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  1. It still says whether a veh has been STOLEN or not in the Q-spot chat, assuming they don't check that it wouldn't change anything if it would say CRATE Mammy instead of Mammy as they just react on the first line of sight with the veh and instantly rant about how their teammates gifted them a tank before checking anything. In other words, you can still see whether a veh is stolen or not, which is enough to clear thing out if you do decide to view the Q-spot chat. Unless they are completely new, I don't see how the current system wouldn't be enough to determine whether a veh is stolen or has been found in a crate.. Just my opinion to this tho
  2. Yeah that wasn't nearly the problem in the old times. XD But I used it before too so I didn't really change. The problem about new teams is that they never ask stuff, would be huge if there also would be kinda like a tutorial maybe just a list for the short names and stuff. Most of the new people don't understand that teamwork is important in RenX so they have to learn it in a hard way by losing and stuff. Worst outcome is that they don't learn and complain against others why they lost.
  3. I agree you need a good team if you want to command normally.
  4. It is indeed a problem that most of the people don't trust what a lot of commanders are doing and rather go for their KD improvement instead of actually listening to you, by typing Commander messages you should gain a bit of trust/respect especially if your plans succeed. As @roweboat said use scout planes / radar scans it can assist players greatly. If you end up getting blamed don't counter them much just ignore them or else they will remember it. You can always ask another experienced commander for help.
  5. Just keep trying you will learn it and make them proud soon. It's ok if you're failing as I said as long as you're learning you will get better.
  6. I like your idea but they would have to learn to use those powers too and no one will know if they will just waste the commander points due to being new or trolling, I'd rather suggest that normal players can vote to stop harvester which just 50% of people who vote "yes" each time someone votes "no" it's going to increase 5% to the needed votes to "yes". I commander a lot of games too but I just want to let different people to learn this commanding so they will later enough be full commanders too. Having new commanders would be great but it's hard to get them.
  7. If no one wants to learn to command then there will never be a new commander. If people don't want to command then they are afraid. If people say that the current commander is bad that commander will never command again going to step 1 again. If they do try again they will end up to be a good commander soon enough. If people blame a commander tell them to command next time and see their skill I've never seen a commander blame another new commander only regular people. People are afraid to be a commander due to lack of knowledge or they are scared being blamed sometimes you can't do anything with just a bar and a power plant, sometimes you can't do anything with a WF and bar due to lack or credits and lack of defense once you're rushing sometimes you can do something with just a bar due to having only one building which has to be defended so it's easier to rush out while at least 40% are defending. People just don't see the risks at rushes: -Credits -Commander points -Counter rush -Lack of defender/offensive/supportive infantry which support tanks -Lack of people during a rush wasting CP (2nd point) and Credits -Lack of field-control And the list goes on with some other stuff So all I want to say by that stop blaming commanders for being bad and let them learn, you might lose your match but that means nothing as long as he had some experience as commander he can continue as commander later on and be like I don't know a good commander I guess. If you need help as commander just ask another good commander to help him out most of the commanders don't look at the chat they just plan something and go on they don't care if someone just typed "Rush inc". I'm just going to add a few points what you should do or have as commander: -Look at the chat and inform yourself about the current situation if you're going to rush soon or if you're not up to date yet -Try to inform people what to use if vehicles are full: Sydney/Raveshaws, Laser Chain Gunner(LCG)/Gunner or Rockets -Try to use the map press "M" to open it you can see the whole map including your teammates and spotted enemies sometimes you can also see how many of each class or tank you have -Don't be toxic to your teammates, you shouldn't be toxic in general if you want to play ren X normally -If you planning a rush and let's say you want 10 mobius's and you typed "/C I want 10 mobs in ref" once and then just wait and you only see 1 mob in ref and you, then don't be surprised first of all try to use "/r" so the text stays longer than just "/c" and try to say that multiple times lets say each 3 seconds you type that again you can simple just press the "UP ARROW KEY" to repeat the last message you typed in, try to inform the others how much there are right now in that case it would be "2/10" and try to inform them about the plan (Target Buff yes or no if yes which one offensive buff = more dmg and your faster in everything / defensive buff = you take less dmg) -People say to not use cruise missile and emp/smoke airstrikes but they don't know why you shouldn't use them, you can use them but to get your enemy back up meaning if you put a EMP strike at the front of your base because there's like 8 Nod tanks they will have to back up making a perfect time to push with your tanks, Cruise missile is to just punish the tanks that aren't moving back EMP just EMPs them giving them another chance, Smoke airstrike is often used when pushing Obelisk of light (Obi) or Advanced Guard Tower (AGT) because they can't fire at you when you're in the smoke now the scan just marks the enemies when they are in line of sight of the scan making you able to track them easily. If the harvest needs to be stopped stop it. You should also know that you can open the menu pressing "Control+C."
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