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Posts posted by limsup

  1. On 12/25/2022 at 6:44 AM, isupreme said:

    Why you no bots?

    Probably for the reason of bots crashing the game server. It has been an issue even in the vanilla version since a year or two, until there are means and resources to mend that first, I don't think many servers - if any - would enable bots.

  2. 1 hour ago, DeweyCheatum said:

    I can't find the file :(

    Seems that the domain change has broken a few links. I have raised this issue to staff, hopefully it will be remedied soon.

    The map, however is available here:


  3. On 9/18/2019 at 3:12 PM, UDKBrasil said:

    If GDI decides to seal Comm to topple one of the three buildings, its REF and PP will be vulnerable in the silo's path. If Gdi prefers Silo, Bar is vulnerable and vision radar is lost. The same is for Nod if he is silo, will lose his radar and leave three building vulnerabilities. If he is comm side he will leave Air and Ref vulnerable.
    This map comes down to the effort of the faster thinking team, but I won't make it tiring.

    Any plans to finish the map? RenX has not many new maps, would be lovely if this could get into a playtest ready state :) 

  4. On 4/26/2022 at 11:46 AM, Coredeath said:

    Some units have only like 2 or 3 lines but say, the SBH or LCG for Nod has what, 7? Where as my poor Shotgunners, Soldiers and Rocket Soldiers have only 3 =(

    Developers too have their own favourite units, the reflection of which you saw in the taunt menu ^_^

    On 4/26/2022 at 11:46 AM, Coredeath said:

    I could go on but even if there's even a little bit more variation in units lines when they take damage, destroy vehicles, die etc for me that'd be great. More immersive!


    On 4/26/2022 at 11:46 AM, Coredeath said:

    And to be honest, to all you sneakers to my base who think I don't see you when I'm on guard duty, I do, in fact, see you, and I want to have a bit of fun with you first~

    In my own humble opinion, you should be the icon in the Purchase Terminal for the Shotgunner - never seen anyone else on your level with that character, giving a spanking to $1K units with it and fumigating SBH-s all the time 😁

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/21/2022 at 4:38 AM, AshbyJones said:

    I wonder if Totem Arts has the same devs that worked on Project Longhorn…?

    ha 20 year old reference burn

    I was in the Longhorn closed beta, if that matters :ph34r:




    • Like 2
  6. On 1/10/2022 at 9:50 PM, Quinc3y said:

    There is a list on wiki :)


    I enjoy the term "clicker". It refers to the few highly skilled infantry players who enjoy farming kills. I can't quite remember who came up with it, but I remember that the first time that I heard it was on a PUG, when the guy on my team said "clicker down!" with this enthusiasm in his voice, and only after I heard it a few times did I realize what he meant by this. (Now that I think about it, it could have been @Akbaro?) Sadly, this term didn't really stick around and I don't see it used much.

    I think it was indeed him, he did close quarter combat and was endlessly frustrated when he died to a sniper before he could close the distance between them xD 

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/22/2021 at 11:40 PM, isupreme said:

    I got to think this is already known... but just in case....

    Today on Walls, when i exited my light tank next to the "scaffolding" by the wall - i got exited into the interior of the scaffolding and I could not find a way out.   

    Bummer.  But ya almost got to expect that kind of thing to don't ya?       o0


    Tell me about it... We were trapped INSIDE the wall with Gliven once =D 

    • Haha 2
  8. I've played overwhelmingly public games. At times we have fun people there not tryharding, enjoying a lighter game, with some socializing & banter in chat. Since the game has not a huge playerbase and consequentially no matchmaking, games can become very frustrating. You just have to be lucky to have such a light and enjoyable match as a lot of factors can break that.

    For PUG-s, I've only played a single one and don't plan to do anymore. Too fast paced, too stressful for my old bones :)

    (If anyone wonders: though we've won 2 out of 3 games that PUG under Gliven's command and I was best support both times, its too much excitement for me)

    In a nutshell: if anyone wants to play competitively, if they love fast paced games, go play PUGs (CT discord on Fridays, RenX discord on weekends at the moment).

    If you want less competitive, more easy paced games, seek out a public server during PUG times ^_^

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  9. 11 hours ago, dabigma said:

    Please note. On a serious gameplay changing decision you should reminder talk factual. And if you cant do it then leave. Thanks!

    What is not factual dagigma? And why are they not on subject?


    11 hours ago, dabigma said:

    also your implying iam "against it". Dont know what you mean.

    Maybe this? ->

    On 7/14/2021 at 10:24 AM, dabigma said:

    Please someone close the comment section.

    Plus you titling everyone else's' comments unproductive.

  10. Why? Comments are on subject, this is a valid subject and a Forum is as its name implies, for encouraging discussion and exchange of ideas. If you're against that, why post about it here in the first place?

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