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Everything posted by slashes

  1. then why not reintroduce dropt weapons needing rng to get there weapons like a 5-10% for the character ya kill to drop there weapon they where holding at that time minus the hotwire/eng/tech they wont drop anything.or they could drop the repair tool/strong repair tool. thats only if they are killed by enemy's not just of suicide. the grenadier part is kinda strange that they dont do much damage in ya hands ya could test out a bit with someone like ask on nod someone if they wanna test out the splash+damage of the grenade launcher there bound to be someone that will help ya with it
  2. 1.st the chem/flametrooper need pin point 100% accurate aim to deal damage this wasent the case in the old renegade due to the much large cone they dealth with the target being more ofthen hit good bit of center the closer they got to the max reach bringing that back with some extra range might be the option to lesson it for nod. 1.1.the stealth black hand ones in the old renegade ya could give them sniper rifles of drops.that needed ya to sacrefize a sniper character on ya team or get lucky on the battlefield for a weapon drop. maybe give nod an option to buy the black hands sniper rifle for sbh with a 1000 or so credit cost or the ramjet sniper making them viable sniper with the added restriction of them cloaking less fast if there using sniper rifles? 1.2 the nodchain gunner havent played this one much at all but whenever i played it kinda found its chaingun kinda weak remember it being stronger to use but, could just be to compensate with it getting the emp grenade with the class. 1.3(bonus) the grenadier vs nod flametrooper is to dam powerfull for a free infantry.never used the grenade launcher at all in the original renegade but i am in renegade x just dam. ya deal so much damage to a vehicle per shot same with infantry ya dont have to be accurate and ya can easily 3 shot any infantry with just the splash damage. ya can also easily kill vehicles with it. compare that to flametrooper ya deal like no damage to tanks or just 1 damage per shot.to infantry ya need heashot to be able to kill standart infantry in 1 magazine. 2.flame tank remember these being more viable also in the other renegade just a bigger cone would solve the issue a bit.right now ya can pretty much walk easily outside of there 100% accurate flames. again this wasent the case for them they shared the same effect of the flametrooper the further away the less accurate aim ya needed untill ya got to max range of the tank. 2.1with stealth stanks found it kinda odd they have problems also remember them being able to kill every vehicle in the original renegade they could also 1 on 1 mammoth tanks if the mammoth tank never used there missile's+the stealth tank got its first hit in.the stealth tank would be on a close to no hp then afther.against other vehicles wouldent matther they could win easily if no engineer would repair the vehicle. 3. the mines hurt both sides a good yeah not sure if nod is more on the hurt side with them mostly being focused on short range units. rather see this reworked a bit more like revert the mine limit but also just add weaker mines they could dish out the old c&c renegade damage with a much higher limit like these mines deal 50-60 damage per mine what the originals did have a player limit of 10 are named minor proximity c4's+ they would also all trigger at the same time if placed to close then what the newer ones do explode 1 by 1 untill the person is death.
  3. its not that there overpowerdt tho there just hard to hit+i think they men the attack cycle that things very op when ya get 1 from the crate ya can destroy buildings very easily. the attack cycles deals 3 stealth tanks of damage per missile barrage very suprising people arent aware of this also the missile's ya get turn to 8-10 respectfully when ranking up meaning it turns to 4-5 stealth tanks hitting with ranks up
  4. would rather suggest the same weapon category like the original renegade remember the top screen of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0---= with ya weapons being on there like pistol side arms.1 assuilt,shotguns,gatling guns 2. 3. was snipers 4. was i think flamethrower,chem warrior weapons 5.rocket launcher 6. forgot 7. repair guns/strong repair gun 8 was i think strong weapon type's like mob insta kill beam,raveshaws rifle, syndey portable iion etc. then 9 was explosives the swapping weapons could also reveal like renegade what weapon is in there with there looks that was a very key feature to check what guns ya had in ya arsenal
  5. then the kamikaze crate is that 10 second duration one dident see any in the list below that could be it otherwise. if it is indeed the 10 second crate why not remove the 10 second duration of it. this way that crate could have some tactical use instead of how player use it right now(1.2.3 options) ya could even remove the restrictions of them not able to enter a vehicle when pickt up. remember in the original renegade they allowed ya to pick ya death+use a vehicle even tho ya had a chef outfit+flamethrower with it. 1. run towards an ally and blow themself up with them 2. just commite suicide ya got 10 seconds to live anyway. 3 try to walk a long distance to try and kill someone. thought the glue was 15%+it still gets removed instantly when ya enter and exit a vehicle so its pretty much an easy debuff to remove the megaspeed buff(neo) is also the same ya instantly get the speed buff removed when ya enter any typ of vehicle could be ya enter an ally's vehicle to hide for a momment then to exit and its gone. should they stack again why not make them stack with diminishing returns the first crate adds 15% speed and 15-25% for damage reduction 2nd stack would just only add 1-3th(33%) of the buff with how the maps crates are placed ya wont be able to get much stacks anyway. only see this might be a problem in 1 single map vulcanus or something the 4 crates all in a line together but that map is mostly a 3-10 minute map anyway. with people rushing so getting a stack of crates is kinda inpossible in there. the dr/speed dont stack yeah ya can always feel the effect of the speed being removed on the damage pickup same thing with neo glue debuff ones ya pick up a different buf crate the other buffs magically get removed.
