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Posts posted by Novilan

  1. Yes, it would have been easier if both factions would have had the same vehicles and stats, so that there would be no need now to fiddle around with balancing again.

    But except for the expectation of most people that it would be the same teams with just different colors, I liked it afterall. It was a nice change to play the Bradley, though it definitely needs a buff, at least on lower veterancy levels. I never got above veteran with the Black Hand faction during PUG, so I can't tell how it performs with higher veterancy.

    Also the bike seems pretty useless atm. It doesn't do much damage and since money isn't usually much of a problem, there are much better alternatives after the first harvester dump. The only purpose could be an early rush at the beginning to destroy the harvester, which probably also isn't worth the issued credits. And shortly after that there is no point in buying them, when arties, light tanks, etc. are available.

    To provide a real purpose to the bike, it would have to be in the middleground and be an alternative to arties, light tanks and bradlies. So like a cheaper stank with a bit less damage and without the stealth ability.

  2. After not playing the game for a period of time, in my opinion the MRLS curving was one of the worst mechanics introduced to the game.

    Overall I think the MRLS is fine and don’t need to be buffed, at least I don’t have problems with it. They are good for shooting over long distances and as a second line behind meds and mammoths, because its target lock helps a lot in that regard. So I don't agree with the people, who constantly say that MRLS are useless.

    Also since med tanks deal more damage than light tanks and flame tanks can only be used in close combat on maps with obstacles in the main field providing cover to them, artilleries make up for that disadvantage. Otherwise all main vehicles of GDI would at least be on par or better than NOD tanks. NOD tanks already have a hard time, when GDI is pushing out meds and mammoths.

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  3. I think at this point it would be better to have at least a random shuffle, which shifts like half of the team around, cause at the current state you often end up with the same people. As a somewhat reference point: yesterday I never switched teams and except for one game out of 8 (?) I was on the same team as "slow", who afaik never switches the team.

    Although it won't help against people who instantly switch teams due to various reasons.

  4. I would keep it like it is, a simple overview and not add much more information. Assists will more often be in the 3-digit range.

    And if you don't make a screenshot of the scoreboard for whatever purpose, you don't see it for more like a minute (?) anyway.

    Though the K/D column should be widened to show 3-digit scores correctly. At the moment they get cropped as seen in the picture above.

  5. 1 hour ago, XD_ERROR_XD said:

    [...] Remember the icons used to display vehicles and characters in the Purchase Menu? Well, let's put those on the scoreboard on the top right of your HUD!


    Now, anyone can see which character someone is using and what vehicle he is driving on the go! No button pressing required filling another big portion of your screen, it is very minimalistic and based on visual cues. The visual cues make it more simple to understand, because not every beginner may straight away understand what a Sakura is, but does understand straight away that a person has a big sniper rifle as their main weapon! Or a rocket launcher.

    You will also see several GDI opponents using maybe a medium tank, or has a repair gun as his main 'weapon'. Off course, not every opponent has their weapon and tank displayed on the UI, only the ones spotted, and that's a temporary thing too.


    Not only are visual cues more easy to understand than plaintext, but it may also help simplying other mechanics too! Because what would be easier to catch in the corner of your eye while you're fully focused in a tank, one of many lines of text on the top left saying there's 6 Mammoth Tanks spotted in the GDI base, or a transition from the previous screen to this:



    This may help simplfy matters for newer players I think. And it may take some pressure off people that are already occupied, like the persons trying to lead a rush! [...]

    I actually like the symbolic integration of the vehicle and character icons into the scoreboard. I think that would be especially neat for PUGs, it would make it a lot easier to see what certain people are doing.

    But I think that the symbols don't fit that good into the chatbox. I would prefer the actual text version at this point.

  6. 21 hours ago, Schmitzenbergh said:

    I can show a picture of myself, that's kinda scary

    There is already a picture of you on your trip through north america. ;)




    • Haha 4
  7. Overall an ingame voice communication would be desirable, but I'm not very keen on hearing people of the enemy team. Like Algol as an sbh whispering in everybody's ear: ~~You're gay!~~ :rolleyes:

    Judging by the PUGs hearing your own teammates is often more than enough. :P 

    I still remember a PUG, where like nearly everyone was talking and what a clusterfuck it was.

    • Haha 2
  8. The best bet to take over the hill is probably airstrikes on the hill, while constantly pushing with tanks and repairs and hope for the best. :P

    Otherwise screw the hill and defend as effectively as possible and try something else besides the field...

  9. For me it mostly applies to just 1 double-shot at a time, but sometimes 2 or 3 double-shots in a row, then the cannons do damage again for most of the time. So at least there is no need for me to get out of my tank, but I already missed quite a few vehicle kills due to this bug.

  10. 17 hours ago, LavaDr4gon said:

    11:59, the error that cost the game.

    From Thommy's perspective alone, without your video, I wouldn't have noticed you as well. I would call it unfortunate for us, a few seconds earlier and you would have run straight into him. ;)


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