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  1. I give away a lot of vehicle's to team mate's so locking would need to be client option for me. If it's stolen I spit my dummy out until it's given back or an admin slaps them.
  2. 1) Securition 2)securition [at] 187combat.com 3)187combat Combat|Evolved Server not online yet, although already purchased. I'll more than likely need minor assisance as the unreal engine is probably the only engine I haven't hosted a server on yet. //EDIT Server now online, easier than I thought.
  3. Sec69UK JointWoop
  4. An idea I can't disagree with, but it would require a 12y/o armchair general detector.
  5. Oooo controversial APC change! Glad you did it though, overall I am highly impressed. The original was a major missfit lined up against both GDI & NOD imo.
  6. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 19 2009, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks for the link! Was a good read, and further adds to the utter incompetance theory. Even if they are able to release anything within the near future, it's guaranteed to be reviewed with bias and hostility, myself included. I;m expecting a game that can give me a blowjob whilst I play, after 12 years that's a very simple request.
  7. Utter incompetance. They deserver to have been shut down. I've seen many shitty excuses from several fanboys on other forums and none of them hold any substance. I can't see this becoming a mainstream thing either, they were just, utterly, utterly, incompetant, whilst taking home a nice pay cheque each month. Many sites are claiming that the latest "tech demo" was nothing more than a scripted sequence. Now we will probably never find out the truth of the matter, although I believe it may ring true.
  8. QUOTE (Ban4life @ Apr 27 2009, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE! Even if it sucks it's the effort that counts, and since a few months ago I've still got a boner from the posted vids.
  9. Jeeze that was back in 2003! I can't believe I can still vaguely recall the bitch fest over it Is Aircraftkiller still kicking around? NM I got off my ass and checked the members list.
  10. QUOTE (BLuel4bel @ Mar 19 2009, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup.... I had to think about that for a while. It was an incredibly long time ago tbh. Wouldn't mind catching up with the old skooler's from there.
  11. Moonlightshakers server (DaDeth), Dajoint Servers, TWA, PHx and a load more I can't remember Used to be JointWoop, but that was an incredibly long time ago.
  12. Only purchased it for Ren-X UT pissed me off since the 2003 edition fuck-up.
  13. QUOTE (TD @ Mar 9 2009, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YOU CAN STILL SURF PORN WHEN LEVELS CHANGE BY SHIFT+TABBING & USING THE IN BUILT WEB BROWSER. Damnit why does everyone overlook this blatent bonus everytime steam is mentioned I ported my retail copy onto steam and copied the files across, also saving a 9GB download. A few hiccups verifying files, but in all honesty it was smoother than expected. You can sitll install your stand-alone copy with the old serial without problems too. Some crappy rumour declared it null & void which is a complete lie by anti-steam gamers. Benefits of steam aren't that huge. Auto patching, achievements, and the friends chat etc.. Since Steam was initialy released it has over-time become a very stable platform regardless of people's past grudges and retarded diagnostic skills.
  14. Looks good so far, still needs work though. I would "dirty up" the Renegade title and the 07 section looks wrong, perhaps with an inverse bevel it would look better, I dunno.
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