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Everything posted by TopDawg

  1. The reason they lowered the player count to begin with was because the higher number servers (with that many people connected) were causing lag (a la this link - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72293); granted I haven't played in a while now, so something might have changed between now and then. Personally, I stopped playing because once the second patch dropped the NA 24 player server I played on (which was always full, and sometimes hard to get into) disappeared. I assumed this was because they didn't patch, but now I'm not sure what happened to it. Whenever I check the server listings the vast majority are all 0/40 players, and the servers that have people are typically EU. I'm not sure what bugs and problems persisted through the second patch (although crashing after nearly every map was very annoying to say the least), but if there was a reliable, NA 24 player server to play on I'd probably still be playing. As always though, I'm a pretty big proponent of choice and wished they had servers to accommodate everyone, both big and small (provided they could fix the lag, but even then if people were willing to play there, why stop them?).
  2. That's only for the GDI side though (meaning NOD has the advantage), and GDI are unable to do it on the NOD side. Is there any reason that only NOD are able to take advantage of this? Or was it an accident to begin with? Personally I don't mind if it's kept in, provided the map is fixed to allow GDI this same advantage.
  3. TopDawg


    It's unfortunate that you weren't enjoying yourself that much! While I certainly want lots of people to play Renegade X, it is somewhat of a niche game, and may not be for everyone. To kind of address some of what you wrote though: I think the addition of recoil is what makes for such long TTKs now (not that they were that short in the old one really either). After more playing/pondering I don't think I'm a big fan of the recoil. When I first learned of it I wasn't excited at all, and while it's not as bad as I anticipated, I'm just not sure it adds that much to the gameplay (and really only works to strengthen already strong hitscan weapons). I'm not entirely sure what you mean by dull vehicle fights. If you mean it's hard to break lines because of an engy repair fest on vehicles, then you (or a teammate) has to simply go and kill the repairers (I recommend grabbing a sniper as it works rather well for this). This is affected by server size though, and depending on the number of players playing experiences can vary wildly. I personally prefer 16 or 24 player servers, although 32 isn't that bad, but can become spammy (and I think gameplay already begins breaking down a little bit at that point). That's not to say that there shouldn't be big servers, as some people really enjoy that, but I think Renegade was designed around 8-16 player teams. It's also really important to keep in mind that this is a very team oriented game, and that there are roles to fulfilled and that that makes or breaks a team. It's still very early in open beta and many people are (re)learning the game, so it will take some time before people get accustomed to varying degrees of teamwork by default. Ultimately though, I hope you stick it out and at least give it another go with perhaps some different/altered expectations. And if you still don't like it, well, perhaps unfortunately this game just isn't for you then.
  4. TopDawg


    I would say that's because the game just isn't really designed (or balanced) for these massive servers. Mind you I'm not saying they shouldn't exist or that people shouldn't enjoy them, just that the experience will be completely different than playing on a 16, 24, or 32 player server for instance. Personally I enjoy 16 or 24 player servers the most, because any more than that and it starts to feel spammy and tactics/gameplay/mechanics begin breaking down.
  5. I've also noticed that it seems way easier to get money in this verison, which I also attributed to the Tech Silos. I made a post (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72366) suggesting that perhaps it's best to just leave it as a point booster rather than a second refinery credit tick.
  6. I'm glad you're enjoying the game overall so far! I'd like to add a few things on some of your comments, though. Some of the vehicles (particularly the buggies, MRLS, and Arty, although the Orca/Apache as well, which are a tad weak in this game) are meant to have weak armor. It's how they're balanced since they're able to do so much damage. Unless it's an AV (anti-vehicle) weapon it's not going to do much damage against Light Tanks, Medium Tanks, Mammoth Tanks, APCs, Flame Tanks, and Stealth Tanks. It's all by design, and I think once you get more used to the game and the roles fulfilled in the game it'll make more sense to you, since you seem no stranger to FPS'. Buildings aren't really that easy to damage as infantry from the outside. The MCTs (Master Control Terminal, every building has one in a specific spot) are where infantry place their timed C4/remote C4 to deal the most damage. Timed C4 deals 400 damage, remote C4 are 200 each (and Engineers and Hotwires/Technicians get the remote C4), meaning a building has 1200 health and that two timed C4s and two remote C4s will destroy it, for instance. Some infantry can deal decent damage from the outside (rockets, grenadiers, not sure how strong/effective the flamer is in this current version) and some are able to deal more damage by hitting the MCT as well. Also, you should be able to go into the garage of the Weapons Factory (I've seen nukes get placed inside there). You can't access it from inside, which is a window there but kind of hard to tell since it's just blank and open. The weapon recoil is something that the original did not have. I thought I was going to hate it, but after playing it isn't as bad as I had anticipated. I am still trying to decide though if it would be better sans the recoil or not. There aren't many weapons that are hitscan in Renegade X (and the original Renegade); the 500 and 1000 credit snipers and the shotgun being the only ones coming readily to mind. I'm not sure about the SBH (Stealth Blackhand) actually, but I do know that some people on the forums (like HaTe) know all of the weapon velocities and could better help you out with that than I. Anyway, it's nice to see people enjoying this game that never really knew the original. I hope you hang around and continue to enjoy it!
