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Posts posted by yosh56

  1. 8 hours ago, mouse705 said:

    So devs nerfed... LCG....

    When on Earth was the LCG nerfed? They still dominate as long as you just position yourself where you're not constantly exposed to snipers. Between EMPs, and being the only unit that can walk away from 6 MRLS rockets exploding beside it, they're far from weak. Also... their spread really only affects their ability to kill infantry. If you're missing Mammoths, you've got other problems. Also... they NEVER have to leave where they're at to refill ammo, making them arguably better at locking people in at chokepoints than any other infantry in the game. 

    1. Devs' real reason to nerf Chem was: "Chem rush." Ok so are you going to nerf Rocket rush, Mobi rush, Mam rush? Why are you nerfing the game for the max potential of 6 Chems - while ignoring that during 3v3 teams, only 1 Chem will have to do the work to counter GDI tanks and Nadders?

    I mean... the chem and flamethrower nerf I don't even understand. Seemed kind of pointless. But no nerfing chemrushes wasn't the reason. Don't just make up false reasons when the actual reasons are right there. That's just plain rude. Also there's a massive difference between *magazine* size, and just *reserve* ammo. Their magazine size was unchanged. 


    Also I have a 'serious' question. Why on Earth are you using chems to counter tank spam? That wasn't a thing in...... any version of Renegade. If you were just going to bumrush tanks, you grabbed a free engineer or a free AT unit to suicide and C4. Maybe try to kill a repair or 2. You don't throw money at suicide defense. If anything I can see using Chems just to throw nades behind tanks to hit their repairs, but throwing the unit away for $225 is just.... bad eco-management. 



  2. On 2/7/2021 at 2:22 AM, mouse705 said:

    1a) Ok thanks. So it's different splash damage + armor types = slower Inf kills. But it fees like Inf can harass even my Mammoth/Med tank too much. The fastest way to kill is to run over. Third day playing, so my muscle memory needs to be reshocked.

    1b) The APC machine gun feels stronger than the GDI Med Tank? I can still kill with the APC.

    2) I meant LCG "nerfed" (changed) compared to OG Ren. I don't remember the spin-up being so delayed. Or was Vehicle armor/HP increased or something? The melting balance feels wrong for the LCG. He used to be L33t.

    3) Is there a special hit/heal box for Vehicles? I forget if OG had that or not.

    1 ) Right 

    1b) APC's gun is stronger vs. infantry than the med's MG, yes. 

    2) LCG is actually substantially stronger vs. vehicles than OG Ren.

    3) Never has been. 

  3. OG Ren's Medium tank didn't have an MG. I think OG Ren's splash damage for vehicles was higher, but they also didnt use Armour types as much. FLAK infantry [Pretty much all the anti tank infantry] are more resistant to explosions. Kevlar infantry [pretty much anything anti infantry] take significantly more damage from explosions.] 

    As for the LCG damage, it's probably as strong against tanks as it's ever been.

  4. Most of this is known (not to downplay it). There was a push to utilize the native relevancy checks in UDK though 2 issues came of it: 


    A) You can tell it was built around something like Unreal Tournament, with tight corridors and plenty of walls to easily tell if people were visible to one another, as opposed to RenX that has rather large fields with comparatively huge lines of sight, but also obstacles as thin as light poles or small rocks that send false positives of rendering. (A notable issue we had was people being invisible through something as simple as a fence).

    B) Not having access to any native code means we're kind of stuck with Epic's implementation of Actor relevancy. A MAJOR issue there is it wasn't built to have 64 Pawns + vehicles. That leads to the server getting saturated with traces (or so I've been told). 


    There are some other possible alternatives; there just hasn't been a whole lot of time to study and test them yet. Basically it's just getting around all of the native calls, which requires some finagling. 

  5. The 87 errors are pretty normal. It shouldn't always re-ask  to build scripts though. You could check to make sure the SDK folder has correct permissions, IE: your user account has permissions to modify/read/write. Sounds like the scripts folder isnt actually getting the script file saved. 

  6. Did you already follow the troubleshooting instructions for the SDK: IE unblocking the files in Powershell? 

    Unreal engine natively expects all resources to be in a package. As far as I can tell, W3D looked in the root folder 1st before looking in its package files. This is why it was unbelievably easy to mod Oldren.

  7. On 4/14/2020 at 4:34 PM, ChrisInVT said:

    @yosh56, I'm getting the error "Failed to execute script UDKHandler" when trying to run this.
    I'm wondering if it's because I have the game loaded in a non-standard directory (E:\Renegade X), although I have this tool in there as well. I did allow it to merge the UDKGame folder as instructed


    Wow... Not sure how I never saw this post... 

    Generally this was always Windows Smartscreen blocking the executable for me, though I do know it will sometimes do it after a server has been patched.


  8. Not sure which graphics utility you have installed, but if it has the option to manually tell your card what settings to use for applications, you can try forcing settings through that. Again, not sure which utility you're referring to to be able to know if it has that option or not. 


    Also, post a (Launch.log) file from Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs. It may be trying to use the wrong video adapter outright. 

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