players not working together and the actual technical bugs being ironed out as we speak... or type depending on how exact you wanna be. I for one will push back the more you try to alter this game away from its legacy! And its rewarding to see other players such as yourself TheGroundsKeeper, pushing back as-well. Now Im open for discussion so Im not saying talking about it is bad, but the amount of people ingame that seem to expect it to be completely different from the original is getting to a point thats beyond simple chatter. Agreed
  5. i pretty much agree with everything you stated. Instant respawn would be nice. As of right now one player of the opposite team could rush in and die, then instead of clicking to respawn, he could just float above his death location and watch the enemy base for as long as he wants. Giving updates to his team about what kind of rushes they are doing etc.
  6. confirmed. I am also having this bug
  7. probably around noon UTC
  8. Scruffy nice to see you. I hope Jelly does decide to set up a Renegade X server
  9. There will be no going prone if i recall from some FAQ a while back. I'm not sure about leaning though.
  10. Wow it looks amazing! It is amazing what people can create when they put quality time into a project such as this. I know this was talked about before but i don't remember a final decision being made so i ask will renegade x be put on steam? or will EA not allow that? And maybe a PS4 version since it allows indie games? I'm very excited to play this game. Nice work! ohh and since you can not legally rechieve money for the game by selling it. can we start a kickstarter or gofundme?
  11. Everything is looking great! I can't wait to try Mesa out!
  12. are you going to cook this for the PS4?
  13. i really hope renegade x goes on steam. i would also help with a donation to see this done.
  14. wow! everything looks AAA quality! Mesa looks amazing at night. i love the lights and the feel of the map. heck i even put the third picture with the open gate as my background! keep up the great work!
  15. i hope the mulitplayer is right around the corner
  16. you need to download new scripts (patches). Go to here http://www.renegadeforums.com/ and they will help you fix this problem.
  17. Great work guys! I cant wait to try it out!
  18. will buildings protect people inside better than they did in the original renegade? will 50 players be the max amount again? what will be done about arty splash damage and screen shake?
  19. excuse me if this is the wrong place to post questions. Will RenegadeX feature a auto map downloader? like what the TT Patch (4.0) is doing for the original Renegade. Also what is the current stage for RenegadeX? is the project 95% done?
  20. i plan on getting UT3 and downloading this
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