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Everything posted by AlienXServers

  1. personally i had to close it cause the camera work was making me dizzy... lol
  2. Don't really have much input to say about this other than: I like this idea, i hope that it goes in.
  3. the server files are the same as the client files
  4. QUOTE (Dorest0rm @ Oct 1 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm quite sure i read somewhere that Sakura wont come equiped with the ramjet rifle, but it will have the anti-tank rifle instead... If this is to be correct, this would explain why the sakura didnt have a scope
  5. Pros: Great graphics and models Gameplay feels just like it is in renegade The level designs are just stunning Attention to detail is great (backfire from MRLS etc etc) Cons: Small bugs such as a invisible pistol makes a first impression of the mod look alittle bad Renegade-Islands GDI Ref should have been found and fixed before the release, using this map is just pointless most the time Engineers feel too weak - it seems to take forever to repair anything Not enough audio/text queues about in-game action, such as beacon planted and purchasing vehicles I really hope that the Islands GDI Ref gets fixed soon in a patch
  6. O... M... G... I cant beleve some one has said bad things about the Boink! It makes me feel dirty
  7. I will apply this fix to my servers as soon as i have some free time (back at work now holiday over, gaaaaaaay) n1 on fixing it tho.
  8. Enjoy hammering my bandwidth lol
  9. QUOTE (Masterofnones @ Sep 30 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not ready yet - ur gonna have to wait like the rest of us
  10. QUOTE (Zeg @ Sep 30 2009, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah sure, but your server provider should give u support for how to upload files via FTP and how to edit your startup command line...
  11. Hiiiiiiiii! *waits even longer, hour after hour passes by* -
  12. Hi there If the server hosting company is a decent one and uses a Game Control Panel such as TCAdmin then you should be totally fine to get renx onto your server. If the installer of renx allows it (which is unknown at this time) to extract the renx components to a seperate directory on your PC, you can FTP the contents of that directory to your game server (while its STOPPED). Once thats done, you will need to edit the startup command (Command line params, this should be able to be done by either yourself via your game CP, or chat with the server provider) to something like this: Renegade-Field?Game=RenXGame.Renegade?AdminName=YourNameHere?AdminPassword=RemoteAdminPasswordHere -mod=..\Renegade\ -log=Renegade.log -mutlihome=YourServersIPAddressHere -port=ThePortHere(7777 is default) --unattended Example: Renegade-Field?Game=RenXGame.Renegade?AdminName=AlienX?AdminPassword=letmein -mod=..\Renegade\ -log=Renegade.log -mutlihome= -port=7777 --unattended And if you have not yet - install UT3 Web Admin You can get it from here: http://ut3webadmin.elmuerte.com/ This allows proper administration of your UT3 server without having to edit confusing .ini config files have fun -
  13. You know you're a cnc renegade player when: - You try to aim your timed C4 onto the nozzle of the med tank to render it useless - You and your whole team are always engineers at the start of C&C_Walls - You sometimes feel like you the only person on your team (srsly, TP PEOPLE, ARGH!) Im to tired to come up with any others lol
  14. Here ya go AlienWorkShop AlienX Scrooluce [NE]Scrooluce[CRP] [NE]AlienX[CRP] {AW}AlienX Hope you enjoyed hehe
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