  6. really the no duration nuke crate already exist whats the rarity to even get it because, so far with camping crates never had that crate only had the instant death irritating nuke beacon one then the then 10 seconds death crate,scrin beaming up. with over 400+ crates pickt up figured that it wasent even in the game with pretty much getting every single effect possible. iif ya dont want them to stack whats the damage ressist ya even get because the speed on is +15% becase it states that but the damage ressist doesnt display what it even negates. also why not make it that if ya enter a vehicle with multiple stacks ya only keep the base 1 stack of any damage and or speed resisst. should only 1 be kept ya could pick with an added command which like !kspeed keeps ya speed of +15% and !kressist keeps ya damage ressist shouldent even be a problem tho takes but a couple of seconds to typ in.
  7. the random crate in the game is a very nice feature but it could always use some new added stuff or reworks possibly so what do ya guys/girls/its think of this 1st 1 single charge of a buildable turret to be placed by the user that picks up the crate to use this when ya pick it up it gives ya commands .!turret places for nod a normal turret and for gdi a rocket enplacement !mturret places for both nod and gdi a gt enplacement with just a machine gun. !ssite drops a samsite on the location. this is still a random thing to get with the existing assets already being in game this shouldent be to much work to pull of. altnernatively an airstrike binocular could be used to deploy a single turret there instantly then its rng based on which of the turrets ya get 2.replace the existing nuke crate of 10 seconds into a kamikaze crate just ya become a charged nuke when ya die ya explode like the existing one just ya get no 10 second timer and ya cant remove this effect untill ya die. 3. stackable damage,speed and debuff crates if possible and also make them stack with 1 another meaning ya dont lose 1 effect for the other -movement speed let the movement speed stack the base 15% every time ya pick one up with timer being replanished wont be a broken feature due to how easily ya lose it -damage resisst could also be usefull if ya could stack not sure what the damage reduction is -5%-10%? -glue debuff of -15% or so movement speed perfect to also keep on stacking+refresh timer with every crate -neo maybe? not sure if this boosts ya speed to max or just a good base extra speed if not to the max maybe stack it? 4 unique airstikes let ya be able to get both and gdi's and nod airstrikes from the crate being a stolen airstrike beacon or something. 5.remove nod buggy and humvee from the random weapon crate there not that heavily wanted the other ones that are of low hp have more of a use then these. 6.the existing scrin capture why not rework it into the scrin try's to kidnapp ya but they fail just dealing hp and armor % based damage to ya untill ya at 1% left afther 5-10 seconds in the air ya get thrown down with 1% hp and 1% armor left still is a lethal create. it just doesnt kill u when ya pick it up. the fall damage might if ya forget ya parachute or get shot. 7.1single airdrop command when ya get this just gives a message that a lucky player got an airdrop command drops in close proximity a random vehicle when used could also be the airstrike binocular then just have them named airdrop binocular airdrop delivers a random vehicle on that spot afther 10-20 seconds of waiting OTHER FEATURES add in the drop command dropping ya existing weapon if its not for the characters kit ya bought like for example the repair tool !drop just drops the weapon on the ground for other players to pick up this hase a tactical use also giving engineers/hotwires some weapons if the crate players gotten there automatic rifle from there crate. so what do ya guys/girl/its think of these?
  8. DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr not infested with bunch of mutants tho just if players die in tib field they have a chance to leave 1. could be a very good methode to screw other team with higher lvl character being able to spawn on the go. stronger mutants+visceroids with the hero character spawning a guaranteed immuun character that ya cant drive over whenever they spawn. they could be using there secondary weapon or something when they spawn most character have strong sidearm anyway unless they spawn in as visceroid then just there normal chem warrior rifle.
