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This will be a minor wall of text about my thoughts and ideas. Crates. Not just death crates. These are just so annoying. In beta1 (if I remember correctly) crates were something to hunt for. They gave something valueable. Like a different character from the same price range. When very low Hp it was almost aways a refill. Spy. etc. Now it always gives me a useless character, death, refill with full hp. Basically saying "What did you expect? Get fucked". Aside from the 1st crate of the round (100$), I get fucked by crates every time. Even with free characters. I get a new free uniform, .... which is completely useless. Now I only try to get crates if the game is in the PP vs Refinery stage. During all my playtime I got only 1 vehicle. + please make pickup of the crates based on button press. I mean you should press 'e' to pick up the crate. It's really irritating to die to a crate that spawned just on me. Vehicles Vehicles feel bad in X, really clumsy, and weak. I know, I know, UDK was not designed for vehicles, but dont make things worse with the map-design. Every valley, and road in X is shaped like a U, while in Ren it was |__|. (the terrain is sloped at the walls, what really messes with vehicle handling & aiming) I guess you can't change it, but the aiming is weird too. I just don't know where will my shots go. (especially with the arty, shells can fly really differently despite I rotate just a tiny bit.) Arty is the most powerful vehicle of Nod, I don't tink it needs any more buffs. (the only vehicle I use sometimes) What needs a buff is the Mammoth. Make it faster like it was in B1, increase regen? dunno, its just useless now. (the +range, +blast is not enough) With the no vehicle damage to MCT, and no splash through walls, vehicles lost really much damage potential. What I would really love to see are weakpoints to buildings, that are accessible to vehicle fire, but not to contious bombardment. I think this would help with rushes, and it would improve the general gamaplay too. Rushes These were awesome in Ren. In X? Not so much. Yes, we had "The Lag", but now its not that common. Still, I barely see any succesful rushes. I think vehicle handling needs to be tuned more, and/or tweak maps. (+ the Mo Mo Mo Mo Move out! spam before rushes felt real good, and gave some synchorization too. plz give back the spam for some limited commands) Infantry. The increased sbh detection radius is needed. I would also like that if sbhs use sprint, they would shiver, as if they would have been shot in original ren, maybe a bit less visibly. The reduced hitbox radius may cause problems with the non serverside hitreg. With the current hitreg I get more hitreg fails than I should have (they were indeed 100% hits, not shots of corpses, or tank husks). I have a fairly stable net, living in central EU, I don't even know what would somebody living in Russia do, or somebody even further, where connections are worse. This would make McFarland and Chemtrooper even more annoying, since you just cant kill them, on the other hand they can kill you easily with their AOE weapons. I beg you to nerf these two characters with the hitbox nerf, and I know I'm not the only one who wishes for this. This would greatly reduce the frustration of many people as you could take away the main weapon of the trolls and griefers. I really hope that this is changing the reticle to similar to the pistol's. In that case please change the PIC & Rail too. Please reduce the 500 sniper's scope red dot. It's just too big. It covers my target entirely sometimes (I know there is zoom, but i dont want to limit my fov that drastically.) Please double the ammo of PIC/Rail. Since it's an anti-vehicle weapon it needs many shots to be fired, and it can't just blow up tanks in 1 shot as a sniper can 1-shot any infantry. Yet they have the same ammo. It wont change anything only that better players can stay on the field longer, and actually do stuff, instead of always thinking about ammo conservation. with the current reticle of the PIC/Rail/snipers, there is an irritating glow around the circle. (no bloom) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/138 ... airPIC.png Purchase terminals Only refill should be disallowed instead of any access to pt. Buying a vehicle + inf + nuke / sidearm would be really annoying with this change. Also accessing pt is really laggy, and when I think i will just quit the termninal i enter the sidearms menu, because I pressed w. After this I press esc, which reacts late, I maybe press it again, which gets me to some menu, and its just annoying. Accessing PTs from outside was (is?) a hot debate. You won't reimplement bugs, ok. But you can implement them properly, with small PTs outside. (hitting PTs would deal no damage to the building the PT is on, so the PT has to be small, like 8-10% of the original.) This way I think everyone can be happy. various: Field: elevate the terrain left to Hon, so artys can shoot from there. Right now the arty is too short for that, and if i roll up to the wall, the angle makes it impossible to hit GDI. -Increase the spread, or decrease the headshot damage of the 125$ sidearm rifle, currently it kills a 1000$ standing still infantry (with constant headshots) as quickly as a weapon from CS. This can be extremely deadly in the hands of a nuking SBH, picking off defusing hotties/engies in a flash. (or just insta death while typing) -Remove the hitmarkers on dead bodies and destroyed tank husks -Remove the fixed 90 fps cap. -Give back alt-tab repairs. (probably engine related, but i can dream..) Is this something to read past meassages? I really need that. thanks, Korgoth
Renegade X: Black Dawn, Day-Cycle, Podcast, and more!
