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  1. View File CNC Field_Desert CNC Field for the lovers of hot climates. Submitter Kunus Submitted 01/11/23 Category Levels  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    CNC Field for the lovers of hot climates.
  3. Your posts are very helpful. The inf path definitely needed something to slow it down. The guard tower was too big and it was possible to rocket it from behind the buses so I improvised and used the veh_ceiling_gun as a makeshift Sentry Gun and put it at the end of the routes. The have less health than normal base defences but are harder to hit. I still left two spots on each side that are obscured from base defences sight but both have their drawbacks: First by the buses on the enemy side, allows the view to the Ref, but is in the line for snipers on the middle long road as well as directly visible from the wall emplacement reachable from stairs behind PP. Second behind sand/boxes cover. Allows to shoot at PP, AGT/Obi and Ref but the spot is visible from the same wall as before, from the catwalk, and directly from HoN/Bar. I also heavily optimized the ferris wheel because some people complained about lags. It now looks a bit worse but the game is smooth. Turns out ~4000 individual light meshes is a bad idea lol. The fences on the whole boardwalk were lowered so it's now easier to shot at things but it's still high enough to prevent jumping down (unless you climb the slides near short route first). It's also not possible to target refs/agt/obi from the pier anymore. Finally I added simple minimap (which works well only half of the time, but at least it correctly shows the player's position).
  4. Thank you for the feedback . I changed the lightning a bit, so it should not be as dark (and as blue) as before. I also changed the infantry path a bit, it's impossible to just shoot at enemy Ref straight from your base + it's more of a U shape now. The range of Obi/Agt got increased and reaches to all parts of the base. Fixed the PP ground. The AGT also was moved a bit so maybe it will be better now in reference to artillery fire. The music loop is actually ~2 minutes, or at least should be lol. It's kinda annoying, true, but plays only when near the wheel, maybe I'll tone it down a bit later. As for which path will be fought for it's hard to tell, definitely needs some playtesting with more than few players The updated version is already uploaded:
  5. The map is finally playable. The short infantry route gets very intense at the beginning of the game, but even with one side getting advantage it's still easy to defend from inf rushes, thanks to the Obi/AGT, catwalks in the base and some other spots that give the view on the inf entrances. To direct some infantry away from the this area I also added a Comm Center at the end of a pier (which is inf only). Controlling the boardwalk gives a lot of control when the teams move into the field with tanks. There are two vehicle routes - short, intense one going on a ramp and under a bridge; and a long one going around the entire boardwalk and underneath the pier. Choosing the long route allows to be outside the range of base defenses. I uploaded the map to check out/test:
  6. View File CNC Boardwalk Map based on a concept from the cancelled Renegade 2. Semi symmetrical map aesthetically inspired by the "1941" movie with a big ferris wheel in the center of it. Non-Flying Advanced + basic base defenses Tech Comm Center 6 bonus crates Ore instead of tiberium Fully functional playground slides Known problems/to do: Nod harv has a bit of a head start Weird lightning artifacts Overall balance Bland scenery Ferris Wheel model by Arno, Submarine model by Ricky, Circus model by Mike Belanger. Submitter Kunus Submitted 01/06/23 Category Levels  
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  7. Kunus

