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  1. I love you all ^ _ ^
  2. I could certainly help to realize these ideas, but I only have experience with editors from StarCraft 1 games. ) - and that knowledge is only in the field of how to put objects, set values for resources, usually inserting trees, scenery, stones. Here's the main idea for Command & Conquer Renegade X - you need to create a separate mode, as it was with the Unreal Tournament game, it's capturing the flag, a deadly match, you need a mode of building the base, here's the idea for working, prohibit mandatory C4, Mines and the main snipers - this will give a balance from the crooks in the game and will give the main balance itself for the game building mode. Both teams start with a construction main base where one player should receive 3000 credits for the construction of a $ 300 power station, a $ 300 barracks, a processing plant of $ 2000, 2,600 spent, 400 will remain on the cumulative part of the construction of a military factory for tanks at $ 2000, as well to make it possible to build a research center and the NOD temple, an ionic extended research base in the amount of $ 2500 to unlock special weapons is a nuclear weapon or ionic satellite weapons, and the research center will unlock an air strike, but the case that the barracks will unlock not all units, and the research center will unlock the type of Mendoza type of troops, as well as for the balance to put the opportunity to build no more than 2 air defense systems it is SAM, 2 Turret / Tower / and not more than 1-2 Adw.Tower / Obelisk Light / maximum harvesters 2-3, processing plant no more than 2, 3 power plants maximum, where each gives 100 energy, the barracks consumes 30 energy, the processing plant 40 energy, the tank garage 40 energy, the research base 50 energy, the storage facility Tiberium 10 energy, no more than 2 to build, where each can xp the thread with a maximum of 2500 credits + 1000 credits in addition for one built storage facility, and that of 4500, a simple tower / turret defense tower - 25 energy, an adw.tower / Obelisk Light -40 gun extended energy gun, a special base for special weapons 70 energy, there was a balance, it will be interesting to run infantry without snipers, initially available special weapons and c4 mines, the ability to add for the repair of subtracting credits and not adding it, if repairing the building, then a second is spent how many credits from the player who repairs the building or equipment, but required before zhno be one player on each team at the beginning of the start of 3000 credits for example for the construction of the foundations, and the rest at the beginning of 300 credits and they were able to transfer resources to speed up the construction of the base, or spending on special forces for fast battle tactics, how the idea? :)
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