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Everything posted by Gaby3142

  1. Gaby3142

    Team together

    Great moments when i played
  2. Gaby3142


    It was a grenade explosion from the grenade laucher soldier
  3. Hello. I kinda started playing the multiplayer (most of time i played skirmish) and actually i had alot fun, but sometimes are few people to play. Is there some kinda event or specific time where are most people gather?
  4. Gaby3142

    Mendoza time!

    From the album: Team together

    and it fail........
  5. From the album: Team together

    Its the Team Work that counts!
  6. Well......not anymore
  7. hmm why i didnt think about that???! x)
  8. Just tell me ur opinion..... (I played before, i stopped for while. But want to know opinion about it and how game change)
  9. Is possible to chose EVA voice (Nod) from C&C renegade 2002? I like both from renegade x & from 2002. Just wanted to an option where we can chose EVA voice.
  10. Each time i download. it has to download proximiti 6 gb. But i try wait a bit futher when it supose stops at 99%, i´l check . Thanks
  11. hmm but the download starts from 0% again for me
  12. its the new reality...........................
  13. That happens to me has well, but it just stops at 99% then, nothing more happens, try redowload without window´s defender scan real-time
  14. It if we put a device that destroy anything that come at range? With of course with limit....... maybe (2 range devices) Well, but i think it wwould be kinda overpower
  15. You need go to math class again
  16. I´m wondering its AOE, what is the range of its AOE?
  17. I found the solution, no need to reply
  18. I run the game on itel hd graphics, 6 gb ram, itel pentium, but o low resolution, still idk why i can run the game on max graphics (except shadow´s) but on low resolution. For the some reason why i can run Cod MW3 on high resolution but on Cod mw2 on medium low resolution. Well i played before but i´m trying reinstaling again
  19. The emp grenade dont shutdown the stealth mode of "stealth Black Hand"?
  20. Hello. Is it necessary to shutdown firewall to make the installation? I´m still tying installing but doesnt work.
  21. I would love to see the campaign remastered. Still i understand it requires such work to make the campaign, has "HIHIHI" said above this thread, i gotta agree. Making the multiplayer i belive it took alot of work and effort for them. I personaly loved how the multiplayer was remastered, and still today bringing new´s patches & new things its pretty impressive. " It would be A LOT of work and time, which would honestly be more beneficial being used to improve multiplayer."- HIHIHI
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