    CNC Boardwalk

    Version 0.3


    Map based on a concept from the cancelled Renegade 2. Semi symmetrical map aesthetically inspired by the "1941" movie with a big ferris wheel in the center of it. Non-Flying Advanced + basic base defenses Tech Comm Center 6 bonus crates Ore instead of tiberium Fully functional playground slides Known problems/to do: Nod harv has a bit of a head start Weird lightning artifacts Overall balance Bland scenery Ferris Wheel model by Arno, Submarine model by Ricky, Circus model by Mike Belanger.
  8. Fixed the glitched custom assets and improved the scenery a little bit. The map is getting ready for testing with bots. After I'll get the harvester timing right I will upload the map in the download section for further testing. I'm contemplating adding some tech buildings to the map, like silo on each side of the field, or maybe comm center at the end of the pier. I also wish the ferris wheel would rotate, allowing infantry to enter it and get a view of enemy base, but until I find out how this could be done it remains static. City in the background got a bit more distressed look. Also the searchlights like in "1941": View of the underneath of the boardwalk (impossible to shoot between the beams to the other side due to the blocking volumes, can take a peak though): A bit more going on on the boardwalk (the slides are fully working including the ladders): Outer field route, passage under the pier: Short route going under bridge: GDI base entrance: GDI infantry route entrance, seen from the catwalk in the base: Middle infantry route: Incoming invasion: Current overview of the map:
  9. Small update time. I've decided to wall off the bases a bit more since arty had too much of an advantage. I've also added balcony/catwalk on the sides of the buildings giving an overview inside each base as well as rocks, cars and dunes for cover in the field. With main route layout mostly done I'm going to focus on visual stuff next as the map still looks like an og Renegade map (though I still have to figure out why custom models keep glitching out after importing them to the SDK). Overview of the map: Middle infantry route leading to the boardwalk: Stairs allowing access to the boardwalk + entrance to the tunnel under it (bonus: view of Kirovs in the distance approaching the city): GDI base entrance: View from the end of the pier (it's the only inf spot outside the range of base defences where rocket soldiers can damage the ref and obelisk/AGT so controlling the pier is essential): Nod base entrance:
  10. Learning from mistakes and problems of my previous map (Isle of War) I decided to make a fully symmetrical map in a standard U shape. The idea is to recreate a concept from Westwood's cancelled Renegade 2 of a map taking place on a boardwalk with the ferris wheel being the central point of it . It will be a dark, atmospheric map set during a foggy night, with countless lights of the boardwalk attractions lighting up the routes; inspired by the final scenes of "1941" movie. I have the initial routes roughly mapped out. Note that most of the assets are currently just placeholders. It's non-flying, with basic and advanced base defenses. Short vehicle route - goes under the bridge leading to the boardwalk. Very short, Starts by going down from a ramp. Long vehicle route - goes all the way around the boardwalk and under part of it. Ferris wheel obstructs the view of the enemy base for the artillery units. Infantry only routes - short route connecting the back entrances to the bases goes through the long middle road leading to the boardwalk (all of which is inf only). The boardwalk can also be accessed by stairs, two sets on each side. There's also an infantry 'tunnel' under the boardwalk. View from the end of the boardwalk: View from the beach, Nod side: The infantry route, back of the base: Ramp at the entrance to the base: View from the long vehicle route: Since Renegade 2 was supposed to be set in RA universe, harvs collect ore instead of tiberium lol: View from the GDI base: The map will of course be filled with props to allow for cover during battles (cars on the road and parking lot; trees on inf route; rocks, towels, umbrellas and guard huts on the beach etc.) The boardwalk will be heavily lit and filled with attraction booths, vending machines, food stands and so on. The ferris wheel will be the central point, visible from almost every spot of the map and additionally will be obstructing view of the tallest enemy buildings as seen from the vehicle routes.
  11. New version of the map uploaded. Both sides now have the same set of weapon spawns. I reduced it to 4 types (and you're right, the rocket launcher was a bit too much lol). You also can't get stuck on the lamps in the middle. I still can't figure out why the minimap is working so weird. It shows your position correctly but not the positions of other players.
  12. View File TDM Iceworld Ren X version of a classic CS map fy_iceworld. To do: fix the minimap decrease the respawn time of weapons add spotting areas Submitter Kunus Submitted 09/14/22 Category Levels  
  13. Kunus

    TDM Iceworld

    Version 0.2


    Ren X version of a classic CS map fy_iceworld. Very simple team deathmatch map for up to 32 players. Pure chaotic and mindless fun.
  14. After first portion of feedback I added some small but important changes. I'm all for testing the map with more players now and I'll be grateful if you add to your servers!
  15. A bit of a late reply, but I would want to finish the map and testing it with real players would be helpful. Though I have troubles setting up the server for testing.
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