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Everything posted by daOpa

  1. So is there a plan going forward regarding playability?
  2. How do you get in the spectator mode? The top down view looks sick!!
  3. At least for one pug to try it out.
  4. I think it would be a cool thing for Pugs!
  5. yes that resolved it for me too :)!
  6. Same here, unfortunately. The game crashes when I try to join a server.
  7. I have the same problem with getting a hair cut . My hair is way too long already. Rumors has it that you can get one on the black market...
  8. I wouldn't call Italy underdeveloped and about 4% of the infected ppl died so far there. You can check it here: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/685d0ace521648f8a5beeeee1b9125cd
  9. Thanks for sharing DugeHick! I just started Folding@home with "all systems go". It is using 100% of my CPUs now but only about 5% of my GPU, but let's wait and see
  10. Since some ppl have problems playing RenX (including me initially) because of their PC specs, this is intended to post examples which actually work fine. So I start here with my specs which are working fine for me (I don't play with the highest settings but I'm happy with it): Intel i5-8500 @3.00GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 16 GB Ram Apacer 512 GB SSD
  11. So 1st of all: I agree that the commander has a lot on his plate, but I would argue that (1) squads actually reduce micromanagement and (2) I have a suggestion for that coming below. So to my 1. point: It is for the commander quite easy to say "squad 1 buy meds, keep nod locked in, squad 2 do gunner rush on obi" or whatever. Without squads this is currently impossible and yes in that situation (currently) some ppl would buy a med and some ppl would try to pull off a gunner rush but in my view it is oftentimes quite chaotic and by chance sometimes it works out and sometimes it just doesn't. Concerning the communication in one channel: the squads do not have to talk more than the individual players talk now so I think that discussion is irrelevant. Furthermore, the squads can be defined before the game actually starts so that is no big deal in my view. And yes, this can all be done already which is why I would suggest that we just try it one time to check if it's fun. And now concerning to my 2. point: what about we have one additional role which we could name "1st Officer" or something like that. The commander will assign this role to someone and the 1st officer then can do the buffs and the other commands. So the commander then can just say/write "cruise missile on nod tanks pls" or something like that and the 1st officer is doing that for him. If the commander is not happy what the 1st officer is doing he needs to be able to assign the role to another person or have the freedom to not pick a 1st officer at all. Any thoughts on this one?
  12. Just a suggestion what we could try in a pug: the commander of each team divides the players in sub-teams at the start. So we would have 3-4 sub-teams with each having about 5 players or so. The commander could call them squad alpha, beta, gamma, delta (1,2,3,4 works too but doesnt sound cool to me). Then it would be easy for the commander to assign tasks like "squad alpha defends harvester" and "squad beta and gamma makes officer rush to ref". This is currently almost impossible to coordinate. The commander could also pull off different rushes in parallel. If there are some specialists in the team, such as a really good sniper they could be playing independently so that they can join whatever squad needs support in a given situation. I think that way the pugs could feel more like real clan matches and are much tighter coordinated. Hope you like that idea, what are you thinking guys?
  13. Saturday pug rave party after GDI surrendered!
  14. Let's collect the best and most iconic RenX screenshots you have here.
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