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    N Dimensional Space

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  1. antivirus does not like the new SDK. I still get the launcher running.
  2. I always experimenting with either UDK 3 or RX: SDK.
  3. The SDK says 12791 but that is on the splash. It refuses to load. it just crashes or goes nowhere. The game: Renegade X was successfully verified to version Open Beta 5.64a.312. I guessing this is an issue. I had this happen months ago. IDK if it is because I have not been able to keep up or what?
  4. NOD VPN,
  5. This is for my SDK not updating. RenXLnchLogS_Ketchup.zip
  6. Old Ren..... Memories! Hearing it called Old Ren, also makes me think of Old Ren and Old Stimpy. Now that would be a MOD for ya. For the Stimpihood.....
  7. Interesting idea. I wonder if it would change the game too much. IDK. It sounds fun. If anyone is suitable in game for this, I would think that would be the chem warriors? I lost it at blue tiberium gets explodey!
  8. Cool stuff. Like Fantasy Island with tanks.
  9. I am trying to figure out this same kind of setup, myself. (sinister laughter)
  10. My friend and I got into some LAN skirmishes. we had a blast. He was figuring out the game, I was trying to fight fair. I decided to drop a nuke mid base, just to spook him. I blew up his WF by mistake. Forgot to take a picture. Poor guy just bought his first Orca. So I left him a tank I found to make it fair. He waited until I was in a hole taking another screen photo to blast me into green mist. Maj BOB learns quickly. Come out Major BOB. No, you're gonna kill me with that thing. (Sigh) Have I played a cheap game yet? JUST Come out side! (slowly creeping) (Ketchup goes running.) Here I found you a tank Merry Christmas, I got a present for ya. What do I do with it? KILL me. Boy did he, ever. I spent most of the game harassing his harvester or the one BOT.
  11. I am still trying to figure that out. I need to keep tinkering a bit. If I get stuck I will definitely seek "faith restructuring."
  12. I was not sure if this was still being used or what? I tried running this, it told me: Failed to Execute script UDKHandler. I am trying to set up a LAN for my machines at home. I see there are threads about the INI and Bat files editing. I am still trying to figure that all out. Thanks
  13. Ketchup


    I had trouble figuring it out. I still am.
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  14. That would be sweet. I was trying to rebuild the Temple from an amalgamation of game statics. I am still learning how to set collisions and collision meshes. I was so inspired by the original fan contribution of the temple, I had to try an inspired imitation. I attempted to prefab from that as a base but with other meshes. I did not feel I had any right to modify someone else's model, I loved it btw. I am still learning how to add meshes to UDK and collisions.
  15. I have been tinkering with some maps. Disturbia Disturbia - 2 Ketchup's Artic Lab Ketchup's Artic Lab: close the frig dude. What kind of meat is this. Ketchup's Artic Lab: Main floor. Ketchup's Artic Lab: Freaks and Geeks Start build: the Longest Run Start build: the Longest Run 2 Start build: the Longest Run: 3 Repair Pad: as a small bunker. Ext. Repair Pad: as a small bunker. Int. Survivor Island The Zoo Ketchup
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