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  1. Is there some one who has (or can make) VERY low ploy models of Renegade? This will explain: http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/ Have fun making Renegade Action figures if there will come some VERY low poly models (else the assembling time will be LONG )....
  2. When come the Poll?
  3. when comes the poll?... and here are more: -Ultimate Renegade -Renegade From the ashes From Quotes of Havoc: -Renegade S.I.C (Still Interested in Conflicts, A havoc quote: "Conflict on interests? No, i'm interested in conflicts" and it can be spoken out as "Sick" or "As I See") -Renegade Right Handed (Havoc shoots Lefthanded while he IS righthanded(on CnC 1 : That Was lefthanded, Ren: Me taking up for the whole Nod Crew? Sounds not fair, maybe i'll shoot lefthanded) i hope u like them seb
  4. So, A war is imminent?, are you guys sure Superweapons are turned on? http://www.tiberium.com , there are the Forums Etc. (for the one who couldn't find the official site)
  5. 1. CnC (all of them, i reckon generals is not a CnC game:S) 2.Unreal franchise 3.Warzone2100(Biggest tech tree of all games) 4.Conflict Zone(Nice RTS with FUNNY cutscenes) 5.Minesweeper(Time killer)
  6. Final Renegade Renegade Aftermath Renegade Reloaded Renegade Re-assembled
  7. Ren2k8
  8. ye...i´m playing the SP and now i just have researched the heavy-machinegun and halftracks...and my highst rank is a regular...and i got about 20 other promoted vehicles....(i´m in mission 5) I hope the resurrection will becom BIG, with more tech like walker tech and more bodies etc......or a way to place two weapons on a vehicle... And i hope there will come more user friendly editing programs... I also thought more ppl have played this game....better hope there will come more players... regards, Seb
  9. well, it´s being resurected right here: http://wz2100.net/ i reall like this game because of it gameplay(ingame vehicle creating)yes, there Only one side to play but still, all players will differ due it´s GIANTIC tech-tree have fun feel free to discuss :roll: , regards, Seb
  10. **Voted**
  11. i really hope i get an upgrade for my PC or a new pc so i finally can learn how to design with Ued3....and 3ds max 9....but till then i try to make some nice ideas Thanks for being positive about this //Edit: i'm now writing(on paper first ) an update for this list, prepare for another Big post
  12. Options that could be turned on or off (like mutators), so after classic Ren has been remade I was brainstorming about the possibillities which the u3 engine is giving us: \-Building capturing all builing gets an extra "HP-bar" and the enemy can fill it which using Rep guns on mct(only), when filled, the building loses half it's hp(which can be repaired and during the (mid/low HP)explosion the housecolour painting changes. recapturing is possible. A building which is captured is functional to its house, so if captured a HON/Bar, you'll be able to buy all character(but it costs double due you don't have an extra PP) and so on... - \-Target painter: --for calling airstrike or mine drop(by air) --calling in reinforcements like: ---vehicles(AI to which you can give orders to, or emty) ---turrets/emplacements(AI or emty) ---squad(AI only, but they listen to your orders) --Team beaconing, a laser pointer to unite your teams firepower. - \-More gametypes: --Bombing run (gain credits due killing and scoring gain wining points due scoring) --Team Deathmatch --assault(or Co-Op) (as replacement for singleplayer) --CTF --Vehicle CTF --Unslaught (UT unslaught now tastes like CnC) --all out war (CNC takes it up against the UT Arsenal) - \-Able choose in what friendly building to spawn. - \-combo's (like the adreneline-rushes in UT) - \-Rocketlocking (maybe only on vehicles) - \-Make buildings garrisonable: --MCT like thing capturing required to acces: ---lifts ---doors ---gun emplacements in front of most windows ---get automated ceilingguns on your side - \-UT announcements (maybe modded for Ren use) \-Base swapping (never thought of fighing from the other side of cnc-field?) \-Tiberium growth(harvs now really have to work to let tiberium not creep into your base) \-buy a fully funtional Harv(AI or drive one yourself) \-more (animated) taunts \-more crate surprises. \-No more boxes fixed to the ground \-Gore slidebar No<->Full gore \-fixed superweapons, when there is something like a roof (like CnC_Under), now SWs create holes on the roof/ceiling \-PIC/Railguns are able to shoot through some objects/walls. this was it and i hope some of this could be implented in this mod as a patch(or a mod ) like thing after the "classic" Ren has been remade regards, Seb
  13. ....editing old posts don't bump....so....**Bump** Edit: I followed tutorials of Audodesk 3ds MAX and now i know the basics (including animating)....lol.....
  14. Here are another issues to talk about: -No SP-mode....but, how about Assault CnC maps(like assault missions in UT)? -how will be music be?....i hope there will some kind of music menu(like in TibSun) -Will there be taunts in game(animated and/or vocals )?
  15. ok........i hoped that it was just a gametype to choose....so UT and Ren r seperated, like 2 U3 cores to be installed... anyway ty for the info:P
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