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  1. Accepted Team List. Below will be the list of teams that are accepted for squad wars. This post is so we don't have to scroll down far to find all the teams. Team OnlySyds Members 1.Shuvon 2.SmartHyena 3.Rami_307 4.Phil 5.Oneplus Greenline 6.Muhib 7.Rud 8.King 9.Hyperion 10. Ks.ol Reserves - Radec Ridul Joseph Liqudator Fraggenstein Team RamRod! 1.roweboat 2. MEALSOLUTIONS 3. RokumanZA 4. Hackerham 5. WalrusWTF 6. Danny 7. praeda 8. Spectra 9. Killah 10. Sheptim Team Aliterut 1) Dewey 2) Njorl 3) Blackhand 4) JPJ 5) Minji 6) Raptor 7) SherbertMD 8 ) Poi 9) Leee 10) Joumama
  2. Squad Wars returns with a more robust ruleset. After the poll we found most people just want to play with their friends so Squad Wars will remain a hands off approach to balancing. The team building rules are here. Read them and ask your friends and build your team! For now we are only looking for teams of 10. Matches will be organised by myself GDI_Martok in discord, which will take place on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays during Pug times/and or before/after. Team building rules 1. Players can only be apart of one team. Players themselves get the final say on if they want to be apart of the team. 1a. Players can only be apart of different category teams. A single player can be in a team of 10 and a completely different team of 6. But not in two different teams of 10. (Other categories may come at a later date) 2. There is no restriction on who can be on your team. There's no balancing, play with your friends. 2.a You can have one or two player reserves if you wish but not necessarily needed, (see rule 4) 3. Team names are required and must not be offensive, racist or discriminatory. Organizers get final say on what is and isn't okay. 4. In situations of missing team members for matches, or no shows. Reserve players will be picked on the day from a reserve list. 4a. Reserve list players, would be players not apart of any team that are available. 4b. In cases of both teams needing a reserve player. Both teams would be asked who they want. 4b a. In cases where both teams want one player, the reserve player gets final say on which team to join. 4b b. Reserve players that fill in for a specific team regularly may be asked to officially join. 5. Team leaders must submit their team name and player list to the TA forums. Games play in Squad Wars matches will have different settings than Publics or Pugs. Here are the settings. Match settings Starting with 0 credits. No crates. Harvester dump $600. Super weapons disabled until 45 minutes into the game. Pedestal is disabled. Game ends at 1 hour. Victory condition at time expire will be team that has done the most building damage (only applies to permanent health.) Team donations begins 10 minutes in. Game Rules. 1. No rude/toxic Behaviour, No flaming, No trolling. 1a. Be respective to organisers, and the opposing team. 2. No cheats, exploits, or bug abuses. If its not intended, Its likely not allowed. (see list below for details.) -No reverse APC speed. -No drifting tank. -No abusing the invisible bug -some exploits will result in a ban from the game. You have been warned. 3. Show up on time, being more than 20 minutes late without prior warning will lead to a reserve player being used. 3a. Once the game is started players will not be switched around in cases of late showers arriving. Reserve players will not be replaced mid match. 4. No rage quitting. Play your matches till their end. 4a. Exceptions are unexpected IRL issues emerging or having told the organisers before the match starts that you need to go. 4b. However repeated use of 4a will have consequences at the organisers discretion. 5. Map Vetos is to be done before any games are played. See Map pool & selection for more info. Map pool & selection. Map pool will be split into two sections. Starting map pool and expanded map pool. The starting map pool will be a list of small maps that will serve as the first map for any series of matches that will be played. Starting map pool. Snow. Oasis. Walls. Canyon. Field. There are two ways the starting map can be picked. 1. Both team commanders/leaders agree on the map to play. 2. Random generator picks the map at random. Same applies to which faction each team plays. 1. Both team commanders/leaders agree on which faction their team plays (both pick different factions.) 2. Coin flip / random generator picks the factions. Both teams have the ability to Veto 2 maps out of the series. Once a map is vetoed it is removed from the pool entirely for this series. This must be done before any games are played. Clarification, maps from the starting or expanded map pool can be vetoed but each team only gets 2 vetos. After the first game is played, teams will be allowed to pick from the expanded map pool. Maps previously played or have been vetoed are removed from the pool. Expanded map pool. Snow. Oasis. Walls. Canyon. Field. Islands. Lakeside. Under. Hourglass. Tomb. Cliff side. Crash site. Forest. Mines. Outposts. Volcano. Whiteout. After the first match, one team will be able to pick the map while the other team picks their faction on the map. This is switched after the second game. The team that lost the first game gets to decide if they want to pick the next map or pick their faction for the second game. The team that wins the best of three wins the series.
