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Mr. Stagger Lee

Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mr. Stagger Lee

  1. Mr. Stagger Lee


    Solo nuking on daybreak was working for a second tho
  2. Yeah they said it all ready. I 3rd this. Like... it’s obvious. You just need to inform the player. Period. You can keep changing things forever and people will still screw up if they are not taught or informed. Having players from all ages, all over the world, just telling people how to play via game chat is not enough.. we gotta show’em how. I think a lot more players woulda stuck from the current influx of people if we’d had proper training tutorial. Literally saw so many people looking for answers and the best advice people got was “go read the ren x Wikipedia page”. Which is fine for me but let’s be real it’s 2020 and people don’t wanna read shit. tib sun has got to have some sort of tutorial if you expect people to quickly catch on and stick around
  3. Haven’t posted on here much but, yo, Mining culture is one of the richest parts of what makes ren such a great game. You have the freedom to do whatever you like, but you need the know-how to do it effectively. this applies to many thing/tricks in on this game. A lot of issues not only mining, I think would just be solves by informing the player.. ie A proper training server that walks you though a match with bot or a tutorial or both.
  4. 1. Snow 2. Snow x 3. Oasis 4. Field 5. Glacier
  5. Yo! Steppe Paradise Training Yard Glasses
  6. i was wondering about this a few months ago. was asking in a few matches. no one knew. RIP
  7. do they have little hatches to put soldiers inside?
  8. Fuuucking crazy. So cool. Didn’t know these even existEd - 12 Hundo for stealth tank! Crazy! There’s a few others up too! https://www.ebay.com/p/Gamepro-Command-and-Conquer-Renegade-Flame-Tank-With-5nod-5gdi-Soldiers/1568809822
  9. Like 2-4,000.
  10. Seriously so sad - they all died super recently too
  11. Also! RIP. :////
  12. RIP. Scott Walker and Kim English
  13. Hey y’all, curious if anyone has any decent gaming laptop recommendations? I’ve been MIA becuase my old really shitty laptop recently fried out - need something new and decent. My old one could literally hardly run the game anyway - I know all my friends tell me PCs can be built stronger for cheaper but it Needs to be a laptop because I play a lot at work between clients and at home. Anyway let me know what you think?
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