bali replied to [NE]Fobby[GEN]'s topic in News
SYDNEY, F YEAHH!!! I was so worried that only the big armored versoin would be in the game. really nice job on everything you guys did -
pistol refill I used to break hon's windows with my soldier's head, and sometimes I'm really angry when i can't jump out Hon in RenX try to buy through walls always turn around with vehicles, to drop me out on the safer side during exit, then wondering why just happened the opposite.(because I always face the enemy when I get out) I tap K really fast. (thanks devs we can even drive during this) never drive close to WF on Islands (But once the old Ren bug happened in RenX too, it was quite weird) When I'm inside a building I always stand where arty's splash damage won't hurt me. I shoot the buildings on spots where the splash damage might hurt /kill teh repairers. Sometimes I drive my vehicles into the water. Rotating mammy's turret left and right to make each shot a hit. At least for the first couple of shots. Then I realize I'm in RenX.
AAWwwwhhh..... I knew i forgot something... I hope you enjoyed Renegame 2010.
you can destroy the arty and mlrs with a shotgunner in 2-4 shots if you are close enugh. kill the driver with the remaining bullets.
QUOTE (Jngdwe @ Jan 26 2010, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It would be the best solution, but is it possible? UDK adds many new possibilities to the devs, but the sourcecode of UE3 isn't open. so the devs would need to write an entirely new netcode system, and integrate it to the mod without knowing the exact sourcecode. I'm curios what a dev can say about it.
"I have a feeling that most of the people still playing renegade are using sub par computers that probably cannot run UT3" that's true, but there are gamers, who played ren, liked it, but dont play it anymore, because of the outdated graphics. RenX is perfect for them imo. "Not that i CHEAT its just with the server is sort of kill joy when making sure that no one can exploit a hole in the enemy's defense system to sneak a engineer into their base while no one was looking." still there , obby is really out-playable. i like to sneak in the base of nod with a hotti blow pp up on under, and win the game with this move. but the AGT seems more powerful in RenX, so nod lack most of these tactics. (hmm... cant imagine if GDI would have any chance against Nod then) "you might want to consider switching your HUDs back to the original ones and make the buying screen the EXACTLY the same but with new pictures." the old hud wasnt that much better, i think the renX team can come up with something better. ( http://media.moddb.com/... <-could u make this hud? maybe with some bigger hp bars. or an option for custom hud) the pt feels perfect to me. i like it even more than the orignal ren verson. "I think Renegade x would be alot more fun if Nod didn't win 90% of the games.... I played 8 games in a row a few days ago and Nod won every freaking time. Why even bother trying as GDI?" well... its just 0.50. and it improved a lot since 0.35 :lol: (on under, and hourglass, the matches are pretty even. maybe on horologe too)
when i went back to renegade, the first thing i saw (apart from the old graphics, which i remembered to better), is that i could actually see. even in the distance. in RenX the distant places get blurry, and in Field everything is grey and dark so i cannot tell what is there. setting the gamma, brightness wont do anything i just get a littlebit lighter grey "distant place" color. i guess this is an ut3 engine inherent, because its also present in other mods. the second thing that i saw, was that my teammates actually knew what they did. no "camping the enemy harvester with a shotgun and not placing c4, while the base is getting rushed" stories happened. what actually i hate in original renegade, is the arty screen-shake. Thank God it isnt implemented in RenX. (is there any way to turn it off in the original game? it would be a redemption for me) lag is much-much-much worse in RenX for infantry fights than in original Renegade. (for me, at least) if i shoot some1, i kill some1 in renegade, and not like i shoot him and because of the lag i didnt do any damage. Or once i missed, but because of lag it became a hs... wtf? it sucks imo, that i know not i killed him, i just got lucky. its too random. for me the best way to "snipe" is just to shoot around the enemy like a retard, and some of the shots will hit. (this 1 works actually quite well, i can kill an enemy in an average of 4-6 bullets)
i thought this was intentional, since the dps of PIC and Rail to arty and mrls is the same as the dps of ramjet to arties and mrls in original ren. i think this is needed because we dont have ramjets yet
the game, frontend & everything works fine now. yay the feeling of Pwnage reappeared again... and it feels good i would second that 125 fps that was advised by Quakerxnc I would like to say thank you for the whole devteam for their hard work and efforts put into the mod. you guys are awesome!
