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About CRAZY_008

  • Birthday 08/05/1992

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  1. CRAZY_008

    Found bugs

    1. For some reason the game installation is very slow. At first it goes briskly up to 35%, then extremely slowly, as if the speed had become 1MB/s. Perhaps the problem is on the side of my PC, I can’t answer anything yet 2. When choosing a directory to install the game, if the launcher detects that it is not empty, it will offer an empty one for installation. The problem is that when you click "okay" nothing happens, the window does not close, and you have to restart the launcher 3. The game has been crashing very often lately. What’s funny is that if you don’t go into the battle settings (battle time, starting money, AI difficulty) and start right away, you can avoid crashing in most cases 4. (non-critical) I didn’t catch the moment, but either after updating the game, or after restarting the PC, the loading screen disappears. That is, the “level” is loaded and everything is ok, but this is not visually visible 5 (non-critical) Bots “love” to stand tightly against the wall inside buildings. Usually in a corner in a doorway, which often leaves the door open 6 (non-critical) Engineers run around like crazy, ignoring everything in their path (including damaged equipment, but very rarely they fix it), while trying to kill someone with pistols half a map away, which looks strange. Well, they also sometimes try to “kill” with the help of a repair gun I tried to collect the most common bugs. I used Google translator, so some things may not be very clear. I love this game, so I put together this list. Developers, don't be mad at me
  2. I'm trying to install the game for the second day. Second. Day. After restarting the launcher for the tenth time due to frequent download errors, I was able to resume downloading at 1.03 MiB\second speed. Angry, I asked another person to download the game. Alas, on the process "Applying" he got an error, so I downloaded what was on the USB flash drive and ... it didn't help, download 645 files says the launcher. Hooray, I downloaded it!... but no, there is an error in the process "Applying". Come on first lol I am in great joy from this game, but downloading it is an incredible mockery. My disk crashed and I had to download again. More precisely, I struggle in endless attempts to do this. Please stop mocking me and give me a direct link or an alternative one. By the way. While I was writing all this, the launcher knocked out an error. Yes, for the twentieth time today. For reference - I installed GTA 5 weighing 80 GB (or maybe more) in 40 minutes. I'm not trying to pollute the game, no I love her. Just such a cry from the heart that I came here. And it is unlikely that you will help me, I do not know English.
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