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Posts posted by [TmX]Sean

  1. @R315r4z0r

    If the tunnel is mined and if an APC is standing the long way at the base wall entry, then good luck passing undetected with SBH without using the bug.


    You clan finds it even okay to place a nuke on top of Refinery behind the fence or to place a nuke at second wall of the GDI Weapons Factory.

    TheMatrixRen does not allow beacon glitching at all, if/when the player is caught doing this, they'll receive a 24hour ban.

    The discussion is still on-going, but we wont be kicking players for doing this at this present moment in time

    Renegade X is still in beta, so naturally there's still going to be bugs/changes that occur.

    So because of this, the general consensus so far is to allow it, until patching occurs (if it does).

    My personal opinion is that it shouldn't be allowed and I'll continue to argue this point.

  2. My game never crashes if i join first game. If i dont move mouse a few seconds before game ends, till new respawn it also crashes not that often.

    I thought it was just me, I can confirm that if i don't click/move my mouse then I crash less often as well.

  3. I think the speed of the mammoth's/stanks both need to be increased and adjusting the sbh's so they are slightly easier to spot can only be a good thing.

    Arts/mrls are fine though - they're not supposed to be balanced, they both have advantages & disadvantages.

  4. Yeah, I definitely agree with this.

    For those of you that played/moderated C&C Renegade, there was a BRenbot command that was called "shun" - it basically blocked players from using bot commands, if they was for example vote spamming.

    This would certainly be a good idea. (or perhaps if the mute command was expanded so that players was unable to use the bot commands when they're muted).

  5. Is it (or will it be) possible to mute or (even better) change the kill boink sound?

    I'm not an old Renegade player and as a first-timer it sounds absolutely ridiculous to me within the rest of the context of the game.

    It has already been stated that skins wont be allowed. So I can only presume that different sound files wont be either.

  6. Hello truxa,

    In my personal opinion it shouldn't be allowed - only because it can't be done in C&C Renegade.

    I do think it gives Nod an extra advantage over GDI.

    The best way you can get a consensus from TheMatrixRen administration is by posting your concerns here: http://www.thematrixren.com/f62-rx-discussions

    I've brought your concerns up internally and when we have consensus - we'll post about it. It might be easier to follow it on our forums though.

    (I'm Sean in irc btw)

    Hi Sean! Good to see your active on these forums!

    To be honest, I think it's a more general issue and not a single-server-issue. I know TheMatrixRen is a great server as it actively bans/prohibits/restricts unfair situations like this (imo). Thats the main reason I play mostly on your server when it's possible (it's always at 40/40 lol)

    But I must disagree with you that it cannot be done in the original renegade. In the onld ren they huddle up crouched and a 2nd/3rd SBH can just jump on the wall that way. I haven't done it myself, I usually report it to the mods (on Jelly server it wasn't allowed either) as it is called "wall jumping".

    When I see it happen as GDI, I usually throw a few remote C4s and get a 4x "Boink" but still, it should not be possible imo!

    Yeah it's do-able with infantry and I'm well aware of this, however I've never seen sbhs jump up a stank in C&C Renegade, like they do in Renegade X.

    Regarding the server being full - yeah it's unfortunate that more players can't join, let's hope that the server restriction of 40 will be lifted soon. :)

    I've found that the easiest way to "get in" is by watching irc (irc.thematrixserver.com) and joining #tmx-renx That way when someone leaves, you can hit join :P Plus we're now starting to kick players for excessively afking, so more active players can get in.

  7. Hello truxa,

    In my personal opinion it shouldn't be allowed - only because it can't be done in C&C Renegade.

    I do think it gives Nod an extra advantage over GDI.

    The best way you can get a consensus from TheMatrixRen administration is by posting your concerns here: http://www.thematrixren.com/f62-rx-discussions

    I've brought your concerns up internally and when we have consensus - we'll post about it. It might be easier to follow it on our forums though.

    (I'm Sean in irc btw)

  8. In return for Origin exclusivity - could you possibly work out a deal with EA, in which you guys could share the rights and allow them to port it to consoles, with a split of the profits for you guys?

    Renegade X has certainly been a love project, it would be nice to see you guys get some funds for all the hard work that you've put into it so far.

  9. Why would you make bigger maps? If I read correctly then the huge chaotic clusterfuck is what some people want here. I have a different proposal. Just make a very small map for these people and have a 40p server with this map. Preferably just a little circle where everyone spawns right in front of each other. Oh and make it so this map is marathon and there is no way to end it. The more chaos the better, right?

    Or maybe not and these people should go find a different game...

    Can we actually do that?

    Maybe they'll go away then. :P

  10. I'll chase this up with Skeeze and get him to email you all of the demo's RypeL.


    I'm not sure what you just said about the servers. There are less than 50 players online at the moment, all playing in that god awful MoO server.

    It has hackers and grifers. Nobody kicking them.

    It seems to be the new Fubar, with fake player counts (at least it fakes as in it stops at 39) and can take more than 40 players. Its sucking the community to itself and it alone ruined my night. Thanks, MoO.

    Anyway, its already a ghost town, and this is a VERY good night as far as I'm concerned in terms of player count, that is if some of the players in MoO aren't fake (I swear to god it feels like there are).