  9. Mystic~If you're talking about Tiberium Spikes like the columns in Kane's Wrath then I think this tech building needs to wait for the Firestorm expansion maybe, they sound rather similar to the existing silo, and this already exists. I thought being able to mind different coloured crystal was a nice idea, there's already green and blue in at least two maps now, never seen red before in C&C though. on c&c there differen typ of tib crystal in there its just not been featured in the maps or campaign due to the unbalance they give couple of renegade maps of the original players brought the red crystals with balance in mind. it was further away+with the harvesters in there ya never could fully harvest red tib most of the time due to ya being forced to move over green and blue and harvester works automaticely so yeah...... also here is the red crystal strain got it of this site https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Tiberium Unknown Red Strain This strain of red/orange Tiberium is extremely rare, and few commanders have had the chance to harvest it, though some have remarked that it is even more potent, valuable and explosive than Tiberium Cruentus and Aboreus. A sample was retrieved by Tratos and studied at his base protected by a Firestorm shield. However, all of its secrets were lost with the Mutant leader, who was assassinated by Nod forces on orders of CABAL. Notably, the sample grew into a large crystal, similar to a Vinifera or Aboreus crystal, except it was an orangey-red color. A similar although perhaps stranger monolith can later be found in a Tiberium field supplying CABAL's poorly defended center-south support base amidst the Nod assault on the Core (but it does not do anything and simply disappears from the map if fired upon). In Tiberian Twilight, Red Tiberium crystals appear only in the campaign mode, as a byproduct of the Tiberium Control Network. and 2 others typ of tiberian crystals the finifera is blue tib by the way also a slight Aboreus Tiberium Aboreus is very similar in appearance to Vinifera and shares many of the same properties. Its value is roughly double that of Vinifera and is believed to be slightly more explosive, although this has not been conclusively proven yet. Apparently, there were enough chemical differences for Dr. Mobius to put it in a class of its own. Not much is known about this form of Tiberium. It is thought to be more valuable due to peaking chemical concentrations. Cruentus These are large crystals, similar in appearance to the above two strains of Tiberium, except they grow in clumps of approximately 1 square meter to a height of one to two meters. They spread patches of Tiberium Vinifera and Aboreus around them. These crystals are extremely explosive and quite rare. When detonated they shower crystals around the landscape up to 600 meters. This is thought to be a method of spreading Tiberium. It is called "Cruentus" meaning blood-red, even though the crystal itself is dark blue. the team money crate hase a min credit of like 50 seen it give around 275 at max no clue if it would have more then that tho. back to the mining made them with tiers in mind to not be to greedy if ya needed credits because that the total output of credits ya get together so if it degraded from tier 5 to 4 the tib crystal holds only 550 more so ya mined in a short time frame 250 crystal from the red tib. more about the crate tho kinda sucks the kamikaze crate is not the old one from renegade remember that chef outfit ya got when ya got it ya would also get a flamethrower everyone who even murdert ya up close died due to the blast radius. not the nuke we got now 10 seconds ..... remove the seconds and just let the player pick or the attacker end the nuked players live
  10. they just need a bigger cone of flames go play the old renegade and this ya see that the flamethrower,flame tank chem warriors weapon a very large area of effect with some other effects like in these games the flames get a wider cone if targets are a bit further of so ya can deal much better with inf in these
  11. mining tib sounds like a decent idea tho maybe not using the laser drill.but like a different version of the repair gun collor it green then call it a tiberian siphon gun every player can buy it in the items shop for like 600-800 credits. then where to use this add a couple of different spikes around every map or so that grow overtime back could be a system in place to better wait till its almost fully grown to try to harvest it like it hase different growth stages. stage 1 yields 50 credits on harvest stage 2 yields 150 credits. stage 3 350 stage 4 650. stage 5 yields 1000 credits or a bit balanced around the spike collor green. 1st-2-3-4-5 25-50-100-175-300 blue 1st-2-3-4-5- 50-100-200-350-600 red crystal 100-200-350-550-800 to keep it somewhat team bases 10-20% of the tiberian mined will be given to everyone the 80-90% of the mined tib wont be shared to everyone.+somewhat of a bonus to the losing team if a building on there end got destroyed the tiberian spikes in there base could get a buff on the growth stages??? when ya mine them the growth stages will ofcourse go down with the harvest making it much easier if ya not to strapped on credits to only harvest lvl 5 to 4 with the growth also being faster the higher up it go's like 0-1 takes 120 seconds 1-2 takes 110 seconds 2-3 95 seconds 3-4 70 seconds 4-5 takes 45 seconds. the growth stages could be announced in the top corner when ya mine and also visually like ya see when ya mine a message the tib spikes growth go's down to 4 then 3 then 2 1 and then to 0 the tiberian spike hase no useable tiberian to mine now for the spikes there is 1 red 2 blue and like 4/5 green spikes inside the teams bases in the field there no green spikes only blue and red they could be in hard to find spots or just in open ground entirelly like for example a red spike is in the middle of gdi's base/nod entrance meaning ya can get possibly killed very easily by snipers or what not also handepsilon any plans to add visceroid mechanic to the maps. possible tiberian based weapons kills can spawn a neutral agro visceroid with the mechanic that tiberian based weapons regenerate its health.the tiberian weapons are also able to make it stronger/evolve really miss the visceroids and mutants from the original there even in the original maps of renegade still active+crate can transform ya into 1 sometimes in there.
