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Everything posted by CommanderConnery

  1. lmao
  2. for a game with a small playerbase like this, it needs AI for it to be playable when theres no one online, but the ai is as stupid as a screen door on a submarine. will this ever be fixed?
  3. actually its just an M1 Abrams, since it only has the 105mm cannon
  4. are any maps not in the vanilla game used?
  5. yea my whole headset shakes when it happens, thats not supposed to happen
  6. can the rank up sound be set to change with the sfx slider too please? that damn thing also shakes my headset
  7. like god damn it shakes my headset its so loud
  8. the only annoying thing is when your airfield/weapons factory dies 5 minutes in
  9. i just heard about this game, i played a match of skirmish, its cool, but do people still play the multiplayer?
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