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About Jointn00b

  • Birthday 07/17/1990

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  1. The blonde girl turned out to be a giggolo dressed as a woman
  2. - so will the scottish guy get a role in the MP version? and if yes, what weapon will he get a role? If I recall correctly he will replace sydney with the tiberium rifle as sydney was twice in the mp with tiberium auto rifle and with the PIC
  3. Just finished the game... And I applaud you guys for what you have accomplished. Ofcourse there were things I didn't like but that is only the engine to blame and not you guys. In the beginning the game felt a bit clunky/heavy and I couldn't see the difference between sprinting and running but even so, you guys had me kill people with a rocket launcher so I won't complain. (Although I was aiming Renegade style, which doesn't really work in this engine) I really think you should be proud of yourselves. You've managed to produce a game I, and I think many people with me, enjoyed a lot. The combat felt great and I think the voice acting was done very nice, although the script sometimes felt a bit dull... But at the end of those conversations you would throw in a joke bringing the smile back on my face. Once again, THANK YOU for this experience and be proud!
  4. just go back to base or in range of AGT to repair and SBH isn't any form of a problem anymore
  5. TB TB TB!!! oh, seeing a WTFree is RenegadeX would be sooo AWESOME ghehe
  6. I heard of this and I was like WTF? I mean, I already know that some Americans are completely retarded (see the 'pizza is a vegetable' statement of the government) but I never expected them to go completely berserk on the censoring thingie... Hope this bill will never pass. Cuz when it does, the entire world will be affected because most of the internet is hosted in America. All important social media sites anyway.
  7. lol Jam... gotta love the music!
  8. OffT: Santaclaus was actually born from the idea of Sinterklaas. And where in America and the rest of the world magic and elves are helpers to santa, our santa has black dudes which decided to help him because he helped them out. and the rest is up to the kids's imagination
  9. 1. GDI Ion cannon control pushed the wrong button 2. Havoc finally admitting to Sydney he's gay 3. Nod artillery battery being horribly owned by an A10 4. Havoc having a bet with a Nod officer that a fart with a match near it will explode. Havoc won 5. Mission debriefing after killing the first waves of Nod dudes
  10. Will there be an assault mode in RenegadeX multiplayer? If yes, will GDI and NOD have different maps in which they attack or defend (e.g. maps where GDI always attacks and NOD always defends or the other way around?)
  11. are there supposed to be any?
  12. So tell me... how come you 2 think that there'll only be 2 primary weps in SP? 1 of the devs (Havoc or Fobby if I remember correctly) stated that there won't be a weapon limit in the SP... So tell me... where's the problem anyway?
  13. ok, somehow you managed to go a completely different way and still blow away the fans and the community. and i applaud you for that. Please keep up with the original ideas, most of them are simply awesome (like that VERY NICE new HUD ^^)
  14. IMO camping and point whoring is what made Renegade BEYOND boring and eventually took out all the fun for me, beside the amount of cheater which were active. I mean, seriously. It's a game all about teamplay and doing stuff together. Point whoring was just standing by yourself all game long doing nothing but pressing 1 button until some1 took out either the pp or the ob/agt for you making it possible to move into the enemy base and keep doing that INSIDE the base. No, what made Renegade the game it is was the ability to take out buildings with nothing more but good tactics and a little bit of luck. I've been called a cheater for knowing my way around the enemy base and taking out either a ref or a pp while the entire enemy team was at the doorstep of my base doing nothing but camping. Fast paced action and rushes, THAT is what Renegade is all about IMO
  15. Enjoyed it? i LOVED most of your maps m8!
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