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Everything posted by [CNC]PlagueNXC

  1. Had fun for the little time I was there; I was surprised hardly no one talked on TS though. It was kind of a downer. The last game was a 3 v 3 and it was really fun to play. Head dawg and I really kicked major butt and destroyed all of GDI's buildings.
  2. I don't think I can make it. My wife comes home around that time, and there's a little time for us... We'll just have to wait and see I guess, but you all will have alot of fun. I wish you all the best of luck, because if I get in there I'll be owning with everyone else! =D
  3. I will most definitely try to be there. How many players will be available for the server? I would really hate it if I couldn't get in; haha. Tomorrow I'll have some free time so I'll advertise to alot of clans and communities for you. Atomix-Gaming players would most likely love to play with you.
  4. Wow this is big news...
  5. QUOTE EA is just jealous that they didn't come up with the same idea for a better engine. Their idea of the new tiberium game would have sucked in multiplayer mode compared to ren x. I liked the videos and wanted to play tiberium for a good single player; but sadly it isn't the same as renegade. EA made a poor decision in that, resulting in losing alot of cash. EA may not be jealous at all, I don't know; but they sure do enjoy looking at your mod. And I don't doubt that they wish they could have made something similar to sell, seeing how all the fans love it now.
  6. I bought a new copy on ebay for 1 dollar. Believe it or not I was surprised, but I wouldn't bet on finding it there now. Try some where else or you could buy the pack and sell the other games that come with it.
  7. Speedy so far not having any word. I'll check again soon.
  8. Dante I had the same problem but I figured it out. I'm not at my home computer so I can't tell you what file I put it in. I could tell you how I did it but I didn't put it in a file. I opened up hourglass in unreal editor mode then saved it. When it saved it went to a different folder but the names were very similar or the same. They were just within a seperate folder and it wasn't program files. You can try this your self, or you can wait and I'll find out when I get home on my PC. It's your call. Also if you want to chat for assistance or help just add me on xfire here: AsgarothXe
  9. Well don't worry pendullum, it's done now. =) I can add administrators, as well so if fobby wills it then I will add all the dev team or anyone he wishes to be on the facebook group admin. Don't worry you are in good hands. I will take care of you. =) Also I've already added our westwood facebook group and two other fan page groups to our fan page list on our facebook group. Let's get the word out about Renegade X more. If you want you could add a link on the forums or on your site. If you don't that's fine, I just want Renegade X to shine. B)
  10. I'm going to upload the new trailer video in HD soon. I had to re-download it on this laptop before I could. Let me know what other videos you want.
  11. Internet Explorer is good. Firefox is just another waste of 5 mb or so. I can make the wikia firefox compatible. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  12. Sorry for posting again, but I forgot to let you know that we were the first! =D
  13. I will update the media for you on facebook whenever there are updates.
  14. Very well then. I went ahead and started the group. This is what I have so far: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Command-Conq...e-X/51097837430
  15. Hello guys; since we've already got a C&C facebook group, I was planning on making an additional facebook group for your Mod: Renegade X. Many C&C fans on facebook have joined our C&C group, I'm sure many of them would join your facebook group as well. All I need is your permission to create the group. -Asgaroth
  16. QUOTE That's good. I'd hate to have it the other way around. This way sounds pretty tight.
  17. Try using your default browser; Internet Explorer.
  18. And btw, Filak613 you aren't even listed on the http://www.renegade-x website under "The Team," link. Maybe that should be updated as well?
  19. Media Platoon give me pictures of your face; or an avatar. or If anyone is willing to make their profile look as good as they did the dev team on the website, then please post it here so that I can add it to the wikia. Thanks, -Asgaroth
  20. Yeah I figured; it does suck alot though for you guys. The good thing though is that this could help you guys get a job in the future.
  21. I'll begin advertising this saturday Speedy; I've been tied up with loads of work, and I got sick. I swear, don't you ever break your ankle when snow is coming the following week; it's hell.
  22. QUOTE Technically I don't think you can sell the Mod; I thought that you would get into a law suit with EA and the makers of UT3. I've seen people sell mods for Oblivion, so I honestly can't see why you can't sell it here; it is your work after all. I'd sell it cheaper though. You will get more people wanting to buy it then. Say, $29.99? I could advertise with the media platoon on many gaming websites too if you did decide to go in this direction, and ONLY if it was legal.
  23. Nice work guys; as always. I like how it was quick too. =) I can't send the message to everyone else right now; but I'm sure the Media Platoon has taken advantage of the wikia I founded. Is there ever going to be a chance when I can join the team?
  24. Ok guys I've updated your page, adding more pictures and alot more of your videos. Obviously there are loads of more pictures to go, but this is all the time I have for tonight. You are welcomed to check out your section, and edit it if you wish. I would love it if there was a history or background of information on the designers and supporters (meaning platoon team, and other helpers) of this incredible mod. http://epsilonworldwide.wikia.com/wiki/Renegade_X_Mod If there are any kind of media that you also wish to add yourself then please add it. Thanks alot; wish you well as always.
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