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  1. Oooo I am downloading now!
  2. I will gladly take up on this offer as I have eight years of paper modeling experience as a favorite hobby. Pepakura is a great program that I used in the past. All you need is the texture map file of the model and with this program, you can extract, clean and create a printable paper model which when assembled, results in a 3D model! I have seriously thought about giving my best to bringing the vehicles of Renegade to life for the past 1 year. Only time is my only concern as I am always short of it due to a very busy lifestyle. I am considering making a paper model of Renegade vehicles. Let me start on the GDI APC since it is very simple...I will update when I have made considerable progress. Thanks for bringing this up Seb! EDIT: Pepakura is better for vehicles than for characters IMO. Characters tend to come out boxy and with many flat-sides unless a really painstaking high detailed model is made. Vehicles just come out perfect...and Renegade's low-poly vehicles will come out awesome. Woo I am so excited once again!
  3. I certainly think "Unreal" is a very good name to add to the mod name. "Unreal Renegade" sounds pretty nice but a little plain.
  4. Got my vote!
  5. Hello Renegade 2007 team! First, thank you for your great efforts and commitment to Renegade 2007! I am very impressed by the amount of work done here and most of all, the professionalism and experience that reflects in the members of your team and their work. It is plainly obvious that C&C Renegade needs a much needed update made in a suitable next generation engine. I just wanted to say that I was a little disappointed at EA abandoning Renegade's unique gameplay like that. Anyway, I think only time will tell if they made a right decision or not. What I think EA is doing with this new FPS Tiberium is that it seems to be aimed at a newer generation of graphics-frenzy gamers who would play a game as long as it has good graphics and big nice guns and good explosions.
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