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  1. Darkz


  2. Darkz

    New Forums

    I does not like it
  3. Thats one with the original text+border but the new effects.
  4. Here is a small plethora of choices for my new signature. They are all edits of my original, which is seen below. View the index of them at: http://www.mp-gaming.com/darkz/Images/dratinice/
  5. Yea, it is. It's usually done by the engine itself in games, or in movies, they have special tools for it. 3DS Max and Photoshop have NOTHING to do with water.
  6. My point was you don't texture a water model. Hell, what the fuck is a water model?
  7. that announcement SUCKED ASS. I have lost EVERY ounce, nay, ever MILLILITER of confidence I had in EA to not fuck up CnC.
  8. How do you texture water :shock: and here I thought it was all in the engine.
  9. Darkz


    uh... hi?
  10. Way too high poly for a crate... :shock:
  11. Make the... well, theres not many random props in the online maps. No job, sorry =)
  12. used it for my C4 8)
  13. its coming closer 8)
  14. Darkz

    Texture Artist

    Alex, I am part of the 'dev' team. I just don't have the lil icon.
  15. Darkz


    I said wtf. many times.
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