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Everything posted by QUAKERxnc

  1. excellent work
  2. QUOTE (dominic @ Jan 11 2010, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why that?
  3. Lets Rock
  4. Wich time we can expect it? now it is 18.00 GMT.
  5. Hm, Kills and death does not matter in this game only the earning points are important. And if won or not. Kills/Death is only a gimmick. A Ladder would be fine.
  6. Because COD6 is released since 0.40.
  7. ^whats wrong with QuakeNet?
  8. The best option should be a Limit to 18 Players to our MP Servers. I am not certain but i think Stalker-Contact Server has any vehicle Lag.
  9. Unpassable vehicle wrecks are a good think to stop lowplayers to storm the own base i think it should be retained.
  10. And what u guys from DEVTeam means about that? I thing that "silenced_Pistol" is a Joke its Silenced without Silencer. lol These sounds are more able then the older Sounds. So u guys MOD Renegade in Unreal Engine to improve the GFX in that game, then we can improve the Sounds, thats my Opinion. Or whats ur impressions?
  11. Here are some old Sounds that i missed in Renegade. It should be not bad if we can unclude this in the RenX MOD. -the ion and nuke warmups with the strike. -an a better minigun, pistol, and the standartgun riflesound Download Soundpack enjoy
  12. Now i found it if i write True in the *.ini´s its always reseted after Renegade start. under Video\Advanced Options at the top of the site there is an Option named "Frameratesmoothing" and we can aktivate it. So now u got unlimeted Framerates But its always reseted after RenegadeX start. It looks like the *.ini settings does nothing.
  13. QUOTE (RypeL @ Oct 19 2009, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its only the Server who set this limit. If i start a Server i have no limitations. If i play singelplayer its always the same. I deaktivate this limitations in every game but only UT, UT2003, UT3 with some over Punkbuster limitaded CoD4 servers has a Serverlimitation. We have tested the "benablesmoothframerate=false" setting with the Server admin on http://www.Stalker-Contact.de named "Zocker325" UtEngine.ini UTGame.ini, UTBase.ini and such stuff but without an effect. If u guys have another idea to change it tell me. Now i think its an Enginesetting without *.ini options.
  14. QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Oct 19 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think so. Classic Renegade should be slower. I am assuredly. The 125 FPS-question
  15. Repair is to fast! Two Technicans can repair a Mammut faster then Obelisk does make damage. We got one match on Hourglass and GDI fires permanently on NOD-base but Repair is unstoppable fast. Another think is i has a battle with nodtank, after any hits he got 10% Hitpoints. Now enemy get out of his tank and repair faster then i can do make Damage.
  16. Looks Great. Devteam, whats with the new 125 FPS Limit? Next time u guys want to increase this, maybe 0.37?
  17. Any one can test this effekt on Darkplaces QUAKE Darkplaces QUAKE Download
  18. Nod Light Tank because its a horsemen djingis kahn´s.
  19. The ubber skillers Lyserk and Blazor means 120 FPS has not an positiv Effekt. Guys if we can play online with 90 or 120 u then play with ur maximal sightable vsync 60FPS that shoulb be the best for u. So but the another n00bs Named bali, Qwerty and QUAKERxnc want to talk with the Devteam to increase it to 120 thats ok for u? I think my next car would be an AUDI that ok for u, or u want that i has to buy another?
  20. QUOTE (Lyserg @ Oct 7 2009, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Best u talk with a Quake3 Player, 333 FPS is a must have, belive me. Test it plz play a UT3 game with 200 FPS and then limit it to 60 u will see it sux hard. And if u have 120 Hz it owns totaly much. Every second is cuted in 120 Parts/pictures thats a lot of more Informations than only 90/pictures. Ur eyes are not sync with the simultan Pictures of the Monitors so 120 is better. The 400 Positions of the Enemy in Second is better then 90 Positions in one Second. So it does not matter what Monitors can show or eyes can "see" in a second. The position of the Enemy is more precise in 400FPS then 90FPS. Higher is almost better. I cant describe it pervekt my english is not good enought.
  21. QUAKERxnc


    I think thats excellent only Gunner,Genadier, Nod Flamerinfaterie and Nod-Laserchaingun-Soldier should do damage against Tanks and Buildings. Include the 1000Credits Infantrie.
  22. QUOTE (Lyserg @ Oct 7 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now, i know that u guy´s cant noticed more than 90 or 30 or 60 or whatever. Thats only ur opinion. So i have to ask you. If it is 120 FPS, it would be worse playing then 90?
  23. QUOTE (Lyserg @ Oct 7 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ´ The older UT2003 got the same Problem we know it from UT2003 LAN Tournaments that my allie has 250 FPS if he makes server on his own PC and if he joins to a LAN server the frames are limited to 60. The Dev team would agree with me that is an server setting.
  24. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Oct 5 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The online server limitation is 90 FPS. So it schould be no Problem for the Dev.Team to increase the global limit to 120FPS.
  25. Guy´s can u increase the FPS limit to 120 plz? best Monitors has 120 Hz
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