  7. Sorry for the spam, but I also forgot to address Orcas/Apaches. As has been stated numerous times, the Orca seems weaker in comparison to the Apache, but even overall these two units are much weaker than their original Renegade counterparts. I can only assume that this was a conscious decision. I don't know if I would call them OP per se, but they were certainly strong in the original. While it's nice to see them a little weaker, I think their range has to be buffed in order to make them even worth 900 credits. I think that combined with their mobility nerf really hurt them overall.
  8. Honestly, and this is just my personal opinion that I haven't been shy about sharing lol, I think the game is designed for teams of 8-12 (maybe 16) players. The game gets rather crammed and spammy when you start adding that many and some gameplay mechanics break down. Mind you I have nothing against people wanting large servers and who enjoy playing on them (and I think there should be servers to enable that to happen, especially once they fix some of the issues they're having currently), but I recommend 24-32 player max servers and see how your experience is then. I just found a 12v12 server US East Coast tonight and I likely won't play on any other servers for a while now lol (unless they're also 12v12).
  9. I've seen more than a few hostile responses to people making suggestions for the game. While I personally also find some of them (or even a lot of them) to be against the spirit of Renegade, it's both a good thing and is important to see what people are thinking. Unfortunately this is a beta and there's stuff that needs work. And sometimes it's okay to just tell people that this might not be the game for them if they're wanting to change core aspects of it. Every game doesn't have to be for every person. Hopefully though, more than a few will stick it out and learn the mechanics and then genuinely enjoy it and stick around and add to the community as a whole.
  10. Oops, I forgot a few things. These things have been mostly mentioned elsewhere as well, but they're definitely worth including. Player Names in Vehicles - Although the range in general for displaying player names has been lessened compared to the original, it's particularly problematic when inside a vehicle and you can't see who is in other vehicles, or how many. It makes working together harder as well. Chat Scroll - As lots of people have mentioned, chat scrolls way too quickly. I think something like 6-10 seconds per message would work much better all the way around. To prevent spamming it might make sense to limit messages to 4 or 5 every 10 seconds per person or something. Nuclear and Ion Beacon Timers - There was another thread where this was specifically addressed with a potential mid air animation for both beacons. Personally I like this and hope that it's implemented. I also hope that the 'grace time' is removed and that it's able to be diffused right up until it lands/goes off. Also a question on this, is there a reason that they are deployed much faster now? I'm pretty sure it used to take a fair bit longer to set it up than it does in this version. I haven't decided if that's a good or bad thing, but it definitely makes it easier to at least get them planted.
  11. I haven't discovered a way to yet. Also people seem to be unaware but you're able to type 'stat fps' and 'stat net' in the console (enabled by the ` key) to show fps and ping respectively.
