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  1. Decided to take a few steps back from working on full "CNC" maps to working with a few TDM maps which could be played in RenX and hopefully Firestorm when that releases. Mostly trying to work on scale while improving at overall design. The map is set in an underground network, hence the name, and each room will have a theme and weapons to fit said theme. Standard weapon supply room: Will have Heavy pistol, smg, sniper, scoped AR. Toxin Room: Flechette SMG, Tox Launcher, tib nade Vehicle Room: Chaingun, Rocketlauncher, Flakcannon Cargo Room: Laser Rifle, Laser Chain-gun, Volt-Rifle. Notes: It might be a bit obvious that the cargo room seems a bit off for its weapon selection but that's because I plan on either completely changing it and turning it into a high-tech, research lab type of room, or changing its location while possibly lowering its size. Either way I will be making a high-tech room either way. The red color of the tib mist I'll be changing to pink once I figure out how to edit emitters. If someone could point me in the right direction I'll be sure to include that in the Laboratory Room update I originally had the Tib rifle on the map but was on the fence and eventually decided to take it out. I'm not opposed to putting it back in so if that's something you'd want then let me know. I also decided to not wait until the map was completely finished layout wise before putting this up for people to playtest so if there's any changes or even ideas that you'd like to see implemented feel free to share your thoughts/feedback. Once I get the Laboratory room completed I'll be updating the map so keep a lookout for that SOONTM Until then here are some more screenshots, and again, please post and feedback that you'd like to share. TDM-U-NET.rar
  2. Finally made my way back to this map to update a few things. -Added 2 windows on the top floor and increased their size so players can jump out of them. (Will update the 1st floor windows next time around) -Changed ramjets to Silenced snipers -Updated weapon locations and removed shotguns since players can spawn with them. -Removed vehicles from spawning from the crate -Added moving cars in the background of the city Notes: Unfortunately while trying to fix up the package for "GenCorp" I ended up having a couple of files mix in with that maps package. So the "GenUrban" file in the download is for that reason. I'll be sure the fix that in the next update. The moving around of weapons also included making any duplicates be the same instead of having say a nod silenced sniper and a gdi silenced sniper. This should help with inventory issues if you happen to pick up quite a bit of weapons. I have considered lowering the amount of weapons to make things easier for inventory but I'm not sure if people would want that or not. Also, if so, I'd be interested to hear people's opinions on which weapons to remove. Odanert, thanks for the feedback. I at first a while back thought making it so people could jump out of the windows might be a problem but eventually decided it would be fine. Problem was I forgot to actually make the windows bigger. Also, I'm not too sure why you aren't able to jump on top of those boxes, I made sure to give it a try even on a new install of RenX and didn't have any issues. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ran into a similar problem. Hopefully if you are still having this problem the updated version will fix it. I'm also putting up another TDM map in "works in progress" so feel free to check it out. GarrisonSquareAlpha.rar
  3. This is the first actual "CNC" map that I've been working on for quite some time now. This first started out to be a fps "Remake" of Tournament Urban from CNC Generals but eventually became its own thing. I added a few different features to give more options and hopefully introduce some different yet fun elements to the game. First, the overall design of the different lanes and objectives *should* help avoid base-locking. The bases themselves are basically split into two sections, outer and inner. They both have *mini* tunnel networks, (simple teleporters), that will quickly get you from one section to the other. There are USA inspired supply drop points in both corners of the map that drop crates that will give you randomized equipment, (guns, grenades, vehicles, and health). The first drop starts immediately but the rest are every 5 mins. Both GDI and Nod have their own Tunnel networks that they can use to group up and traverse the map without telegraphing their movements. Before being able to use any of the 4 tunnel locations on the map, they will need to own that specific tunnel exit. Once a tunnel is captured a turret comes out to defend but is also the trigger, (when destroyed) to allow that exit to be captured. If you happen to be inside of a tunnel when the turret is destroyed you have 10 seconds to exit the way you came or the tunnel will "collapse" on you, (currently NO indicator for this). Also, if you try to enter a tunnel that you do not own you will be killed when touching the "forcefield". There is a Regular and Air version of the map, but they use the same package. The air version shouldn't be used in skirmish because the bots will get "stuck" and do nothing while floating in mid air. Without air vehicles they (mostly) act well enough and will push across the map to fight the enemy. I went a bit overboard with the map size and assets so I'll be scaling them down bit by bit overtime with new release versions. A current known issue is that one of the main buildings in the middle of the map doesn't have its windows showing. There are definitely more and I'll make a list later on today but feel free to post any issues, and questions/suggestions you may have. GenCorp.rar GenCorpAir.rar
  4. This is my first map so I decided to keep things small and simple and created a TDM map. Some map info: Infantry only Many weapon pickups 1 Crate Scattered Health, Ammo and Armor pickups No Base defenses No purchase terminals Since this is my first map I'm sure there may be some issues that need to be ironed out so don't hesitate to report bugs or leave feedback! Screenshots: TDM-GarrisonSquareAlpha.rar
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