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  1. It overrides various visual settings and adds some new ones to the game If you want to see how my game looks, you'll have to use the version I mentioned. I'm glad your enjoying ReShade though! Any thoughts on the preset I made? p.s. I provided the specific file to install, via the google drive link I posted.
  2. This is a program with a preset configuration .ini file, to enhance the visuals/change the visuals of the game. It adds effects and overrides other ingame effects! Must use reshade version To install ReShade, download it from https://github.com/crosire/reshade Google drive link in case you can't find it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19ki2lktA3ye_SdaVt1m7D6lHyBi_vbNT/view?usp=sharing - Run the reshade file that you downloaded - Select Game - Navigate to your installation folder for RenX or RenX FS - Navigate to the binaries folder - Open the folder for the one you use, 32 or 64 bit - Select the UDK.exe and install - Download all the shaders (click every check box on) (im too lazy to tell you specific ones lol sorry) - Once it's installed, place the reshade ini I gave you in the same place you installed reshade - Once ingame, reshade should be working - Press Home key to open the menu - Up at the top you should be able to select presets - Select renx7.ini (or any ini preset) - Voila! This is my personal taste, you can edit the preset ingame to your liking. Some people find it too sharp, I think it's fine the way it is. To each their own
  3. Hello, unfortunately no, but I do plan to implement it soon, I just need to work out some things in life before I have the motivation. Good news is, I'm doing pretty well so maybe in a week or so I can begin working on this. Maybe sooner if time allows it. I just have to clean up some obvious things before it's modded for the public game.
  4. Well the verdict is in I suppose. When I have time (life is a bit complicated at the moment) I'll make this silly ass mod.
  5. Finally somebody who understands.
  6. Title. Ban teamwork from Renegde X. Easy. It's too overpowered.
  7. I listen to literally everything but I've made a new playlist with some music I've been listening to a lot lately, whatcha'll think? The thumbnail is the first video, you might have to click the actual link to get to the playlist .
  8. Hello! I am applying since a lot of people seemed to like what I did with ReShade for this game. Not everyone liked it, but that was to be expected. I've been a fan since the game's inception, though I took a break for several years and came back to see how much it progressed, and I love it. I don't remember my old username though. As an aesthete and someone who creates different visuals via varying methods for a handful of games, and with terrain/map making experience for older games, both FPS and RTS, I'd like to help out with the graphical sector of the game. I can help create entire maps but I would prefer to work on colors, lighting, ect, as well as optimize, "improve" and/or create some effects. I favor a more realistic and natural look (as shown in my ReShade preset) but I can also follow the aesthetic flow that the game offers. I love the vanilla look of the game, but as I said, my personal taste just feels it's a bit too far from the natural look that I like. Unfortunately I've lost a lot of the work I've created over the years, mostly due to a hard drive failure, but if you want to check out the little bit that still exists, here are some links. An ENB for Skyrim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSRRyEV9buY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnY0VriCPG0 3D characters and other stuff for Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/16936969 RenX with my ReShade (more videos to come, didn't back up the other ones): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpQXTXHhC6s
  9. Picture is attached to this post (attachment). I can mod it even more than this picture but only if interest is high enough.
  10. Chocolate shake, sounds nice. And Im glad you liked it!
  11. I don't care to win I just wanna show you something that you might like, related to this. This was from a PUG:
  12. Honestly, the game is fun no matter what you/we are doing. I do really enjoy NvN but something GvG would be interesting to see as well. I feel like NvG is an excellent contrast between brute force (GDI) and cunning and wit (Nod). Whereas NvN has a nice display of cunning and wit from both sides. GvG I predict would be a huge power show, pounding each other hard with GDI's strong arsenal. The sniper mode that Sarah brought back is hella fun too. At the end of the day, I don't think adding new modes could possibly hurt anything, so maybe just take that dive straight into this ocean of potential Keep up the good work!
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