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  1. As someone playing Natural Selection 2 a lot, loving commanding, or even squad, there is something critically different in Renx. I'll give my opinion of what I've seen so far about commanding and why it is hard to com - The game wasn't designed with the commander role in mind regarding the UI for example. God it's so difficult to do something when commanding because of how many keys you have to press and all you have to read when you're starting to command. Talking about keys, you have the same keys for different interactions (like you can accidently start your buff for me with the A key because A is also the spotting key, so no spotting while choosing a buff for me). And this seems very hard and I think a lot of people is getting scared of the UI. And if you fail because you are learning, you have 32 people that saw it. - Not like natural selection (or even Squad 'cause it's a slow paced game), you are expected to do multiple things at the same time : be a soldier and fight on field, think about your strats and help your team, and drop your supp powers where you need them - while talking in chat to your team with old means like /C everytime or /Istilldontknow how to PM. If you are not NOD and can't be an AFK invisible SBH in field It's extremely heavy on multitasking compared to NS2 where you are exclusively a commander and have one role : someone out of field helping everyone, and managing. - AND ! you don't have any voice chat to help you ! every game I know with a commander have one, for obvious reasons. So you better be good at Flash-typing.. - And all that with not less than 64 / 2 = 32 players on your team looking at you ! It's hard managing even 9players in NS2 or your squad in Squad so 32... you will always have a lot of people that are just not in position to respond to your call ATM, or some that don't listen etc. Well at last in Renx team strategies (at last in pub with 64 players) mainly revolve around "gather many peopl to 1 place and shoot big target with attak buff until it goes boom", because buildings are so tanky and repairs are so efficient you just usually cannot do anything the hole game to blow them. And not talking about vehicles that are just mainly bad for everything except maybe a mammoth rush buff in field (loosing NOD air can even be beneficial knowing how strong rave is and there is no inf limit). So you usually fight a pointless battle for hours until one team gather and suicide push buff a building and win. And for that commander is needed. but do ha have to be the only one calling for scout or managing harvesters for example on top of that ? maybe it could be a team cooldown for some support power ? yes, there will be pointless supp power used and wasted CP, but like mining we could have a "ban from using cp" maybe ? So that the commander could focus more on fighting / gathering / give intel and buffing than managing Talking about toxicity, I'm not sure it's a really important turnoff for commanding. Let me explain (I'm not for it) Natural selection 2 is pretty over the edge sometimes already when you "fucked up" as a com, because as usual seing a single individual mistake is way more easy than looking at yourself or looking at a teamfail. It's human, and I don't think there is something that can be done. But for Ns2, the game does not start without a com, yet you still have people playing this role knowing it can be "their fault" if something went wrong. But at last in NS2 you know why you failed, you have a proper UI to help, a tutorial, and people, even if they blame you, often try to teach you the game, the meta, the mechanics, if you tell them you are new or want to learn. In Renx, you are suppose to com when you KNOW how to com, same as you are supposed to mine, but even if I saw a lot of players telling "this guys can't mine" "theses mines are shit", I never read someone explaining how to mine, and what is a "good mine" without taking the time to actually watch how mines are placed, and why. Same for com. new com is elected ? ok he must know how to, and if not, kick and choose another one. Lastly because of the game mechanics one could say that you "need" a com to do anything with 64 players. I am part of the team "64 is too much" because it's just mainly everytime a pointless eternal battle that leads to nothing until a commander do something which is just mainly suicide the hole team to get a building. and it's sad
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