    Between the glitches, the issues and of course, the really bad servers like that one, we just aren't going anywhere. Both Renegade are in a state I consider "dead" right now.

    I'm hoping a release later down the line gets the game back on track.

    In the meantime, there is no multiplayer game worth my time. Long friday nights this will be.

    I certainly hope this isn't the case...faking player counts should be something that administrators should be unable to do, it's unacceptable... I joined thinking there was 39 players ingame (as shown on the listings) and there were 3 people ingame..pretty pathetic tbh.

  11. I might be offering monopoly money here, but I would spend 20 dollars in the current state, I would say 15 of that is function and 5 of that is spirit which still counts because they did good by the herritage of the game.

    Were it polished, I would spend 30 maybe 40 dollars.

    If they could promise to expand hugely into map production and total conversions, I would kickstart it for 120 dollars. No joke.

    Really, EA has enough money, they should just back them and not be douches about it for a change, just let them work and collect the resulting sales from it. Then they could port it to console and everything. That would be amazing.

    Don't mind me, just... lamenting on my crushed dreams... Imagine it though, this game could have been Battlefield and Battlefield could have been cancelled or coexist. Why must the good die young?

    You're right. It would be amazing but in this world, it's never going to happen...

  12. We're hard at work on Beta 3, and there is a huge focus on optimization and stability. However it is taking some time to find out the real causes for the crashes as they keep eluding the crash logs. There is already a sizable change list and a very noticeable boost in performance, however there is still work to be done. We are working on new maps that may or may not make it into Beta 3 as they are still in development, as well as a bran new launcher.

    I'm looking forwards to the next build - it's sure to be exciting!

    Would you not consider using Gohla's Launcher that is now open source? It seems to be pretty decent & efficient and it works well. It would save you the time on creating a new launcher. :)

    Link: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72947

  13. We will mimic Red Alert as much as possible in Red Alert FPS.

    We just want to make something we like better than whats already out there.

    It will get shaped up as we go on with the project.

    For example, we will attempt to make the game play simular to Red Alert where units get killed quite fast,

    we will attempt to make it so it takes just as much effort to kill a unit in this FPS game as it would take in the RTS.

    Damage scaling is one of the things we look into very precisely.

    The tech level system in some other mods are either not present at all or quite messed up.

    I will code a Tech level system which exactly mimics the one in Red Alert. So if you lose your Radar Dome you can no longer purchase V2 Rockets for example.

    Also, the other mods that we know of don't have some key structures ingame such as the Tech Center and Chronosphere.

    We will get those ingame too and tie them into the tech level system.

    We want the guy you spawn with as a Technician (as seen when you blowup buildings in Red Alert). Technicians are the building-keepers so to speak.

    Although fictional they are inside the buildings in Red Alert, so that will be our spawn character.

    Unlike other mods where they choose to have the Rifle Soldier as their main character. I mean: What about the Rifle soldier then? What will happen to that? It cost 100 in Red Alert and in the mod you get it for free? :/ Doesn't make sense.

    The Technician will have a repairgun that can slowly repair buildings only and a pistol.

    Certain characters will not be allowed to drive vehicles, like Tanya and/or the Spy and Thief(unsure about this one since its quite hard to make it useful arleady)...

    They can however always enter a vehicle as a passenger though.

    We plan to have working naval transports that can transport both infantry and vehicles, 5 at a time. Most mods have ditched the Naval system completely for some reason.

    Naval is one of the more important aspects of the gameplay and we want to implement this, which we will, although its gonna be hard.

    Time will tell what we can do with this thing. We know there are other mods that do the same thing pretty much but they did not satisfy us to the point that we would continue to play that instead of creating something new. Which is what we will be doing.

    The maps size and graphics fps lag on some maps is also one of the problems we faced in other mods. We don't want too big maps as they are plain boring pretty much in our opinions at least.

    And here is a latest render of the to be Allied Anti Air defense by ImperialKaskins:


    It looks like a cross between: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/File:RA3_Sentry_Gun_Land.jpg



    Both are from RA3 - not RA2. In order for your mod to mimic RA2 as much as possible, shouldn't your defences look more like base defences from RA2?

    Patriot missile: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Patriot_missi ... (Red_Alert)

    Or the Soviet flak Cannon: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Flak_cannon_(Red_Alert_2)

    Just my thoughts.

  14. All I am asking for is a stealth tank that acts like the one in the original game is that too much? The original was much better balanced than this and I think the vehicles were made a certain way for a reason. Go play the original ren with a stealth tank and then play renegade x with it you will see that they nerfed the shit out of the stealth tank.

    Yo mate, (Sean here)

    Everyone has to remember that Renegade X is still in beta, everything isn't going to be perfect, so there's going to be bugs here and there. The developers are certainly aware of the concerns of you guys, if they agree or not, that's upto them. I'm sure the stealth tank will get some more love though!

    Stealth tanks are a vital part of Nod's strategy - I'm sure we can all recall doing stank rushes in C&C Renegade ( for those that actually played it ;) ). Getting anything perfect is hard, as there's always going to be players that like/dislike it for whatever reason, the developers can only do what they can.

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