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Posts posted by 159456

  1. i know this is kinda small to be a new thread but hey, if you look to the left of yor screen on the bacckground wall paper. below havocs elbow, below th nod officers hand, you'd see a nod shotgunner, if you look carefully, the shotgun in his hand is no where near the one in ren-x...

    i know its kinda stupid, but it caught my attension. :P

    and by the way, that shotgun seems alot better fitting for ren-x then the one currently in use, good to see a beast looking pump action shotgun, with tactical retractible stock, with a mat black rubberised finish :) , then a "spas 12"...

  2. hey um, just a couple days ago, i was going round youtube when i came round to a renegade video, when i scrolled down to look at the comments, they were in german, at the time i was like never know what they're saying". but pass a couple days, it bugged me,

    renegade-x is only in english. :eek:

    so i was thinking maybe thats why our playerbase is so low. :confused:

    i mean, the world is huge, 7 billion people on this pile of dirt, at least a couple thousand play renegade rite?, and maybe half of them dont speak a word of english... :P

    so you know maybe we could have a language option in the settings menu. change the language with a small little tick box? :rolleyes:

  3. i remembered :rolleyes: , the first video i saw of ren-x was the new years trailer, and... well i saw the first mission of renegade "scorpian hunters"...

    any chance you can make that first brief mission included with black dawn?

    you've done the intro and the map already so, why not? :)

  4. you know that long period of time that you have to wait, before your vehicle reacts to what you input into your keyboard? i.e the 2 second reaction delay for hum-vees or nod buggy's.

    well that can easily be explained!!!

    (warning boring content)

    ut3 uses a different type of networking than renegade. your computer relys on the server's computer to tell your monitor what to render. ie you press 'w', your computer has to individualy send that as a message to the server which then process that and sends it back to your cpu.

    basically, the lag comes from the fact that the server has to process the inputs of many other players, calculate all the collisions, all the speeds and controls all the timing.(usally takes a long time to process), making the game heavily dependedent on the server running more or less 6 ren-x's at a time!. the information is then relayed back to your cpu which then tells your monitor what to render and what speeds should things be moving at. no lag if under 60m/s! (only achieved through lan games) this format allows the minimum possibility of cheating, as cheating is messing around with your cpu's proccessing variables.

    (cheat engine messes around with the games variables such as bullet count etc)

    renegade dosent do it this way, renegade makes your own cpu to calculate every thing then sends all the info through the server and disperesed to every other player, making the relay time 10x faster. :D but then... cheating comes into action, your cpu can then send false information such as you having 999 health to other players. :(

    so you think why dosent ren-x just used ren's original code?, well orignal one sucks, and can only support 16 players, ( from what i heard, lol, go check and see how wrong that piece of info is)

    well i went to check and saw that jelly games and st0rm servers support 40 + players

    dunno why ren's coding is so bad afterall. :confused:

    but anyways, the stock ut3 coding has to be dumped either way its just making the game harder for people who live far away to play online.

    not saying you should copy ren's one, but you need to recreate a more solid network-code out of ren's basic idea of client side networking. :) ( dunno if thats the name for it)

  5. well, i've been looking through all the ren-x realeases and they all have the same problem, they dont have bullet impact holes and tank craters , now i know you might be thinking thats a small little thing that dosent need to pay much attension to yet, i know theres bigger things, but so far. but if you think about it, no matter what you do, you dont actually affect the "world"(Map), when you shoot a gun in renaged-x. the main experience is from the audio and visuals, but also the belife that the bullet or shell you fired impacted and affected the world. right now it's just dust flying up, and without leaving any bullet holes. its the ability to see what you hit and to beable to believe that you hit and affected the world that makes the game feel "real", or if you take it to the extreme... "chaotic" (fully destructable world) :)

    so in ren-x, when i shoot a bullet propelliing gun, i get a bunch of dust flying up.... hmmm... i even got that when i shot inside the building, dont think dust should be there.... and even into water?... somethings not right... :confused:

    and remember the scorch marks that the tank cannons made in renegade when i shot the ground? hmmmm... didnt see that in renegade-x. (would be nice to make bumpmaped or actual 3d craters) :rolleyes:

    so you know, in the next realease, can you please addd bullet holes, and make it according to what you shot and what you hit... and craters? makes rnegade-x better in some ways. :D

    and i might be bumping into an already posted thread... cant really telll, theres to many threads, so, you could allow bumping of old threads......

  6. Renegade x was realeased on 30th of september, making that day the day it was born, and realease in to thee public. it will be 30th of september in a few days, so i wonder what the dev team's got in store for us :rolleyes: .....

    Happy Birthday Ren-x :)

  7. now i know that you think i'm being to picky, but i'm just tryning to get back the old renegade experience i like, you done a really good job on almost everything, i assure you. but the vehicles seen to be a little undone, especialy the humvees and buggys. when you're playing ren-x, you'd probably know they feel different from renegade, i'm not saying i dont welcome change, i just think that they are no longer close to the original. because in renegade, you feel that smoothness when you turn your buggy/humvee around, it makes driving long distances bearable. but in renegade-x, all the turns you make are too sharp and over turned, you dont get the "drift" that it used to have. to be specific. the humvee suffers from serious overturn, and it feels like youre driving rubber on rubber. it's just something minor, no biggie, but it just gives the humvees and the buggys another reason to buy when you have absoulutly nothing to do at all, like take a drive-by in it

    so, if you're reading this, just change the settings a little, give those poor lower class vehicles something to exist for.

    *i know about the spelling mistakes.

  8. maybe, one sever can host a cyber war, that lasts days. this way everybody can play.

    lets say you've played an hour in a cyber war, you've gained a specific rank, and you don't want to lose it. you can have the sever remember you until the war ends, this way, i can play the next day without losing my rank, letting me keep my earned credits on that game.

    however, when a war ends, lets say it took eight days for nod to win, all the records(saved statistics) would be deleted, and every body has to work their way up the ranks again, this way a player wouldn't be at the highest rank forever.

    next, the cyber war is like an enormous battlefield striped in to three or four parts (all joined together in a line) that forms a battle front, a player can see all the information on his field of battle (location of players, controlled areas...), however he can only see the percentage of land taken by his faction on the other fields.

    the battlefields separate field or front's would consist of three bases, one is yours, one is your enemy, and one is neutral. basically, it's a rush to control the center base. the center base however, only has a barracks and a refinery. and you cannot re-spawn at the center base. your own base would have all the structures, and one automated defense. this would give a fair advantage to both sides, because this would make sure you can't keep on attacking with heavy armor, you would have to make a long journey to get to the enemy's base.

    and finally, to end the game, either a specific time runs out or all the bases are taken.

    to end the war, a time limit is needed. and to judge the winning faction is by seeing which side has controlled the most land or who has taken all the land.

    after this war ends, a new one would begin, a war in another section of the world (lets say you've taken mexico, next battling on the border line of USA, then through several states and to claim total victory, destroy the gdi HQ, or temple of nod (kind of like the last mission on renegade).

    after destroying either of them, all the players are then ejected out of the war. then a new war would begin, and all of the players would rejoin.

    if you like to change or build on this idea, feel free to do so.

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