  12. at first when i heard of renegade x on youtube tho i expected the viseroids to be part of it atleast if it was a full renegade with better systems in place.reason why is if ya start up a renegade skirmish game go get killed in tib ya sometimes turn into a visceroids+ya can turn into mutants with certain buttons for nod. was very disapointed that was not there.then again ya cant get everything ya liked of the old renegade. with the tib field having it become stronger overall could be an option yeah to negate the growth ya got to keep ya harvesters alive that would harvest the tib in there with degrading tiberian field mechanics in there for the crystals. the crystal would replanish overtime but,ya can speed that up then with tiberian weapons nod would have the upperhand in this to be fair because tiberian faction.the chem sprayers would be the most effective way to regrow them. like if the tib field overthere is entirelly destroyed nod could ressurect them with tib weapons same with certain gdi characters but not would do this faster .then if its a structure that spawns neutral creature gdi's firepower can destroy it much and much faster
  13. that indeed a great idea but instead of it just being they spawn overtime or what not there created from tiberian weapons or deads in tib fields. like how 1 of the old renegade campaign was kill someone with tiberian,tiberian fields they turn into a visceroid sometimes. making tiberian weapons a risk to use for high damage+giving nod some bonuses considering there tiberian based faction like experimental mendoza if he dies by tiberian damage he hase a small % to mutate on death into a mutant making him immuun+heal from radiation weapon attacks. for non experimental characters they will turn in weak to stron visceroids attacking everything whenever they morph on dead in them
  14. how about adding in some new items to the buyable list like reinforcements,vehicle drops and maybe a base defence build beacon from a crate? -reinforcement beacon drops reinforcements at the spot where ya dropt the beacon takes around 10-15 seconds for them to arrive ya get 4-5 units .there would be 3 different tiers+maybe specific commands u can only give them like order them to defend a spot base whatever nobody else can order them they will have your name with reinforcement added to it.this could also be added to random crate as a possability and ya can own multiple reinforcmenet beacons of different tiers.ya just cant call in more then 1 reinforcement at a time they all have to die before ya can call in more. tier 1 drops the basic+1 officer unit that ya can normally get for free soldier,grenadier,marskman,flamethrower,(engineers included) 1200 credits tier 2 would drop the rocket,chem,officer with also a couple of basic infantry 2400 tier 3 would drop the the higher tier ones uncluding hotwire+tech not the hero's that cost 1000 credits the beacon itself would cost 3000 credits -vehicle drop beacon drops(mrls,light tank,medium tank,,artillery. they would cost a good bit more depanding on the beacon ya buy when beacon is placed takes around 15-20 sec for vehicle to get dropt in at the location ya placed it. this could also maybe added to random crate with them handed to ya at random+multuple different beacons can be owned at ones they are lost afther death however like everthing else. mrls beacon 775-1550-2325 credits 1550 with no power or war factory and the 2325 if both are gone light tank beacon .900-1800-2700 credits 1800 with no power or airstrip and the other if both are gone medium tank 1200-2400-3600 same as above no war factory or power plan 2400 if none are pressent 3600. artillery same cost as mrls 775-1550-2325 no airstrip or pp 1550 none of both 2325 -nod+gdi base defence buildings sam site,turret,anti air tower,infantry tower add a deployable grenade/beacon to the crate that gives players a possability to get them when thrown they spawn in the structure of the grenade/beacon this could also be handy for base defences giving them some more defence if they started with none or all got destroyed. right now ya cant build structures or let the commander do this all of these idea's up are pretty much first based on what a commander should have but, having it in other teams members there ways wouldent hurt aswell with them being very costly to use. so what are ya thoughts of the other with this idea
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