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Everything posted by Xrain

  1. Xrain

    New Teamspeak?

    Um, Teamspeak server =/= RenX server. So it isn't related to the release of the standalone client. Teamspeak is a voice chat program, the devs and the rest of the community used one that was hosted by borgamers specifically for RenX. It seems to have gone down around 8 months? ago or so. So I wasn't sure if they got a replacement server, or just moved on the other communication methods.
  2. Hey guys, great work on the mod! It is all turning out very excellent! I notice that the original borgamers team-speak server no longer works. Did RenX switch to a new team-speak server/ form of voice communication? PS: It is impossible to pm anyone in the new forums...
  3. *cough*
  4. QUOTE (Killa @ May 19 2010, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You fool! Everyone knows Pink Manatee Toaster X9000++ Is so much better than PMD T1000+, how could you have made such a mistake?
  5. Or, you could have the harvester ram through enemies, but stop for allies, however if its stopped for a certain amount of time, it should turn into a cannibal and eat the offender. :lol: An Om Nom Nom sound might be a good addition also.
  6. Xrain


    Start up teamspeak: 1. Go to the drop down menu called "Connection" 2. Click on "Connect" 3. Make sure the "local address-book" tab is selected 4. Right click in the big white open space and select "Add Server" 5. Name it RenegadeX, or RenX, Or Renegade-X, doesn't really matter what you name it. 6. Now on the right hand side there should be entry fields labeled: Label, server address etc. 7. For a label put: Renegade X, or house of win, or I wan chezburgerz or what ever happens to fit your fancy. 8. For a server address enter: 9. Put a user name in. 10. DON'T put a user password yet 11. Make sure that anonymous is selected for now. 12. Leave all other fields blank. 13. Press Connect! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that you are in the server, make sure your options are configured right and all that stuff. I'm not 100% sure but I think self registration is allowed if the server, so to register with the server: 1. Got to the "Self" menu 2. Select "Register with server" (If you can't select it, Skip the next steps and go bother fobby/jeep/havoc to allow you to register) 3. Enter a user name and password. 4. Remember your user name and password, then leave the server 5. Under Connections Click on the renegade-X server or what ever you named it 6. Enter the user-name that you registered with the server 7. Enter the password you had registered in the "user password" field 8. Select the "Registered" tick box instead of "anonymous" 9. Press connect 9. And from then on if all things went as planned, Enjoy playing renegade-x with the ability to talk to people.
  7. They... kinda... already had a torrent... :blink:
  8. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Sep 24 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now really?, Yes I too agree that sand, snow, and carnage club were great maps. But its entirely possible that he simply didn't like them, and if he doesn't good for him it doesn't matter. The mod is scheduled to be released very soon, and like fobby said they are short on mappers, and in renegade, thousands of maps were made for that game, a few hundred were actually pretty good, deciding what maps to recreate and what ones not to is tough, because everyone loves this map or that map for different reasons. UT3, the game renegade-x is based off of has a great map creation tool, much more powerful and easier to use than gmax, so if there is a map that you absolutely love, and wish to be created go ahead and make it! There are HUNDREDS of online tutorials teaching you how to use the ut3 editor, and finding good ones is easy. Just go to Google, and type in UT3 Editor Tutorials, and your set. So now go, you have all the tools needed, go read some tutorials and start practicing, and I expect to see C&C_Snow, C&C_Sand, and maybe even C&C_Carnage_Club, to be released from you. Good Luck! PS: When your starting out mapping, start small, like stupidly small and work your way up, if it only has a ramp and an empty box thats just fine for your first map. But if you start big right off the bat, you will never end up finishing the map, or it will just be painful and take a long time. PPS: I'm not kidding about expecting those maps from you, you got three months.
  9. Xrain9999, is all I've ever had in renegade.
  10. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Sep 12 2009, 01:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lol, I think you have been spending too much time in the demote thread
  11. Xrain

    ren tools

    Yea the original purpose of those tools was to fix bugs, and stop cheaters. Seeming the RenX team can just patch the game directly to fix bugs and exploits they wont be needed.
  12. Xrain

    End of a warm day

    Yea it actually warmed up a lot here too!, it was 39 degrees F Below zero (-39.4C), its now 0.2 degrees F ABOVE! zero (-17C) I actually have a whole .2 of a degree outside!, But our heatwave is due to end by Monday and go back to around -15F - -30F again... (-26C - -34C)
  13. Sometime between then and now...
  14. QUOTE (VinGummi2 @ Apr 16 2008, 05:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It seems every time I try to link more than one thing, something gets fouled up... :unsure:
  15. Get the 8800 GTS 512mb version, it is only a little more expensive than the GT; the brand new 9800GTX only performs a couple frames better than it. Here's an article reviewing the 9800gtx, but it has results of the top graphics cards. And here is the results of the 8800gts and UT3. Ratty are your drivers up to date? (edit: Fixed links)
  16. Hmm I guess the price of the college I'm going to isn't too far off of yours, Its $4,918 for tuition only, a year, thankfully I get in state tuition.
  17. $15000 for all four years!?! The college I'm going to will be $12000 a year! :blink:
  18. Alright! thanks! :lol:
  19. Think you could extend the deadline a little bit longer than that? :unsure:. Say more like... April 17th to 24th?
  20. On www.gameservers.com they have a 32 person ut3 servers for $48 a month ($1.50 a slot) so I don't think it will be a problem...
  21. Renegade: Revolutions :wink:
  22. http://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/2007/11/23/..._tournament_3/1 9 out of 10
  23. I'd suggest shelling out the $500 for the new cpu, ram, and mobo because your computer is only as good as its foundation, if your cheapo mobo decides to short out your components, that new video card wouldn't mean much, and besides a new series of video cards are shelled out every 6 months. By the time you get enough money for a new video card you will be able to get a lot better one for the money. And your rendering times will prolly get a bigger drop from the better cpu, than the new video card, not to mention the more it will take until you will have to use your page file from the boost in ram. :wink:
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