  3. I would like to see CNC Stronghold And or. Dark Night - the survival map. make everyone Play it!!!
  4. Is it possible to set up something like a mutator menu? Cause that sounds like the way to go. just have something that can allow or disallow mutators?
  5. Hello Ren peeps. I would like some love for Skirmish. Yes RenX is all about that multiplayer but there is something I would like addressed something I think could be easily done. But first I would like to say who ever made the DarkNight map is a legend its nice to have a players vs bots game and I think we need more like it with Nod or GDI being the Defender as well as difference base sizes to defend. One thing i really like is the build-able turrets. Love. That. Shit. I can understand not wanting the turrets in Multiplayer games cause a 30 v 30 and everyone can place 4 turrets each is gonna get messy fast. But I think stuff like this and other things like Build-able Tiberium sun units and such should be an option for Skirmish mode that people should be allowed to do. Just a little Tick box that allows Building turrets, Building Tib sun units And whatever else our fabulous devs decide to made for us. Cause some times farming Creates for special things like the Nod Bradley is boring if you just wanna try it out in Skirmish against bots. This is something I with my very limited almost non existent Programming skills should be easy to implement. The not so easy thing that this could lead to is being able to Invite friends to your Skirmish game. Cause sometimes you just want a 1v1 or a 2v2 or just 4 guys vs bots and some how make it possible through the Skirmish Menu. This could also lead to having the Skirmish menus be an easy way to host a small server per-say for a small group of friends that want to try out the stuff that you can't really access at the moment. Like the Mammoth tank Mk II or flying the A10 / Migs just have options in the Skirmish to be able to allow it. Sure this could be abused but its Skirmish mode. who cares? Not all of us are able to make maps huge respect for though who have the patients to make them though. But really I just want little more freedom in my Skirmish to mess about to my hearts content. Thank you for reading and tell me what you guys think?
  6. What would make the reff side more appealing? Sure PP gives alot of benefit but shouldn't having a Income be pretty huge? If we make reff building the only income on the map wouldn't that in turn spell defeat for the enemy?
  7. Hey I got a map idea in mind but i'm not good at making maps in renX ( i've only ever been able to make some maps for C&C 3) but the map idea I had changes some of the mechanics of the game alittle. The idea its self is simple Both Nod and GDI bases have Bar/HoN Air/war and ATG/Obby But the interesting thing is. the Two tech buildings we have on the map. Two Tech buildings being.. Power Plant and Refinery So making these buildings immortal and capturable Reff Easy to guess what this does. Gives a team money. Power plant? takes away the cost penalty and powers their defenses. For the sake of Money give both bases a Silo in base so they have some Income but Refinery would always be better for income. The reff could be in the vehicle path the PP in the infantry path so if oen team wins reff and the other wins PP the team with PP has infantry access to the enemy base as their defenses are powered down and would have their defenses up to protect base. Holding the ref gives them a significant income advantage which could allow more tanks on field for bombardment so both teams get advantages over each other. (unless one team own both buildings then its pretty clear who wins) What do you think of this idea? Is someone willing to make this map for me
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