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  1. Oh, I seem not the only one. I, like no one else, understand you Nexus, it was exactly the same story with me. I loved RX, tried a lot of things to help the game, but all my efforts were in vain. I want to say thanks separately to Team Paradise, you constantly supported me and helped me. Thank you for that. I will give all my maps to your possession, perhaps when someone appears who wants to finish them. PS. I have repeatedly heard how RX players accused the players of the old renegade that they did not want to change something, to try a new one “everything was better before”. Only here the RX community turned out to be exactly the same, you do not want to change something, try a new one. After each update, you can hear people who say that everything was better before and there was no need to change anything.
  2. About the FPS. A couple of months ago, when I just started working on the map, the performance issue questioned the possibility of creating this project. The map then had very few objects, but the FPS was already 40. The main reason for this, as it seemed to me then, was that the engine could not use more than two processor cores. Then I even recorded a video where I showed that there is no difference on what to play - the FPS will be low everywhere. As I did not try, but I still did not solve this problem. As a result, I was forced to look for other ways to raise the FPS. Most of the load at that moment was caused by draw calls, on average there were about 5000. 3500 gave the landscape, 1500 trees, of which there were about 1500 on the map and the rest of the meshes. First, I solved the problem with trees that for some reason spawned as a separate mesh, rather than as an instance. As a result, I was able to put 16,000 trees, which consumes only 300 draw calls. Then I tried to solve the problem with the landscape, which I didn’t completely solve. But now he gives out 300 drawing calls and I have the opportunity to reduce it to 40 if the problem with holes in the landscape is solved. As a result, there are now 700 rendering calls on the map on average, and the FPS holds about 100. I also have a couple of trump cards that can add about 10 FPS in the final version of the map. Now the main problem is not drawing calls, but Tick Time in world Tick Time, which requires 2 times more resources to process than graphics. I doubt that this can be fixed at all, only if forced to use all the processor cores. I assume that when there are 20 people on the map, the FPS should not drop below 70.
  3. As for me it’s possible, but I don’t think that anyone will want to create this mode )
  4. The map weighs a lot since I use a lot of my models and textures. The number of lightmaps is also very large.
  5. If the bots were smarter then I would make paths all over the map. But now they are stupid, some do not even want to leave the base
  6. I will not make paths to silo and comm, only between bases
  7. Yep WorldMachine and auto material
  8. Gaming PC and notebook V90712-192750.mp4
  9. I once wrote about the problem when the FPS fell for unknown reasons. I did not get an answer then, and it was not critical. But now, when I with SilentKnight make a big map for a custom event - this has become a big problem. We sometimes have 25 fps on the map. Initially, I thought it was caused by a large number of polygons. I reduced them as much as I could, my LODs and the culling are very large but this does not help. Turning on monitoring, I discovered that when I have 25 FPS, then the video card load does not reach 30%, and the processor is 20%. What is the problem, how to fix it?
  10. I think that you can not forbid people to direct missiles at the beacon . Unless you can make a limit on the number of missiles, for example, no more than one missile every 30 seconds. The problem is that people do not know how to neutralize missiles, and this is done pretty easily(syd, rave).
  11. Invisible mines inside stones legal? CNC-Under And in HON near MCT?
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