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About N1Nikita

  • Birthday 01/24/2004

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  1. Nevermind, I became able to login after my IP changed, looks like my IP was in some kind of blocklist.
  2. Yeah, I have the same issue: clicking "Join" on most servers from in-game server browser just doesn't work as well as joining from the launcher.
  3. N1Nikita


    Thank you so much! It's time for me to become a programmer
  4. N1Nikita


    I know that post is old enough, but links are broken. I cannot access tutorial :(
  5. what compatibility mode settings should I use? P.S. there is the log of the launcher when it crashes (there may be some text in Russian) 27-51-2018 - 15-51-33-Application.log
  6. Привет всем русским! (если такие есть) Я открыл свой Discord сервер по Ренегату и его модам/ремейкам. Если есть желающие пообщаться, заходите к нам! Ссылка на Discord сервер UPD: Ok, I think this is necessary not only for Russians... You can join our server too, and you can talk in #eng or #renx (here can be Russians xD) chats! This is translation:
  7. It is just test.
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