  12. Alternatively you can also make note of the IP address and pass it around to everyone and join that way.
  13. I feel that I've played Renegade X enough now to offer some initial, general feedback. I guess I'll start by saying that I did play the original quite a bit back in 2002 and some of 2003, and on and off at various points after that, and unfortunately that I never participated in Clanwars. I believe that games need to be balanced for/around the highest levels of play and that that doesn't mean it can't be largely balanced all the way around (i.e., balancing for high levels doesn't have to be mutually exclusive to balancing for new players). And, for whatever it's worth and although it fluctuates a bit, I've been in the top 10 on the global leaderboards (granted it's somewhat easy to abuse/manipulate them). Overall, I've been having quite a lot of fun and am glad that Totem Arts took the time to do this (I get that it's resume building etc, but it still takes time and effort and it really seems like they're trying to get it right). I've been trying to get people interested in it that never played the original, but it's been somewhat difficult for a few reasons. I realize it's very early in the new open beta and that the dust has to settle somewhat (and new patches fixing things) before some of what I will outline can take effect. General Balance - Unfortunately the game will have to be balanced around a specific number of players. Personally, I'm biased towards smaller servers and think that the original game was balanced for 8-16 player teams (making that 16, 24, and 32 player servers). Depending on the map though even 32 players can feel a bit spammy and crammed, removing many of the tactical elements from the game. Mind you this isn't to say that there shouldn't be higher player servers (like 64, or even eventually 128 if it turns out to be possible), but that the game is going to have to choose what it's going to be balanced towards. Server Lag - This has been partially addressed with capping the servers at 40 (although it's still noticeable as stated). Quite likely this will not be something inherently easy to fix, and it may take some time. This is largely the vehicle 'jitter' that many people experience. Ultimately it will be up to server owners offering a wider variety of player counts in order to minimize this until a fix is found. Although personally I hope server owners will set up 16 and 24 player servers as well as keep them that way. Tech Silos -I'm not sure I'm sold on the addition of the Tech Silos. I've noticed that it seems to be a lot easier to gain credits in this version, and I'm guessing that's due to the Tech Silos. While an additional objective probably isn't a bad thing (although due to their locations they will always reward the team that's already winning), I think perhaps having them simply as a points boost is a better idea than them also acting essentially as a second refinery credit tick. Airstrikes - Although there's already more than a few threads on this topic, I'm not sure it's so clear cut and dry. I think being used in tandem with a beacon is a bit broken, but I think overall it goes back to what number of players the game is being balanced for. On large, already spammy servers, there are Air Strikes everywhere and it's very hard to know that they're incoming. Fundamentally, I think balancing it depends on what its intended use is. If it's simply an area denial thing, then putting smoke on the ground where it will strike is a good solution. It makes it clear and obvious where it will go off and makes people move (or they die). If it's simply another tool to kill vehicles/people with, then it indeed seems too strong. The damage should either be lowered or the splash/aoe of it should be lowered (or both) if that's the case. In Game Server Browser - Often times it does not work and sends you to different servers. My friends and I all have to enter I.P. addresses in order to join and play together. Because leaderboards already require the use of Steam, and it may end up on Steam anyway, would it be possible to enable joining from your Steam friend's list? If not, or even in addition to, perhaps a party system or Clan/Guild/Organization system could (or even an in game friend's list, although that might be tricky because of freely renaming whenever?) could also work to largely alleviate this issue. Global Leaderboards - I definitely like the idea of stat tracking and including global leaderboards. Although I don't know how hard or complicated it is to enable these kinds of things, it seems like the current leaderboard is too rudimentary and kind of easy to manipulate or abuse. Anyone can set up any kind of server (or join a private, locked one) and simply stat boost like crazy. (Un)Fortunately(?) I guess I'm boring and prefer a leaderboard for 'pure' servers as opposed to every server. But again, I don't know how hard that is to do. I'm also a fan of leaderboards that can be broken up into chunks. That is, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, lifetime, etc. The more the better! Vehicle Boost - Most people are unaware of this (myself included until only recently) and I'm not sure I understand its inclusion. To me it makes more sense to make the boost speed the default speed (or an average of the two) and then have no need for a boost. It's more intuitive and natural. Conclusion - Overall as I said, I've been mostly enjoying myself so far. I really want this to be good and I really want it to be fun so my friends play with me lol (and preferably in Clanwars eventually). Aside from the obvious issues with server lag currently, I hope that as time passes there will be lots of servers set up to accommodate player desires. Servers such as 16, 24, 32, 64, 128, etc player servers, infantry only servers, vehicle only servers, sniper only servers, etc. etc. etc. Having specific servers enables the game to be played pretty much any way someone wants to, which is great. It should be about player choice. Once I get a chance to play more in depth, and more specifically competitively, I'll likely be able to offer up some more specific feedback. I did look around and wasn't sure where to post this exactly. I realize there's a feedback section but most people don't seem to be making use of it and I'm not sure how active it is/how much the devs are checking it (but I regularly see dev posts here). If it should be in the other section though feel free to move it there. Thanks and I hope this was somewhat helpful!
  14. To be fair though, I don't think anyone's arguing about using it in the open; and at the very least I certainly haven't been. It's about how strong it is in an enclosed setting (like inside tunnels, especially like in the linked videos). But, it's like I said up above.
  15. I definitely agree with 16, 24, and at most 32 player servers. It's hard to get new people interested in this game when they never played the old one and when it's laggy and spammy on the bigger servers. Also, since my friends won't post, is there any way to maybe find pick up groups on locked servers that have ~8-12 people playing, for those more inclined to team play? I don't know if people have them up already, if it's an invite only kind of thing, or if it's something people would be interested in doing anyway etc.
