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Posts posted by AlienXServers

  1. Visceroids

    Were there visceroids in vanilla Renegade?


    As far as i knew, i didnt think that the RenX team were trying to re-create a popular game... quite frankly what is the point in that?? - Nothing, leave the popular game how it is...

    My view on RenX is that its here to improve the overall gameplay of the old renegade, not replicate it 100%.

    Visceroids could be a good addition to something that westwood perhaps should have put into the game in the first place, so maybe the RenX devs will put them onto tib fields, make em wonder about and eat your face.

  2. hey everybody,

    is there an renx irc chan? if no we could create one so everybody can idle there and maybe we get a few more games going.

    btw i dont like xfire because it logs my gaming time - which makes me feel like a nerd :P

    Good idea on the renx IRC server - ill nudge Fob when i see him next - perhaps this can be another service i can provide RenX with :) (for free ofc)

  3. Please make sure that the game was installed into the correct folder.

    This would be (if memory serves me right)

    Windows XP:

    C:\Documents and settings\USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade

    Windows Vista & Windows 7:

    C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade

    Hope this helps.

  4. I prefer the new one...

    After all Renegade-X is about Improving the old game, not creating a complete copy with prettier graphics... (srsly, that would be a waste of time... lol)

    Only problem I have with the HUD is that the chatbox does not have a backdrop for it, makes it near impossible to read chat messages in CNCUnder!

    Either way, good hud, the building status things need to be fixed as i dont beleve these work in multiplayer but do if you host a listen server on your pc locally, but then again i dont really pay much attention to that part of the screen... normally its where my crosshair is pointed :P

  5. [RABBLE]

    I agree with some people here.

    Renegade-X has got its infintary lag issues, but if you go and play UT3 you cant hit anything for shit... so quite frankly its just the netcode of the game that cannot handle a ping of over 80ish, it cannot keep bullets in sync to when you acctually pressed the left mouse button.

    And - because of this you do find yourself shooting in the direction they are walking.

    Renegade had a completely different bullet system, the bullets were client side, the damage was client side, the rate of fire was client side - damn well everything was, which made it possible to make client sided damage cheats by modifying game files.

    With Renegade, when you click - a bullet came out, your clients controlled bullet would hit a player, your client would tell the server this and the server would tell the other person that "You have been hit for x damage" and their client's HUD would change to whatever hp is left after the hit has taken place...

    With Renegade-X, when you click - a message is sent to the server saying "i want to fire", a message is sent back to the client saying "Fire away" - this takes 2x the amount of ping time you have, because a reply message has to be sent, once a bullet hits the player (normally server sided detection - not sure at how renegade-x handles it), the server notifies the client and yadda yadda.

    Remember that UT3's servers acctually load the game world, where as Renegade's ones do not, sure they do to an extent but they do not load bullet travel lines and vehicle projectiles in real time, where ut3 does.


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