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Everything posted by Pinworm45

  1. So far my first impression is that it is awesome. The graphics and physicals make it great. But I do think it has one problem, but I suspect a lot will disagree with me.. It's too much like renegade. It's copying it exactly when I just don't think it should. I know the maps are remakes, but the original maps were small due to the engine, not by choice. EVERY single round boils down to the same thing: Either fight with tanks in the vehicle field, or fight as infantry in the tunnel. No progress is every made, nothing ever changes. It was pretty much the same in renegade. It's just one big huge giant stalemate. In my opinion, the mod would be a lot, lot better if it didn't copy renegade exactly and instead decided to expand upon it, and make it what they probably had in mind when they made renegade, but couldn't do for technical reasons. With unreal engine, maps can be much, much, much larger and look like actual battlefields, as opposed to petri dish battle areas where you only ever fight in one of two areas.
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