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  1. Please no upgrades to make people 'powerful'....The reason I like Renegade's gameplay is the moment you join a server, everyone is equal. It all depends on tactic and skills, not on some dumb advantage gained by playing 24/life.
  2. Do you mean that it says "No content in table" everywhere (at the Launcher menu)? Open the "Renegade X.exe" right from your folder (where Renegade X is installed), that should fix it.
  3. Heh It's funny how trust in the game have changed by a lot of people thru the years. At the start of the project people were really interested and had good hopes on a 'next-level' renegade game. Over the years, people lost trust because it took ages and ages to make (since it was first called 2007, we all know they didn't get even close to that date lol). At the first moment Beta1 testers, including me, were able to get our hands on the real game, the trust gained a lil' bit. But people still were unsure whether to get excited or not, since there was yet no release date. Ever since the release date has been announced, people are really start to get excited and look forward to the 26th of februari. I just hope there won't be too many problems with the release. (like people can't download, crash, freeze, can't join, etc etc). Respect to the dev teams and everyone who made this game happen
  4. ^He didn't know what 'mesa' meant just joking. This map is awesome tho
  5. Jam, you might want to update the first post on this topic
  6. Maybe this sounds stupid but, since you guys are not allowed to take money in any single way, highlight this somewhere on the website. As we both know, a lot of people are willing to donate to the project for its amazing work, yet they have no information how to donate (or that it isn't possible at all). By highlighting it somewhere on the frontpage, you decrease the chance of people gaining money of this project. (There ARE a lot of stupid people in this world to fall for it lol) I got told kicktraq just follows kickstarter projects.
  7. Nice trailer mate Can't wait to play this in a full serrrver!
  8. God please no to leveling or equipement systems. The reason I play Renegade is because of its unique gameplay, and mostly because I can join and leave WHENEVER I feel like it. I can take 3 months break and join as 'same level' as everyone else again, not worrying about falling behind after a break or such...
  9. Nice nice NICE work mates! Sadly I've been inactive last couple of months and weren't able to help testing etc, but I'm glad to see it's finally coming to an end where the release is in sight You guys should make a statue of yourselfs in a random map, u deserve them!
  10. Another nice update, sexy!
  11. Lmfao yeah that would be freakin' awesome
  12. woandre

    White Sun

    Lol ok nice april fools Nearly got me there lol
  13. ^Epic picture hehe
  14. Lol that's nice
  15. Walls Flying looks too epic
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