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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Xpert

  1. Xpert


    So apparently the muting system works if you log into RCON from ingame and use it, but it doesn't work from the console itself? Or is there something I'm missing here.
  2. In beta 1, the command FORCEEND worked. I tried it in beta 2 and it doesn't work. For me at least.
  3. The map voting shit is retarded. I'm sick of people voting for Walls_Flying every time. I want to be able to have the option server side to disable it and just use a rotation.
  4. Are you Wiggles? lol If you're looking for Whiskey and Kill, they started up H2O again in the CW.CC league for renegade-x.
  5. Upon further testing, I find the C-LIST output very annoying. There's really no consistant delimeters. All the other rcon outputs in beta 2 had a delim of ascii value "160". The C-LIST output only has a standard space (ascii 32) and it doesn't divide any of the information. It's hard to parse the output and tokenize it. It would be great if this gets changed. If not, I'll just deal with the sloppy if statements I used to keep it consistant. if ($gettok($2,3,32) == -----NO) && ($gettok($2,4,32) == STEAM-----) { var %steamid = None, %color = $iif($gettok($2,5,32) == GDI,8,4), %team = $gettok($2,5,32), %player = $gettok($2,6-,32) } else { var %color = $iif($gettok($2,4,32) == GDI,8,4), %steamid = $gettok($2,3,32), %team = $gettok($2,4,32), %player = $gettok($2,5-,32) } lol
  6. - Need to add an RCON Kill message output for when a base defense kills a player/bot - There's no RCON crate message output - There's no RCON purchase message output - Some kind of game_info command like renegade to show the current map and time - When you climb a ladder, you can still aim your gun in all directions including behind you. - After dying, there should be a timer to auto respawn. You can exploit gameplay by just sitting in that one spot and not respawn and you can pretty much spectate whatever is around your dead body to report to your team. This is especially exploitable in clanwars. - Output for C-LIST to state if there's no players ingame and to also include bots to the list - Spawned character doesn't have sidearm changes applied. Example, you wanted the machine pistol as your sidearm. You have it applied to your Soldier. You die. When you respawn, your Soldier doesn't have the machine pistol and you have to purchase a new Soldier. This also occurs in character crates. Character crates doesn't have sidearms applied unless that's intentional. - When using Q on buildings, there is a space between the last word in the sentence and the exclamation mark when it radios "Defend that structure" - Immediately is spelled wrong in radio command "Defend that structure immediately!" - Admin command FORCEEND doesn't work anymore. It worked in beta 1. - Admin command SWAPTEAMS doesn't work anymore. It worked in beta 1. - An RCON output for when bots join the game.
  7. This can be done by irc bots. Problem with this is, in beta 2, the FORCEEND rcon command doesn't work anymore. At least from what I was experiencing. I used to be able to end the game whenever I wanted from IRC but now I can't.
  8. Problem is the server doesn't send any data that I can use like that. The only thing I can use is player based recs/medals when someone recommends someone, or base it off kill messages. There's nothing else. It's not like Renegade's SSGM where it outputs gamelogs such as damage done. With that being the case, I might resort to just using a stats system where it counts kills, vehicle kills, building kills, and amount of times you joined the server.
  9. I'm beta testing a recommendation + medal system on my server. I had to wait for Beta 2 because I couldn't distinguish between a bot name and an actual player so bots kept getting recommended also. I'm still lacking some info that I need to make some medals work but it's a work in progress. Here's output from beta 1 when I tested it out.
  10. There is a console command for donate, press F5 then type "donate name 800" where name is a partial match on the name (like private messaging). Make sure you use "donate" and not "donatecredits" because the latter requires you to use player id (which you can get by typing PlayerList, so you can resort to that if the persons name is weird). "donatecredits 257 800" Good to know!
  11. Ya I seriously prefer !donate over the current system. It takes too much time. Other than that, I'm looking forward to this patch so I can finally touch up my bot!
  12. I just sent him my bot a few days ago Scruffy, lol.
  13. All servers come with a default list of bot names. It's up to the server owner to edit them. I edited mine and added Red Alert 2 quotes or names lol.
  14. Wilo never had a steady anti-cheat system. He ran a normal standard BIATCH. Take it from someone who's coded for st0rm for a few months and has had hands on the old source code. All his SSGM edits were merely childs play and a bunch of functions that called .txt script files that run in the data folder of the server. There were only a handful of servers that had an OK rapid fire system; BlackIntel, N00bless, Jelly, Nite-Serv (The days of raven, shinigami and stewie as a team) and Mt0wn into Atomix. Mobilest0rm got caught because I suggested looking at SSGM raw gamelog files that showed the position and kill event of what mobilest0rm was doing and matched it with the video of what was posted for evidence against him.
  15. My server gets people it in when 4 of our moderators starts it up and then it starts pouring in. Today we've had some good games.
  16. It decrease handling of vehicles. especially the apc
  17. These non-jelly's ain't about that life!
  18. Also, from the video, it's the same guy, GiganticFaggot. It's his IP lol.
  19. Xpert


    Roy doesn't cheat. You're such a noob lol. Roy uses the same tactics he uses in regular Renegade to destroy buildings.
  20. AircraftKiller was always independent to begin with other than the APB project in the first 2 years of its development.
  21. Not by BIATCH alone. A player had to have RG or a future scripts version (I think maybe it was 2.3+) in order for it to be detected. It wasn't completely server-side then. That's the point Iran was making. Wtf are you talking about lol... RoF was detected completely server side without the need of the client having RenGuard or any scripts version. There was a private build of BIATCH that was never released that spat out RoF logs but it never autobanned. They never released it because it was tied into a bunch of other code that they didn't feel like seperating from their servers. I duplicated the same system back in Atomix. People didn't have to have RR, RG or Scripts to be detected. We banned when the intervals were so high or repetitive.
  22. Xpert


    Ya, I saw you ingame. He also spoofed my nickname. He can't join my server anymore. And soon he won't be able to join Jelly either. I've been keeping up with him. He's seriously not a threat, just the depressing part that 95% of the servers on ren-x other than a select few, don't have a banning system. That twitch link he spams is a live feed of him cheating in servers on ren-x. He spends about 12-16 hrs a day just pretty much cheating. Lifeless fuck I guess.
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