in vren the tusks indeed did more damage to the buildings and to everything else too (25% more for tanks, im not sure if this is the percentane for other things too but i think for biuldings is close or equal to 25%). the highest dps goes to the flametank, and i think the stank comes 2nd with mammy tusks (im not really sure about this, because i used stanks for nearly always for rushes), then mrls when all rocket hits, then arty, then med, then light
a game engine is built up as first the cpu decides, what to do, it reads the user's commands, processes data etc. then it sends a command and parameters to the vga (and sound card, and other parts) to process the image. after the cpu sent this data it starts a new frame, and does all these again. however if a vga is too slow, and it cannot finish the rendering of the frame during the time the cpu proceses the data, the vga gets another comannd with another instructions and parameters to render the next frame. so the vga rendered in 1/3 of the frame and already started the new frame's rendering. in these situations u see as the screen's top 1/3-2/3 changes, but the bottom lags, and cannot keep up. here comes the vsync. it wont let the image's bottom lag, so it will be rendered too. but the vga needs more time for it. so the cpu will not start any new frame until the previous frame is finished. that means if i issue an order, it will be processed later, or worse, it will not be recognized at all. as we all now we dont move the mouse in a smooth straight line, but rather in a first accelerating , then decelerating movement and that isnt totally straight. so if the frame's input part is done when u just started to move ur mouse, and the rendering time (when the vga is rendering, so no input is tanken) is during the movement we accelerate/corrigate, the final outcome will be different than without vsyinc. this difference is rather low with 60-90 fps, but still enough for a shot that could be a hs to be a miss. and with renegade's 60 fps -> 200fps is a huge jump for me, everything felt under control, as the game reacted to my mouse's movement as it should. renegade has an early version of sage engine. (it is used for EBfD, BfME 1, 2, CnC 3, and RA3's engine is based on it) in CnC3 the input lag is a huge problem. the game is running constantly with 30fps. the game engine couldnt keep up with the gamers. (sounds weird in our high-tech world) RA3 runs with 60 fps, and even if the input has largely inproved the lag didnt fully disapper as i know. oh and for the end: IF UR MONITOR CANNOT SHOW YOU MORE THAN 60 FPS, U CANNOT SEE MORE THAN 60 FPS <--u can argue with this, but its pointless
QUOTE (Lauri455 @ Oct 10 2009, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> test it: 1 shotgunshot to the arty (14 damage), and 1 to the mrls (144 dmg). so that means from piont blank, a shotgunner can deastroy an mrls in 3 shots, when it can only scratch an arty. Edit: i just tested if there is any directional damage, and no there isnt any. the "faster repairing" is just visual, re red bar is seemingly growing faster, and i guess when i was repairing from the back my veh's hp was in red, so i thought it was faster, but it isnt actually.
Lyserg, i know i cannot see it, please understand this. -.- the input lags for 60 fps. and the vsync also restricts the frames to 60 (at least for ati cards), if its reached, the game doesnt count more. even if i issued an order, it will be processed only for the next frame, which will come later than the fps would be 200.