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Hubbell Tyson

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Everything posted by Hubbell Tyson

  1. Yeh, I played this a bit back in the day! Was good fun creating weird vehicles I seem to remember this game won a ton of awards but didn't sell too well. Shame.
  2. http://www.gameservers.com seem like the best value I've seen so far, my UT3 clan has their server with them I'm personally not bothered about having games of Renegade larger than 16v16 - the more players there are, the less you as an individual can have an impact on the end result of the game. More players isn't always better. Far from it, infact!
  3. Already have UT3 (and a PC that can run it well, bonus!)
  4. I totally agree the name does need changing. I'll play it, even if you called it "Jane goes shopping for pet food and socks" but I'll have a tougher time getting my gaming friends to play it if it's called "Renegade 2007" and doesn't sound current. My suggestions: Renegade 08 Renegade 3 Renegade Reborn or... Renegade Commando ^^IMO, any of those would be better than Renegade 2007
  5. Voted
  6. Thanks for the vid. What you guys have so far looks great I just found out about this mod as it's on the front page over at BU. As a C&C and UT fan, I'm really happy that Renegade is getting revived thanks to your mod. Can't wait to play the beta/final! Do you guys have a monthly mailing list or something? It'd be cool to be kept aware of when you reach your milestones without checking back at the site all the time. If not, no worries, just an idea.
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