  16. It's the first day of an open beta while many players are (re)learning how everything works. It'll suck for a bit, but you have to give people time (or even better yet help them) to learn the intricacies of the game.
  17. Thank you!
  18. How do you check ping in game?
  19. Anytime it gets around 40-50 players the lag is extremely noticeable. I hope it will settle down and that server owners will lower caps to 32, or even 24.
  20. I have to definitely agree. Anytime it gets to ~40 people, and especially around 50, every server I've played on has been very laggy. I hope some servers institute a 32 person cap at some point (and maybe even a few daring server owners can do 24!).
  21. I obviously won't know until I try it for myself, but it still just seems like it's superior to non free aim in an enclosed setting (and even third person is better than first person, although more negligible). I'm still not getting the disadvantage associated with free aim, other than them walking behind you/out of the camera angle, but that's possible in any scenario anyway, and any time that happens will require readjustment. I can definitely see the benefits for an Engy or whatnot in using free aim for better situational awareness. But as the videos demonstrated, you pretty much have to be stupid (or unwilling to learn it) to not use free aim when you're in a tunnel, because not only can you line up the shot before they can even see you (I mean let's face it, I'm no stranger to third person corner camping, I did play PS after all), it essentially increases the size of their hitbox anywhere except dead center, in which case it's just normal sized. Unfortunately free aim is kind of an all or nothing system, and changing it in pretty much any way will change it entirely. Perhaps a compromise to allow free aim but disallow the advantage would be to simply remove the crosshairs when using it (similar to what PS did while in third person view). But again, that fundamentally changes its purpose and it's no longer really free aim then. I dunno, /shrug. Ultimately like I said though, I'm not too invested either way, and if it's better I'll just learn to use it like everyone else. And if it ends up negating other classes, although that makes for bad game design, I won't have any problem playing primarily the snipers and PIC/Raveshaw for infantry, just like in the original Renegade lol.
  22. Because if they weren't using free-aim they would be aiming at you directly, which means you effectively see them from a side angle. (Which is a smaller target area). I still just don't understand that part I guess lol. I've seen the video, I've even checked out another you posted ( - and another actually ), and I just don't see where the smaller target disadvantage is. If they're aiming directly at you, their shoulders will be facing you 'square on', giving the you the widest possible target regardless.It does look like some of them are using free aim as well though, in which case their shoulders are 'sideways' giving a smaller target area, but that seems to only happen when they're also employing free aim. If they are directly facing you though and you're using free aim, they do end up seeing you from a 'sideways' view, which makes you a smaller target area but also makes you somewhat easier to shoot, since straffing is somewhat negated due to that fact. As I said though I don't particularly care one way or the other, other than learning what's 'best' from a competitive standpoint, and since it's finally 2 days away (plus however long until free aim's inclusion) I'll hopefully be able to gauge for myself in game.
  23. I guess I never knew about that. I mostly quit Renegade to play PlanetSide, which I ended up playing quite a lot (but PS2 was a huge letdown) - but anyway. The being easier to hit part makes sense, because your straffe is more parallel to them than perpendicular (although exactly how much easier to hit depends a lot on the angle). I still don't understand what makes them harder to hit, though. It seems to me like the 'shadow area' simply gets smaller or goes away, which is then the same as if simply only using first person. I must admit I was not really aware of the advantage (other than view) that third person view gave (and especially when combined with free aim). As I said before I don't really have a strong opinion either way, and am mostly just trying to figure out if it's merely a preference thing or if it's something that has to be used in order to be competitive. Personally, it seems like an extra hoop or two to jump through in order to be competitive. But as I've also been saying, I still don't think I understand it completely. I suppose time and hands-on experience will tell.
  24. Perhaps that's what it was and not free aim then. I believe 'V' was the default key for that, but it had to be held if I recall correctly. It enabled you to drive backwards and to have the turret be the center of the screen more or less. I still don't understand what makes that a disadvantage though. Is it not simply the 'normal' that would otherwise be experienced in first person view? I mean the whole reason free aim, and to a lesser extent third person view, even gives an advantage is because bullets are rendered from the gun (as opposed to the center of the screen, like in Counter-Strike for instance). So I guess I still just don't understand what makes that a disadvantage, as opposed to just no advantage, in the opposite direction.
  25. As someone who only used free aim in vehicles, I guess I still don't entirely understand. The way I'm reading it is that in one direction you have a rather large advantage (provided you have the correct angle), and in the other direction (from that same angle) it's not a disadvantage, but merely no advantage. The same kind of way it is regardless if you only ever use first person view and not third person view and free aim. If it is an actual disadvantage, then I guess I haven't picked up on that from this thread.
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