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  1. Thats hilarious,bwahaha.
  2. Any of you fine Ren X players up for a bit of practice before dev night?Im afraid that ive become a tad rusty during the no action period and would love to get a game going so I can get rid of this rust.
  3. Looking good.Cant wait to take on Nod.
  4. Out of curiosity, Will this gun be like its lesser counterpart and need no reloading till one runs out of amo?
  5. Id disagree about the light tank being defeated so easily:With a skilled driver it can even take out mammys ,though thats a longshot,but regardless its more than a match for medium tanks in my oppinion because of the mobility of the vehicle.
  6. Magicks

    What times

    Your here,so what times of day are best for finding people to play with round here?Finaly got my game working again so my trigger finger would recuire some vict..er,opponents,to fight against. On a second note:Hows everyone been?
  7. Patiense is a Virtue. Let them do there thing and dont rush them: Were gonna see some fireworks fly when there done cooking up what there up to right now me thinks. I got a strong feeling bout that. Rather a tested and excelent patch than a rusty bucket of bolts. Keep up the good work RenX team: See you ingame too.
  8. So, serverlist is offline again. Because majority of people apparently dont check the forums for the way to play without serverlist I guess no Renegade X games till its back up. *Noice*
  9. Tips on how to Command and Conquer on Hourglass for GDI: 1. Mine the AGT and base entrances next to it, APC rush will not succeed as well as they think; If you got actual people who scout and announce enemy movement to your team they shouldnt work at all to begin with. 2. Team work team work team work!!! Repair, Have people hunt em artys,communication. 3. Gunner > Arty, easy pie. Touche 4. You can also grab a med tank to get rid of the corner hugging artys, works like a charm if you can sneak there. Ninjah them tanks. Though a gunner works best of all. One clip of a gunner = Bye bye arty. 5. If the turrets are giving you trouble(Hows this possible) go with a gunner and blow them up. Can be done on both sides without obby shooting ya. 6. Two GDI APCs can make it to obby(turrets operational still) without anyone shooting. Three Or Four Should make it. -If ya cant get into obby beacon the foot of it. 7. Remember infantry is as valuable as tanks, sure ya get blown up more easily but as I mentioned, Gunners pack a big punch on artys and Flamers for example should they try that. 8. Use brain powar. 9. Beware of Stanks while on hill bombarting enemy base. Stanks got same missile angle effect thus they easily blow up the slow glass cannon vehicles. 10. You can harras with gunners(again,as an example) to shoot at HoN or even obby if you jump behind rock before it charges. Harras,distract,divert. As for the rest: Ficure it out for yourself. -Your
  10. When you attach a timed c4 onto a n00bjet users head and manage to get out of there alive. When you plant a timed c4 onto Deadeyes head(Guess he is worth his name then). When you place a timed c4 and a nuke beacon at your enemys base and they cant defuse it due to your timed c4 blowing there engineers up. (Yes,I know lots of timed c4,gotta love that stuff) When you steal the enemys medium tank INSIDE there own fully operational base when the litle engineer jumps out and starts to repair it. When you spam Affirmitave everytime something good happens.
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